User blog:CWJ-D/PvZH New Zombie Class Idea: Crafty

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Warning: Currently in further development.

I guess new classes for PvZH are a thing now. Thank you Zombotanist for inspiring me.

As we all know, there are currently 5 classes in PvZH, and each class is different from each other.

Brainy, which focuses on attacking the enemy before it even fights back. Science-based class.

Sneaky, which focuses on surprising the enemy by moving around and using gravestones. Imp-based class.

Crazy, which focuses on doing lots of damage and accumulating lots of strength. Dancing-based class.

Beastly, which focuses on individual stat-boosting and immediate destruction. Pet-based class.

Hearty, which focuses on mass stat-boosting and making zombies last longer. Sports-based class.

But here, I made a post about my idea of a sixth Zombie class. Go read it, I know you want to.

Crafty class

They mess with the enemy by Concealing, Revealing, Smudging, and deck control!

Conceal: Make this Zombie invisible to the opponent. Effect lasts until this Zombie is hurt.

Reveal: The player can view the selected card the same way their opponent does.

Smudge: All information in the card is blacked out. Effect wears off when this is played.

Crafty functions a bit like Brainy and Sneaky in the fact that they try to surprise the opponent to snatch an easy win. However, Crafty does not focus on tricks, nor moving zombies around, but rather meddle with the opponent's strategy, and helping yours by boosting and attacking cards before they are even played, or sly tactics like disguises, invisibility, and more.

Strategic destruction and tearing apart a well-made deck is definitely crafty, right?

The Crafty class is a Professional-based class, but it also features minor tribes like Art, Business, Gaming, Gargantuar, Ghost, History, Imp, Injustice, Magic, Monster, Mustache, Party, Pet, and Science.

The icon for the Crafty class is a vermilion background with the white outline of a playing card.

There are:

5 Basic - Commons

7 Premium - Uncommons

5 Premium - Rares

4 Premium - Super-Rares

3 Premium - Legendaries

3 Galactic - Uncommons

2 Galactic - Rares

3 Galactic - Super-Rares

2 Galactic Legendaries

3 Superpowers

5 Signature Superpowers

5 Heroes

Synergy cards: Professional Gambler, Insurance Head Officer

Cards are arranged in the order of Basic > Premium > Galactic. Premium and Galactic cards are arranged from Uncommon to Legendary. If 2 or more cards have the same rarity, they are arranged from cheapest to most expensive. If 2 or more cards cost the same as well, they are arranged from lowest total stats to highest total stats.


Card Zombie (Basic - Common)

Professional Gaming Zombie

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: None

- A Card Zombie is always a Zombie card, but a Zombie card is not always a Card Zombie.

Casino Worker (Basic - Common)

Professional Gaming Zombie

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When played: Conjure a Card Zombie.

-Don't question why he always gets Card Zombies - it's all in the cards.

Salary Zombie (Basic - Common)

Business Zombie

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Trait: Gravestone

Ability: After this attacks thrice: This does 1 damage to itself.

-Three strikes and he's out.

Office Zombie (Basic - Common)

Business Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Abilities: None

-Simplicity is also a merit. I mean, just look at this guy.

Spy (Premium - Uncommon)

Professional Injustice Zombie

Cost: 2BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When played: Reveal one card in your opponent's hand.

-He spies with his little eye. No, wait, large eye. No, wait, TWO large eyes.

Professional Gambler (Premium - Uncommon)

Professional Gaming Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When a Professional Zombie is played: A random Zombie card in your hand gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png.

-He believes gambling without risk is possible.

Sniper (Premium - Uncommon)

Professional Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: This attacks a Plant card in your opponent's hand instead of attacking in its lane. If your opponent has no cards left, attack in its lane instead.

-Oh baby, a triple! Oh yeah!

Pickpocket (Premium - Uncommon)

Professional Injustice Zombie

Cost: 4BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When played: Destroy a trick in your opponent's hand. Conjure a trick.

-His free hugs are not free at all - He takes payment from you. Illegally.

Importer (Premium - Rare)

Business Imp Zombie

Cost: 2BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 1StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When played and at the start of turn: Conjure a card that is not in your class.

(So if a Crazy / Crafty Hero uses this, Importer will give the Hero a non Crazy / Crafty card at random, with the exception of Superpowers.)

-Wants to see his cousin in the Lost City, but is too busy to do so.

Optical Artist (Premium - Rare)

Professional Art Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When played: Conceal this Zombie, then make a 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png Illusory Optical Artist that says "When played: Conceal this Zombie." This Zombie does not take damage until Illusory Optical Artist is destroyed.

-Became a master of optical illusions because he wanted a friend. Or he's probably nuts from the get-go.

Saboteur (Premium - Rare)

Professional Injustice Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png

Trait: Gravestone

Ability: When the Plant Hero draws a Plant card: That Plant gets -1StrengthPvZH.png.

-That's not called cheating. that's called being...'sab'ulous!

