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Physics are a real-life branch of science, which is subject to every game that has an environment, including the Plants vs. Zombies series. Naturally, the physics in the game sometimes defy real physics. However, sometimes, they contradict their own physics. This page lists those examples.

Zombie Bull Rider

  • The Zombie Bull Rider can survive the turbulence of riding the Zombie Bull and the strength of the throw, which is not only stronger than Imp Cannon's launch, but also always ends with being slammed against a Tall-nut or sliding on the floor to deccelerate.
    • This is fine, but vertical falls seem to be a problem. If the Zombie Bull Rider falls a mere amount of 2 feet, it will die. Falls from the Wild West Gargantuar(probably about 10 feet at least) seem more logical although the survival of a strong wall slam still makes it dubious.

Lily Pad

  • Can support the weight of a Tall-nut, can't support the weight of a Flower Pot.


  • Effectively, it can blow away anything that can be in the air, which amounts to about every zombie but the Zombots and the Imp Cannon. However, it can only do it if they're in the air.
    • "Wait, what?", you may be thinking. Effectively. If it can gust with such strength against objects in mid-air, why doesn't the gust have the same effect on the ground. Do the zombies just magically become of paper when they're in mid-air?