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Gosh I'm glad they tried 6 MONTHS LATER to fix this corrupted site, kind of late initiative, but eh, whatever, they do what they do.

Who the heck is LarryMoments?


Ok, seriously (No, its really not) I LOVE roleplaying, actually, I´m on TONS OF RP´S! ITS UP TO ME! I pretty much love music, just game ones (Don´t get triggered WUT?) I already have minded of beign addicted to that freaking game, its just so ADDICTIVE! OK ITS ON! YAY! Ok, back to normal, its just that I love music a LOT!


Cartoons I like:

  • Phineas and Ferb
  • Wander Over Yonder
  • Fish Hooks
  • Probably something more lol I don't watch too much

My favorite pages (I don´t have any lol)

  • Roleplaying wikia (Which is dead)
  • Roleplaying forums (Deaf AF)
  • Roleplaying branch (Press f to pay respects)

My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

Plants vs Zombies, Plants vs Zombies 2, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2, Plants vs Zombies Heroes.

My Friends (Wich all appeared on the same place at the same time)

YammaYammer21: A common pal on the Roleplaying Forum, just see his creativiness blows you with his characters! He is really intelligent with his corrections.iNtELliGenT wITh hIs cOrReCTiOnSA

BoltBlizzard: Our greatest ABakaLord of Roleplaying! This guy is always on the funny side, I really enjoy roleplaying with him. Also, I have many things in common with him, he is like a good copy of me! [s] And I don't have a brother in real life... :v A

PEASHOOTERFAN: This one, RIGHT HERE, is the master creator of the master roleplays, his RP are AMAZINGLY RAD, also its a funny guy no pun indeed like Overcast and Attempt of the Lost, always with a great plot within! (Anddddd he is gone indifenitely)

My RP´ers

Y´know, I´m a RP guy, I LOVE roleplaying, and here are the character´s that I have been using from here.


Karla Puffgroom

A pretty positive Witch Hazel, wich had a bit of a dark past on the 2nd Plantical War, with her parents beign captured, and her exposed to evil experiments, one of those leading to her actual hair, just composed of electricity of Lightning Reeds, she is completely emotional, she can be very happy but sometimes really sad, but her boyfriend, the Magnet-Shroom Radon, is always on her side, beign just the core of her life, but also the happyness magnet of her...

First Appearance: Section-1 Chapter 2

Chuck Rones (Dino-Roar Grass)

Karla´s old friend from childhood, he is always willing to protect her and her friends, but as he is against aggressors and assassins everywhere, he might lose the mind and begin hitting everyone who tries to hurt his "family", he is pretty good with technology, having a small spider mech called "Spidey".

First Appearance: Section 1- Chapter 3


Beck is a Blover that passed through a very bad childhood, filled with delinquence and robberies, just by her sister forcing her to make them, after she was found uncounsious at the hospital entrance, she has been having some bad starting moments and feelings about herself, but seems that she is getting a lot of support from Kaley, and especially Kokai, who passed a similar but worse way.

Attempt of the Lost

Tibby Casinwell

A Plucky Clover, wich is known by beign a really famous DJ, but after his DJ Parner died, he is completely willing and able to return her to life no matter what, he is a pretty good person, but after his DJ Partner death, he isn´t the person that he was, he has a completely weak and shy side, but always trying to help.

Graciela Rootull

A Wing-Nut, with a very high aspiration of a Scout Leader, beign the leader of the Intergalactic Explorer's Scouts she is always willing to give a hand or help with a situation, but her past life was really painfull, since nobody was straight supporting her career as an assistant, she tends to be over-reactive by this, since she doesn't wants to get into a problem of not helping anyone.

The Skullcrane Expedition (My own RP!)


A Plantern that is really fascinated of games, but its shyness is debided of that, he didn't really made friends at school, since by his psicological inner, the doctor reccomended him to write on a diary his feelings, since he can't really tell anyone about them. However, he has a really kind heart, especially to a girl called Isaira, wich makes he blush up to oblivion.

Treesa Yolbut

This Gravitree has just made a simple step, but that simple step of a familiar travel leaded her to her parents beign kidnaped by an unknown tribe, she is kind of a tsundere, really hard from ouside, and especially since she was the tough girl at school, but soft from inside, some of her poor care when small leaded her to have Nyctophobia or beign afraid of dark places

Sandra Sweetall

The Sweet Potato and the Leader of the Expedition, this mother of the little Plantern won't stop forward of the family heredation, beign an Expedition Leader, since the tradition started from her Grand-Grandfather, the tradition kept until today's day, but his son, Dreiky, is a bit of a lazy, so she really wants to make him a real leader, expect to her to be very friendly towards their dear Expeditioners, except Dreiky, since she wants to teach him a bit of a lesson, to make him understand the thing that makes her a good leader....

Cefalo Buttergroom

Cousin of Karla Puffgroom, shy, quiet, small, but really adorable Iceberg Lettuce, though with a dark past he is never going to tell, since he left home by the poor situation of his family, with his Mother widow and having a lot of brothers is never easy to live around sowing seeds at everyone. Someone must get his life for something.

Vicky Vamptail

Sister of Sandra and Dreiky's Aunt, and also the black sheep of their family, wich does all the contrary, steals valious artifacts just for her. After beign kicked from his house, she gained some magical powers from a course of magic, giving this Vampire Flower some serious power. After stealing a magical wand she is alive and kicking! Wanting to gain the Staff of Origination at any cost for total domination.