User blog:Camwood777/I made the best worst best mistake ever.

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I don't want to see anybody.
Unless it's the man from the circus.
This thread or blog has explicit content that isn't suitable for young audiences. If you don't wish to see such content, please leave this page.

File:We Are Number One but the misery is in the description
EMBEDDED VIDEO: Pure, unfiltered misery & insanity.

Well... It's not really sensitive content; it's less that it's inappropriate, more that I'm pretty sure if little kids watched this mistake of nature, their heads would implode upon themselves out of the pure inability to comprehend such nonsense.

I made a "We Are Number One" meme. Except... It's so long, I have to put the explanation in the description; it wouldn't even fit in a Tumblr ask.

The video should be embedded to the right. You can have fun with that, I suppose. I mean, I dunno. It's your call. But be aware of the health and safety risks. It's like an advertisement for some sorta medicine that makes you wonder if it's really worth taking the pill with all those possible side effects. Speakin' of...

Side Effects of Cam's Memes
Not for the faint of heart, or the faint of butt. Please keep your sanity at the door, and your lawns and/or brains guarded. Watching with minimal sanity is advised, as to minimize the loss of said sanity. Ask your doctor or Heavenly Peach if Cam's memes are right for you.

Side effects may include impulsive consumption of family/friends, inanimate insanity, memory loss, hearing loss, crippling social anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, imploding upon your own physical mortal coil, exploding, becoming a furry, death, and Knuckles.

If your Cam's Memes lasts for more than 4 hours, call your doctor right away. Please don't continue watching Cam's Memes if you start to feel like your brain is melting, or your sanity is depleting rapidly.

Do not watch Cam's memes if you are over 1 nanosecond pregnant. However, please stick around, for I can either redirect you to a Canadian I know, or myself. Don't question how I can redirect you to me, by the way.