User:Melvin12042007/Random almanac entries

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Steampunk Era

Labor Zombie

SPEED: Basic

New-hired worker zombie.

Labor Zombie always have his empty hands to fix the factory's moving machines, and he did it.

Labor Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Bored of normal plastic cone, decided to arm himself with a cone that made out of wooden fences.

Labor Conehead got promoted to a higher status because of his roadcone dangling around his head, despite it was made out of wooden fence. Also, for some reason, he lose his hat and need to find it somewhere.

Labor Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Labor Buckethead wears a forge-sticked bucket to make him more fashion in modern industry.

Labor Buckethead always asking his forger to forge an iron bucket for him. However, the forge also sticked onto the bucket for some reason. He's also lost his hat as well, similar to Labor Conehead.

Labor Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His England flag marks a huge wave of marching factory workers.

After a huge revolutionary on England, Labor Zombie decided to lead his army by raising his England flag and waves it around, announcing that he's going to fight in war, again.

Cyclops Imp

SPEED: Basic

Proceed from sewers and Foreman Gargantuar, and then step forward to your library house.
Weakness: His cyclops goggle able to light up darkness on his way.

After being stuck from a sewer after 11 days, Cyclops Imp finally getting out from it with his goggles. Unfortunately outside the sewers, there was a fog rambling his way.

Foreman Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Aggressive zombie who always broke machines in order.
Special: Throws Cyclops Imp when getting damaged.
Damage: Crushes plants with his chimney.

Foreman Gargantuar always crushing all machines out from his way, because he's a jealous soldier who doesn't care about anything, judging with his costume.

Gentlemen Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Flies over most plants, specifically three tiles, only once.
Weakness: Blover and Hurrikale (need to blow away his umbrella).

  • gently eating brain noises*

Furnace Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Explodes on contact, depending which temperature he goes to.
Special: The clock hanging on his neck indicates which temperature he's in, when being attacked by both fire plants and ice plants.

If you ask him "Hot environment or cold environment?", he will say "Both." all the time. Yet because his furnace was basically a comically-large termometer, which wires to a clock hanging on his neck.

Coal Miner Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Hungry

Coal Miner Zombie shoves down all of his carried coals to the ground, then wheelbarrows forward.
Weakness: Fire plants will overheat the coal overtime.

He always working everyday to get his coal from the mineshaft. Unfortunately for about a year.

Heian Era

Japanese Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Your average zombie from Japan, being commanded by Samurai Gargantuar.

Japanese Zombie was on his journey to rescue his sister from some sort of villain in black cloak. Yet he forgot about his sword, but turns out he owns it on his butt all along.

Japanese Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Wears a cone with a white stain on top, make him looks like a mountain from a huge distance.

This guy does not have any weapons, yet he only has a road cone armor for a protection. However, he's powerful with his main melee attack: The Fist.

Japanese Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

His bucket provides even stronger and stiffer protection, yet despite it was made out of... wood.

Thriving from a fish farm, Japanese Buckethead caught himself a pufferfish. And where he get all of his money from, with catching few pufferfishes? By selling them to ninjas as weapons for them.

Japanese Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His flag marks a huge wave of undead samurais.

His flag doesn't mean for war or anything, it means for peace, yet there was a brain on it. "It's just a mistake" he asks.

Fireworks Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Fireworks Zombie's powerful tube was able to set plants on fire and has a limited ammo. When he rans out of ammo, he will reload it again with gunpowders.
Special: Reloads ammo if he launch them few times.
Special: Burning plants on contact.
Weakness: Water Lotus and Winter-mint's family plants.

Fireworks Zombie was a mastery of firework industry since Heian Era. He invents a firework tube which can send off fireworks to the sky. Unfortunately, the firework lands on the ground and set grass on fire. What a knockjob.


TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Is being summoned by any means: smoke bombs, Samurai Gargantuars, and more. Occasionally throw pufferfish at plants.
Weakness: Splitting Stephania.

