User:Shpore/Leave your thoughts

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Leave your thoughts about me here. Please sign your username or use a wordbubble. No matter how rude it is, it will not be removed unless it breaks rules. All I want is for you to be honest.
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Zombiecrab – Ad Victoriam!
I'm glad that you renovated your Userpage. And dude, you need more self-confidence

 ZOMBIECRAB INCORPORATED®   | Email us!  | Company Newsletter |  Product List |  Production Details | You received this on 05:48 March 31, 2018 (UTC) |   Today is Thursday, 7/4/2024 08:34:54 AM

Dabbing-ump.pngMental Skillness (talk) 08:00, April 2, 2018 (UTC)

you a thot but ily -hana LiteralGarbageCan (talk) 08:30, April 2, 2018 (UTC)

I don't know you but you said to leave [my] thoughts so...

...happy editing? Anonymous230385 Any questions? Wanna talk? 19:40, April 3, 2018 (UTC)

you seem cool.    JungleShark (talk) 22:21, April 4, 2018 (UTC)Ya boi JungleShark