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Wiki User Right Discord Owner Discord Admin Discord Moderator Discord Helper
Founder Example User Example User Example User Example User
Bureaucrat Example User Example User Example User Example User
Administrator Example User Example User Example User Example User
Moderator Example User Example User Example User Example User
Discussion Moderator Example User Example User Example User Example User
Rollback Example User Example User Example User Example User

AjaxPoll Test


The following are generic "templates" for content retrieved by people other than me but who have given me permission to upload them on their behalf.


Credits to Hey1mJay for ripping this for me. This is the placeholder icon for [content]

Template Stuff

Template to remove lag


Wordbubble Test

Pakari logo.png
StickSurfer – 98% Fool, 2% Idiot
This is a test

Discord Staff Box

See Template:DiscordStaff

Beta Game Infobox

2C Event Plant Notice

This template will never be used.

This item is only obtainable during certain events and utilizes a different schedule in the Chinese version. However, it can still be used if you have already obtained it. It is currently available.

<noinclude>[[Category:Templates]][[Category:Article management templates]]</noinclude>

Iceberg Lettuce Upgrades

Perk Damage.png
Back DashBfN.png
Frozen enemies take increased damage
Perk Utility.png
Ice Age
Drop a chilly pepper when vanquished.
Perk Damage.png
Winter Is Approaching
Back DashBfN.png
Leave a line of snowflakes in the wake of your Back Dash. Can back dash sideways.

The functionality of this upgrade has not been implemented and does not work.
There I Stand
Shield flies forward instead of being stationary.

This upgrade is broken and cannot be used.

The functionality of this upgrade has not been implemented and does not work.

Another Infobox