Pufferfishes, in his opinion, are natural equipment of spikeballs. But other people thought that it was weird to have one and throw them around.

Sushi Chef Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Sushi Chef Zombie launch sushis up into the air and they will land on the ground until the zombie eats them all.
Special: Each type of sushis have different side effects when zombies consume them.

Sushi Chef Zombie has learnt his cooking skills on Mount Fuji and serves most famous sushis among the zombies. These sushis very attractive to them, although they do not fulfill the hunger of brains of zombies.

Samurai Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

The toughest Gargantuar of them all, training every single zombie to do some samurai fights.
Special: Throws Ninjimp when getting damaged.
Damage: Crushes plants with his ginormous kendama.

Samurai Gargantuar owns his kendama when he was young, and then switch to the bigger ones right now. The kendama that he holds now weights for about 1000 jun and it was super expensive to buy. Luckily he has a lot of money to buy it, so doubt it.

ZCorp Inc.

Gargimp Legal

SPEED: Hungry

Role over her department and she was Head Office Impgantuar's assistant, who lives on her back.
Special: Throws Head Office Impgantuar when getting damaged.
Damage: Crushes plants with her wooden bat.

Most zombies haven't seen a female Gargantuar before in their lives, not to be confused with Hair Metal Gargantuar, who has a long hair, despite it was a male one (not the female one).

Head Office Impgantuar

SPEED: Basic

The boss of ZCorp Inc, always spilling his coffee mug to the ground.
Special: Extinguish ice plants.

Head Office Impgantuar already suffered in his previous body posture, but he's fine now.

Corporator Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Normal-everyday employee working on a corporation, always hold his mug on.

Not a single word to be spoken out from his mouth when there was a discussion in his meeting chat. He never talks, everyday, when he was being an employee of the month.

Corporator Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Invents a cone armor by attaching bullet pins on a small notebook.

His custom-made cone wasn't his idea, it's someone else's idea to make him do that.

Corporator Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Wears a not-so-ordinarily trash can: it's made out of iron.

"Always recycling your buckets if they got damaged."

Contractor Zombie

SPEED: Basic

A rude employee that always asking her manager, basically everyone.

Keep in mind, she was angry not only because she stressed a lot during her work. But she also angry in a situation where the printer was broken.

Contractor Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Borrows contractor's handmade roadcone for a single living.

She gets a quote from her boss that she overused the handmade cone too much, for a long time. And that was expired for few months.

Contractor Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Also using the trash can from Corporator Buckethead for an obvious reason.

Being a huge teammate between her career and Corporator Buckethead, they always on a good run, especially in meetings and working together.

Branding Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His flag marks more employees being hired to his company.

During modern times, Flag Zombie always getting a "brain" picture on their flags, and it was super boring. Since that issue was still available on his mind, he invents a new flag design with a logo of his company, and that the new legionary of flags began to spread to all zombies.

Zombie Consultant

SPEED: Hungry

Zombie Consultant tableflips zombies to different directions, up and down, above or below her.
Special: Switches directions after few walks or few seconds.

Zombie Consultant sells coffee mugs and toss them to every employees, especially the hired ones. Simply because she also work on a cafe. But the question is, which company did she get all money costs the most?

Bungee Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Back to the business, Bungee Zombie drops his laptop on plants after hacking on it.
Special: Hacked laptops have different effects when being dropped from his hands.
Weakness: Umbrella Leaf

Bungee Zombie was back on business, and he remembers Zombie Consultant being his friend when he was a kid. Now he joins together in a brand-new era, where he was a grown up (now).

Office Chair Racer

SPEED: Stiff

Office Chair Racer giving some fun experience to all zcorp teams by charging up at light speed until he launch himself after the chair collides onto a plant.
Special: The plant will be killed after colliding with the chair he rides on.

He's from Japan.