User blog:Caesar Eleganza/IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!

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Hooray guys, I'm 17 now!

No.... I'm not.

I'm actually 13 years old.


I started going to the PvZCC when I was 6, in the username of Pvzmaster. Then my brother used it, and I forgot it's password

Chapter 2

I used FinnPvZ8145 as a second account (STILL IN PvZCC), when I was 9.

Reapeageddon - The Golden Age

I started going to the PvZCC Wiki when I was 10, in the year of 2013, as Reapeageddon! Then I stopped using it at May 1st of 2016 due to me wanting a rename

Caesar - New Ages

Welp, I came here at May 1st. Boring stuff now!

Welp, wish me a happy bday, if you want...