User blog:DeathZombi/Plants vs. Zombies Wiki Staff: Hunger Games (preview)

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Hello Ladies and Gents, this is the Zombi of Deathness here. Because I was bored and decided to be a very original person (no one has done it before!, sarcasm), I decided to do a PvZ Wiki Staff Hunger Games, including the Discord Staff too. So how did I place you guys...

First, I put you guys in order based on how the Staff page had it (excluding founders and bots, because the latter are not humans). Then I used a random number generator to sort you guys into place. And that is how you guys were placed.


I used this number generator: 

Screenshot (317).png

Example: Everyone was sorted by how the Staff page was formatted. Brainulator was the first user on the staff page. So then I looked at the first number that the random number generator spewed at me. 22. Since Brainulator got 22, he was slotted into District 11 Slot 2.  Drek was the next user on the ordered list, and he was assigned the number 16. So District 8 Slot 2. So on and so on...

I just did this cause I was bored. I'm interested to see what happens. IT IS JUST FOR FUN GUYS! So don't kill me for this... Yet.