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Hi. I like photoshopping stuff.

Gallery of Stuff

Almanac of Stuff

Zombot Sphinx-inator 2.0

SPEED: Hungry

The destroyer of plants from the ancient sands, reborn and ready to kick grass.

Special: missle attack can create tombstones   To add that extra bit of wickedness to the Sphinx-inator 2.0 Dr. Zomboss literally took the first one and added the Tomorrow-tron's legs. He's still not going green, though.

Anchor Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Throws an anchor to the farthest Plant in his lane.

When Dr. Zomboss made him bring one of the Zombot Plank Walker 1.0's anchors into battle, he knew he was in for serious arm spasms.

Zombot Plank Walker 2.0

SPEED: Hungry

The plant plundering privateer of the high seas, back with a vengeance.

Special: cannon can rain down imps past your defenses   Dr. Zomboss dreams that, an alternate reality, he'll have an army of Plank Walkers. Ones that fire giant mouth lasers. Ones that can summon pirates from all across time. Ones that have 6 Strength, 6 Health, Strikethrough, an- Wait...

Conehead Bug Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Bug carries cone-clad zombie in over ground defenses and lifts him over barriers.

It's even aerodynamic! The cone, not the zombie.

Buckethead Bug Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Bug carries bucket-clad zombie in over ground defenses and lifts him over barriers.

You can upgrade an Adventurer Zombie with all sorts of fancy goodies, but at the end of the day, he's still just an Adventurer Zombie.

Jetpack Conehead Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Boosts to float over all but the tallest plant barriers. Also, he has a cone. Special: floats over low plants, boosts over most other plants. Weakness: tall blocking plants

All 2121 model head-cones come with Headlock™ technology to ensure a comfy cone experience, even while flying.

Jetpack Buckethead Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Boosts to float over all but the tallest plant barriers. Also, he has a bucket. Special: floats over low plants, boosts over most other plants. Weakness: tall blocking plants

You know it's about to go down when buckets go up.

Zombot Dark Dragon 2.0

SPEED: Hungry

The desolator of all, from dark times. Now comes in revenge flavor.

Damage: fire breathing attacks destroy plants Special: lobbed fireballs can hatch Imp Dragon Zombies   With a rumble of destruction, Dr. Zomboss forged his Dark Dragon 2.0 in the heart of a bigger, badder volcano. Then he tempered the beast in the chilled waters of the Reservoir of Revenge. Finally he fed its furnace with coal from the Mines of Morbidity. And the paint job - that was done by Carl. Again. Jeez, can't this guy get a break?

Time Wizard Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Summons zombies from different times to do his bidding. Summonable Zombies: Ra Zombie, Seagull Zombie, Prospector Zombie, Hunter Zombie, Parasol Zombie, Jetpack Zombie, Jester Zombie, MC Zom-B, Jurassic Bully, Surfer Zombie

Before, he was just a regular old Wizard Zombie, but now he's a Wizard Zombie with time travel powers! Time travel powers! How does he do it? HOW?