Smuggler (Premium - Rare)

Injustice Business Zombie

Cost: 4BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: When played: Shuffle a Zombomb into the Plant Hero's deck.

(Zombomb's stats don't actually matter because it destroys itself the instant the Plant Hero draws this from their deck.)

-How do you put a Zombomb in a Plant deck? Open the Plant deck, put the Zombomb in, then close it back again.

Insurance Head Officer (Premium - Rare)

Business Zombie

Cost: 5BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/5HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When a Professional Zombie is hurt: All Zombie cards in your hand get +1HeartPvZH.png.

-What kind of insurance doesn't benefit you when you're hurt? This one. Ha ha...

Deck Builder (Premium - Super-Rare)

Gaming Zombie

Cost: 4BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When any card in you or your opponent's hand is Revealed, Concealed, Smudged, hurt, destroyed, or boosted: Draw a card.

-Everyday he's shufflin'.

Enforcer (Premium - Super-Rare)

Professional Zombie

Cost: 5BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 5StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When played: Swap the stats of all Zombies that have more HeartPvZH.png than StrengthPvZH.png with each other. Give those Zombies +1StrengthPvZH.png. If a Zombie has no StrengthPvZH.png, give it +1HeartPvZH.png after swapping.

(So Zombie Coach becomes a 4StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png rather than a 2StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png, and Barrel of Deadbeards a a 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png rather than a 0StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png.)

-Make war, not peas!

Zombie Priest (Premium - Super Rare)

History Magic Zombie

Cost: 6BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/5HeartPvZH.png

Trait: Gravestone

Ability: You and all Zombies are only affected and harmed by direct combat.

(Any trick, environment, or ability that affects you or your zombies has no effect until this zombie is removed from the field.)

-The power of brains compels you!

Dictator Zombie (Premium - Super-Rare)

Monster Injustice Zombie

Cost: 6BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 6StrengthPvZH.png/6HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When played: Destroy all Plants and Zombies that have more StrengthPvZH.png than this. When any Plant or Zombie has or gains more StrengthPvZH.png than this, destroy that Plant or Zombie.

-There's a hole where his soul should be, he's losing control of it, and it's really distasteful.

Invisible Sorceress (Premium - Legendary)

Magic Zombie

Cost: 6BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 5StrengthPvZH.png/5HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When played: Each Zombie is Concealed. Mix them up randomly. When a Concealed Zombie is hurt: That Zombie gets +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2HeartPvZH.png.

-Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know!

Epidemech 5000 (Premium - Legendary)

Science Zombie

Cost: 8BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 5StrengthPvZH.png/5HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When this hurts a Plant, all Plants of the same tribe take the same damage as well.

-"Getting destroyed in another lane and getting destroyed in my lane...are one and the same."

Master of Disguise (Premium - Legendary)

Mustache Magic Zombie

Cost: 8BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 4StrengthPvZH.png/8HeartPvZH.png

Ability: All your Zombies are shown to the opponent as ?StrengthPvZH.png/?HeartPvZH.png Zombies.

(Quite literally, instead of a number, a ? will be in the StrengthPvZH.png and HeartPvZH.png counter of zombies. All attacking animations will be that of a Zombie's. When a zombie excluding this is destroyed, it will reveal what your opponent has destroyed upon its "destroyed" animation. All zombies' disguises will be gone only when this zombie is removed from the field.)

-Am I not Zombie enough for the Zombie club. Zombie, Zombie, Zombie!

Puppeteer (Galactic - Uncommon)

Professional Mustache Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 3StrengthPvZH.png/3HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: A zombie gets the same stats and stat changes as this zombie.


Environmental Artist (Galactic - Super-Rare)

Art Zombie

Cost: TBA

Stats: TBA

Ability: Transform all Plant environments into Zombie environments.

-He didn't say his art was environment-friendly.

Hacker (Galactic - Super-Rare)

Professional Gaming Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png

Traits: None

Ability: Conjure a Gaming card. When a Gaming card is played: All Hackers get +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2HeartPvZH.png.

-He's a hacker, not a cracker, but plants can't find the difference anyway.

(Galactic - Legendary)

TBA Zombie






Poltergeist (Basic - Common)

Ghost Trick

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Reveal one card in your opponent's hand.

-They won't have a ghost of a chance at hiding their cards now. Get it? GHOST of a chance? GET IT? Sorry.

Fog Machine (Premium - Uncommon)

Science Trick

Cost: 2BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Smudge a random card in your opponent's deck.

-A real unclear tactic to use, but it should work nonetheless.

Vanishing Cream (Premium - Uncommon)


Cost: 2BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Conceal a Zombie card in your hand.

-They won't be able to see you. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see them either.

Tetromino (Premium - Uncommon)

Gaming Trick

Cost: 4BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Do 3 damage in a 4-tile formation within a selected 2x4 square.

(Does damage to plants in a random Tetris formation within the 2x4 square)

-Good game! Actually, it would depend on the person playing it.

