User:Sir Maxamillian, Legend Hunter

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(Idea from Han0303 for profile, idea from Jackninja5 for gradient) (I have little memory of who either are but I'll take past me's word for it)

My Almanac Entry

Jacqueline the Noblewoman

TOUGHNESS: I can open the pickle jar :3
SPEED: I get to class 2 minutes early (or 30 minutes late)

Jacqueline the Noblewoman has become a seasoned veteran of both the everyday grind and the zombie grind if you catch our drift...

Attack details: Weakness: The slow and inevitable march of time comes for us all... Strength: She'll make a salad of many a plant, just for lunch She likes Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, and The Far Side (some things never change do they). Favorite colours are: purple, silver, and gold.

Cleaned this up so I wouldn't be hell on earth to those few who wish to view my profile, things still don't fit right but I haven't a clue how I made this LOL