
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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About me

-Human being


-Thinks fisherman zombie is a profitable market.

My favorite pages

My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

I have finished Plants vs Zombies and i play Plants vs zombies 2 International, Chinese and Plants vs zombies All stars. Played a little of Adventures. Plays PvZ Heroes

To do list:

Ordered from least important to most important:

Become a character in someone's history

Watch the finale of my favorite cooking show

Grow a beard and a mustache

Have a constant greeting when i enter chat

Learn more about dark energy and dark matter

Moderate the dankiness of chat with a dank tank

Have a steam authenticator


Good people

Everyone that enters the chat on a regular basis and talks to me and buddies about any theme of discussion is a good person to have in the chat and is welcome to be a friend.

My history on this.

Back in the end of 2014 i ended up joining this wiki. I had been playing the game since before the far future update and came ocasionally here to check up about new things about it and other trivia facts that i didn't know about plants back then. The far future page contained only some concept arts for mechafootball and a picture of Dr zomboss next to some tesla things saying " Far future ". Not much was known and we used the pvz2 preview videos as database.

I'm not sure when i joined, but i remember it was around BWB part 1 or 2, most probably 2, since i got fisherman as my signature zombie. I have been checking the wiki for some time during dark ages part 1 thinking about the amount of new plants for part 2.

At the start, i used the fisherman's almanac entry picture for profile pic, back then i was kinda not popular (and i'm still not) and remember very few people, if not, nobody from this epoch. I remember once some people gathered and done some ships on the love calculator site and it was fun, including a fish guy and other wintermelons and Winter Magnet. We then used to discuss future pvz2 updates and thinking about Frostbite caves

Back then i didn't know how to download soft releases, but i remember one guy did a livestream about FC part 1 so i decided to check it out. It took about 3 hours to finish the livestream and i was really enjoyed when it came out, after Big Wave Beach, we thought Popcap was crazy when doing unbalanced stuff, i really liked hurrikale and the other plants.

One day, i was playing pvz2 normally, i was trying to get some trivia facts about hurrikale and decided to do it in Dark Ages - Night 18. Everything was going smoothly and i got some cool facts that didn't matter that much. But then, all of sudden, my game froze. I'm not sure if it was because of jester reflect of hurrikale or anything else, but it froze the entire device and i had to wait some hours til the battery went out

Everything was ok then, i used to think about some plant designs and stuff, but when i checked my device and opened the game, i got a surprise: It was asking for my name. In this terms, it means that I'VE LOST ALL OF MY DATA. I had closed my game and even rebooted the device, nothing worked, not even google and stuff.

I then decided to ask for help on my last resort company: this wiki, but sadly, it didn't matter a lot since some people reported the same problem and nobody came up with a solution. I was very sad and frowned, asking myself "Why?" or "How?" . A few days have passed through, people were discussing more about FC part 2 and i was just jealous.

I even had Ghost pepper and Sweet potato, back then, Ghost pepper was one of the best plants in the game and very few people had it, including me. Same with sweet potato, so we had a lot of possibilities to test out it's cases and misconcepts. Tho i lost everything.

Now you must be asking yourself, Why didn't i hack the game to get stuff? Back in my time, the old days, we weren't very aware of this hacking thing, the only thing we knew was what popcap said and soft releases, our hacking wasn't at a very high levels, but we managed to get X-shot (now rotobaga) and stunion on the upcoming content page.

Then i left the wiki. There was no actual reason to stay there when there was no solution for my problem and nobody were disposed to help me. Months passed and when i saw PvZ2 on google play or even remembered it out of nowhere, i just pretended i had abandoned it forever. And so on it went, the more time passed, the more i knew that i wouldn't be able to reach the game's current state or even get my gems and plants to where i stopped.

One day, or we could say, one night i had a dream. I was playing pvz2 with some plants in an undentified world. Even tho i don't remember a lot of it, it inspired me. I stopped caring about my past experience in the game and began one single goal: Hack pvz2, in any possible way, to get everything back to where i was at. At first, i sucked at that and very few videos worked

Then i learned the tactics and files. My goal was to either get my data back or to change to a hacked pp.dat with everything. At this time we were at JM part 1 or maybe NMT part 2 close to JM part 1 release. I watched a bunch of videos and learned a lot about pp.dat exchanging and the game's internal files, even tho i couldn't successfully do it. I asked a hand in chat and everything was fine

Everything was pretty good, i had a pp.dat with unlimited everything, but i kinda just wanted a small loan of a million coins, some gems and the plants, and i got a pp.dat of FC part 2, so i didn't miss a lot and could play the other worlds without spoilers. It was pretty sweet to discover the new features of LC and NMT and the difficulty ramp was pretty good to my long time sharpened skills

Then i came to chat. I started to talk a lot more and become more active, and i kinda left the forums and stopped posting on them. People were more appreciable and we were back in november 2015. I don't remember a lot of people of this period, but i remember that they are pretty much the common people on chat nowadays.

One day, this certain guy "Vebros" came into chat and asked me in PM if i had a pp.dat to spare and that he has lost his for like 2 times. It was that time i noticed a coincidence between what happen to me and to him. I gave him the link for the 3 pp.dats i knew about and tried to help him the most. I asked him if he ever got any better pp.dats, he could contact me and i would be eternally grateful

Hours later, he came up with a pp.dat from "Mr Bossinator" that was pretty good, had a decent amount of coins and gems, and had also all the plants. I accepted it and thanked him a lot. I started to get track of a lot of things that happened during my ausence, the more i was active, the more i was known on chat.

Then more people started to appear, and i even got a new profile pic, that i'm using right now, made by WintahMelon18 that boosted my confidence. And more people came, i already knew vebros, then i know Electric Plants, Snapdragon717, ErnestoAM, CitronFire3, zhangus, ErnestoAM and Coolyoyo33 (gosh that's a lot of people).

By that time, we used to discuss a lot about MD part 1 and proceeding that, part 2. I did some jokes and used to link "Will it blend" videos on chat. Then i met Elemec, Itsleo20, Pumpkin skelhead and Mage general chrsyallis (Now Marcia Aeris) and TheCoolLittlePeashooter, that compose my group of "Recently known" people. They are as good as the other generation and til today are still pretty cool people

For now, i'm not sure if people like my presence on chat or not. I just talk, or maybe i don't talk. I no longer have interest in PvZ2 or any of it's games, but i still know what's going on on them, and can pretty much have an opinion on that. I'm currently researching some memes and their origins (notably the almighty "dat boi", our dankest meme)

I'm glad you've read that far, here, have a cookie! (cookies are only awarded to those who read the whole thing)