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About me

Hello. I'MMM CRAZY!!!!! ( That's all you need to know)

PVZ I started playing PVZ the week it came out ( My uncle knew George Fan and told me about the app) I loved the game when I played it and played most games in the franchise. My favorite plant is Doom-Shroom and remembered just replaying levels to use it over and over.  My least favorite plant is Chomper. Sure. He eats zombies. But he is so goddam slow! I remember using Chomper for the first time and was like, " I'm unkillable, he literally EATS zombies" and then finding out he was so slow. Doom-shroom, Squash, Cob Cannon, and Jalapeno are MUCH better choices than Chomper, believe me. My favorite Zombie is Disco Zombie. I remember he just looked so goofy, and my first time I used a Hypno-Shroom on him and was like, " HECK YEAH!" and hypnotized one when I got the chance. My least Favorite zombie is Pogo Zombie. Look, I know how you can use a Magnet-shroom and take away his pogo stick. But when I got PvZ, I BARELY used Magnet-Shroom. He always was spawned in a lane with little protection, and I remember countless times where I lost because of that demon POGO zombie.

I have gotten all of the achievements, beat every Mini-Game, and killed over 700,000 zombies.

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My Plants vs. Zombies game(s)

I've played the original Plants Vs Zombies, Garden Warfare, PVZ 2, PVZ heroes, PVZ 3, Garden Warefare 2, and Battle for Neighboorvile ( Probably spelled that wrong)