User:Lil Shroomy

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Scallywag imp

Scallywag imp is one of legendary characters.For me imp is a best atacker and defenser.Also he is best trolling machine.Scallywag imp is a goo
Just for fun
d character, but he is legendary and it's only problem! Some people says that he is bad, some that he is good. But for me personaly, he is best imp and one of the best characters in the game.

About abilities and damage

People says that Scallywag imp has same atacke as Pilon imp.Yes, it's true because they have same trajectory. And they shoots canonly. He has damage nearby 20-25 from his Looty shooties. But his z-mech is the best ability what he has(and also other imps).So about his abilities: firs two abilities are common, it's gravity granade and impkata. And the last ability, is the most interasting one. Scallywag call. Scallywag mech has 400 health. Scallywag mech has got good damage from his cluster cannon, around 30 in shotgun mode and about 45 in sniper mode. Scallywag has two abilities, peg leg kata and crusty gigabomb. Per leg kata works same as imp kata, but has more damage. One shoot - 50 damage.And crusty bomb has around 225 damage. And he also have a legendary ability Yohoho mode.

How to get Scallywag imp

You can get Scallywag imp from this packs:

Amazing brainz pack

Wondrous Pack of Greathess

Frontier fighters.

Harder way:

The Gnomiverse and score minimum 10,000.

Other way:

Buy a part of Scallywag imp in Rux Bazar

Or donate

Whats almanac writes about Scallywag imp?

After having eaten all the cannons on his captain's ship, Scallywag Imp was forced to walk the plank. With just enough power in his butt-booster cannons he hovered his way back to shore. He now has his own ship on land and aspires to someday be a captain!