Art Attack (Galactic - Uncommon)

Art Trick

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Do 2 damage to a plant. Conjure an Art zombie.

-Draw a card. I mean LITERALLY.

Sucker Punch (Galactic - Rare)

Injustice Trick

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Do 1 damage. Do 1 more damage for each plant the Plant Hero has played during the Plants Play phase.

-Who said Sucker Punch is not a punch? Well, it is now.

(Sucher Punch here is literally a jack-in-the-box boxing glove.)

Marvel Trade (Galactic - Super-Rare)

Gaming Injustice Trick

Cost: 2BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Swap a card in your hand with a random card from the entire game.

-Don't act "nice" or "generous" or anything. Do it like everyone else does!


Slope's Peak (Galactic - Rare)

Gaming Injustice Environment

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Plants that were, and get played here get -3StrengthPvZH.png. This environment can be played on the Heights, and is treated as a Ground lane for plants and the Heights for zombies.

-Cabbage-Pult, Skyshooter and Lily of the Valley can't do anything. Well, they just gotta BEAR with it.

Monitoring Lane (Galactic - Legendary)

Professional Injustice Environment

Cost: 5BrainPvZH.png

Ability: When a Crafty zombie is played here: Reveal two cards in your opponent's hand. That zombie gets PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseyeWeird unused PvZH icon.pngOvershoot 2, or PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough.

-They are being monitored. But unfortunately, they are not being whacked by one.


Blinding Haze

Magic Superpower Trick

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Smudge 3 random cards in your opponent's deck. Draw a card.

-All our enemies tried to form strategies without knowing what they've got. They all mist.

Cheer Up

Sports Superpower Trick

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Ability: All Zombie cards in your hand get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png.

-Two, five, nine, eight...Zombies can't count? That's not great.


Business Superpower Trick

Cost: 1BrainPvZH.png

Ability: Make a random Professional or Business Zombie that costs 2BrainPvZH.png or less.

-Now hiring: Any Zombie with a Professional degree or Business experience. Payment: Less than 3 Brains.



-The only one who hacks things like every Zombie should've: technologically.

Class: Brainy / Crafty

Superpowers: Summoning / Cut Down to Size / Hiring

Signature Superpower: Code Corruptor (Science Superpower Trick): Transform a Zombie into another random Zombie from the entire game that costs 6BrainPvZH.png or less.

-01001000 01000001 01000011 01001011 01000101 01010010 00100001 


-He may be dead, but his sneaky senses and intelligence aren't.

Class: Sneaky / Crafty

Superpowers: Super Stench / Dolphinado / Blinding Haze

Signature Superpower: Shadow Screen (Ghost Superpower Trick): Smudge all cards in your opponent's hand and mix them up randomly. Draw a card.

-You can play but you can't read, I'll mess with you until you're dead. that I think about it, that doesn't rhyme.

CEZ Steve

-CEZ Steve causes a lot of boom in this world, and he's having a blast from it.

Class: Crazy / Crafty

Superpowers: Electrobolt / Brute Strength / Hiring

Signature Superpower: Big Bang (Party Superpower Trick): Do 2 damage to all Plants, Zombies, and the Plant Hero.

-And that, my Zombie fellows, is how CEZ Steve creates a brand new universe.


-She had a hard time deciding which name would fit her better: WeaselCorp or Weasel Squad.

Class: Beastly / Crafty

Superpowers: Galvanize / Evaporate / Blinding Haze

Signature Superpower: Weasel Scout (Pet Superpower Trick): A Plant gets -2StrengthPvZH.png/-2HeartPvZH.png. All Plants of the same tribe take +1 damage for the rest of the game.

-Her weasels can definitely do some mean hacking.


-Rumors say that Deadbull once worked in a drink company. Deadbull himself claims that the rumor is totally bull, though.

Class: Hearty / Crafty

Superpowers: Rock Wall / Posessed / Cheer Up

Signature Superpower: TBA



Illusory Optical Artist (Made mainly by Optical Artist)

Professional Art Zombie

Cost: 3BrainPvZH.png

Stats: 2StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png

Ability: When played: Conceal this Zombie.

-"Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy." He despises this saying. Him, Impfinity Clone, Puff-Shroom, and Peal Pal alike. So far, it has been the only thing both Plants and Zombies have agreed together.

Zombomb (Only made by Smuggler.)

(Any other zombie, trick, or environment cannot make this due to its immediate self-destruct trait.)

Gargantuar Zombie

Cost: 5BrainPvZH.png (Immediately destroys itself upon being drawn)

Stats: 4StrengthPvZH.png/1HeartPvZH.png (Immediately destroys itself upon being drawn)

Ability: When drawn from the Plant Hero's deck: The Plant Hero takes 4 damage. Destroy this card after that.

-His dream was to blow up a garden, but a Plant Hero is close enough.

TBA (Made mainly by TBA)


Cost: TBA

Ability: TBA


Comments and feedback would be appreciated, now that it's finished. Have a good day!