User blog:692634/PvZ 2: It's About Time Tournament Idea.

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Hey guys, this is my idea for a tournament and im planned adding date for next update.  

This tournament is are based on Endless Challenge in China Version and AB Epic PvP Arena. And now info.

Game Rules:

- You can lose two times insead of three in PvP Arena.

- You can select at least six plant and any world to play.

- You will start with Sunflower (If you play in any six worlds) or with Sun-shroom (If you play in Dark Ages).

This is all rules, now time for Win Rules. 

Win Rules:

- You must be on Top 3.

- Iw you are 3rd, you win 750 coins.

- Iw you are 2nd, you win 15 gems.

- Iw you are 1st, players without premium plants, it win any premium plant for forever and players with premium plants, it win 1,000 coins and 20 gems.

This is all about my idea. Maybe this tournament will been cool.
