
From Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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About me

Im normally a nice guy until someone really annoys me. then I start writing in capital letters until I calm down.

My Favourite Plants

ShamrockA.png This user's favorite plant is Shamrock.


Hypno-shroom2.png This user's favorite plant is Hypno-shroom.


My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

Plants vs. Zombies, Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time,

Plants vs. Zombies Wiki : Total Chaos

Reapeageddon has reported that spammers and Vandalisers are being commanded by Paraplanta and Jooaoaoo. Both Users Want Revenge from being blocked so they are trying to reach the BlockGround Playground to Unblock themselves. Itsleo20 , Starfruity and ScourageCustomPlants are Defending the BlockGround PlayGround when Rx2MikeyWikia reports that Brainulator9 and Agent Andrew Martins (he probally deserved it anyway)have been Taken Down by a Category 5 Spammer. EMPeachy4 Says ThisUserLikesOreos Has been Captured by a Category 3 Vandaliser.