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About me

Hello fellow Memers, I'm glad you visited my page! Granted you don't you don't have too much to look at, but I'm sure you'll find something about me. Enough with that, let me introduce my self:

Favorite color: Yellow

Favorite food: Don't really have one

Favorite punctuation mark: The comma

Favorite plant: Blover

Favorite zombie: Wannabe Hero

Favorite meme: What kind of question is that, anyway!?

My favorite pages

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  • Favorite page #2
  • Favorite page #3

My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

Tell the other users on the wiki what Plants vs. Zombies games you have!

(Plants vs. Zombies, Plants vs. Zombies 2, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare (1&2), and PvZ Heroes.