User blog:BF10/Everything Wrong with This Wiki IV: Drama Plague

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Here we are again for another everything wrong for this wiki blog. I have disabled comments here because I'm sure everyone will want to kill me if I did turn them on.

Anyways, we are not talking about Discord. Nor the chat or socks. Nor the lack of staff. This time it's all about the drama. Yes, drama. If you don't want to be triggered for anything I am about to post, you might as well click the back button or close this tab. Otherwise click show on the warning below and continue. Do not get angry at me and try to spam my talk page with your complaints, I already said this might cause a few to be triggered.

2,147,483,647 feet
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OK, now lets get on with this. The first thing to say is the most straightforward: TULO's blog about the Fun and Games board. I am not saying I dislike it, calling it cancer, or any other bullcrap someone may come up with, but it is just a few discussion moderators are attached to it. That's just me, I am trying being neutral here. But then we have those who don't read the whole blog and think TULO is removing Fun and games. It's like watching a YouTube video to only say "First" in the comments. I have read the entire thing before posting. But the worse has to come:

We have two users who are very triggered for even the little things. Called me a s-head and calling giving a warning for that power abuse? Wanting to demote me for this bullcrap? Well, what if someone also called you a craphead? I'm sure that will cause a few to accept it. But for a few, it will instantly trigger them. We are not removing the branch, stop saying it is going to be gone and you are going to frick all the staff for this. Alongside, stop acting like you are the VSTF, because you are not. Giving me a 0/50 for a staff form, however, shows that you are trying to act like a triggered VSTF. That shows a bigger power abuser than "my power abuse".

Why are you saying mainspace is a bad thing? If you want you can try to make a parody of a page that looks like MLG Doge and Youshallnotpasss has messed it up. If mainspace wasn't there, would this then be called a wiki? More like a forum. It is a videogame alright, but that does not mean the entire thing has to be a game. What if the MarioWiki had only games and no info? Same with Undertale wiki or any other popular Nintendo Wiki. Exactly.

CITRONtanker's post is acceptable, just saying how the users would feel if it was removed. It is also calm. However, take another post. They just insult TULO and call him cancer back. Really he is saying only a few people is attached to it, not all of you. Cancer would be like spamming 13+ FNAF playthroughs on a video. So a user like Plasmapea would not be cancer but someone like ThatOneCupcake (who is now inactive) could be.

Spamming all caps and insulting others and saying another person is overreacting? You're only trying to hide yourself from a bigger issue. You can just accept the opinion and not just say "F YOU I WANT YOU BANNED AND GKY". If you want to be calm and stay on the wiki, accept the opinion. If you are going to only say "GKY YOU FUN AND GAMES HATER", then I'm not sure what to say to you.

The main issue is that a few users are heavily immature and if you say one thing they hate, you have already started a fight. Might as well say it for the third time: When someone tries to stop it the users who supports it come up with the most bullcrap reasons to support it.

Thank you of you had read this, especially if you are TULO. This is just to express how the drama is and if it is not toned down, we might as well expect our wiki to go into pieces. By now you might be thinking giving me 0/50 on my staff form because I made this and it suddenly triggered you. If I want to leave the wiki, I can make my choice if the plague does not stop until it is toned down heavily. Anyways, just a way to lower the threat. Do not ask me to turn on comments.

BF10OrdersTipsAttendenceLogs 23:01, June 30, 2017 (UTC)