User blog:Dekagamer7X9/Plant Ideas

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I've come up with a few ideas for plants in the past, as well as adjustments to returning PvZ 1 plants. And here they are.

Additional Plant Info

  • Venus Flyspat's acid deals 1 normal damage shot upon contact, and sticks to the zombie for 4 seconds, dealing 0.5 normal damage shots per second.
  • Speedstalk deals 3.5 normal damage shots to the zombie it hits, and deals 1 normal damage shot to any other plants it hits along the way.
  • Pitcher Plant deals 1 normal damage shot per second to any zombies within 3 tiles of it, and produces 5 sun per second while attacking.
  • Gatling Pea's power peas deal 2 normal damage shots to zombies within 7 or 8 tiles of it. They deal 3 normal damage shots to zombies with 4-6 tiles of it. They deal 4 normal damage shots to zombies within 3 tiles of it.
  • Rapidpea's peas deal 0.5 normal damage shots. It's fire rate varies depending on the amount of zombies in its lane.
  • Beestalk creates a swarm of bees every 10 seconds. The swarms buzz around on a random tile (one where zombies are, obviously) for 15 seconds, dealing anywhere between 1 and 5 normal damage shots per second to all zombies on that tile.
  • Razor Tree's leaves deal 0.5 normal damage shots.
  • Swamp-weed's puddles deal 0.5 normal damage shots per second and disappear after 20 seconds.
  • Stinging Nettle's attack deals 90 damage to all zombies on the tile in front of it.
  • The lightning Sun Magnet attacks with during its plant food ability deals 45 normal damage shots to the zombie it hits.
  • Cattail's spikes deal 2.5 normal damage shots.
  • Cattail can be planted on land and water.
  • When a zombie trips over Grass Knot, they are damaged for 15 normal damage shots, and stunned for 10 seconds.
  • Snakegrass deals 7 normal damage shots to every zombie it hits.
  • Kiwi Beast deals 20 normal damage shots to all zombies in a 3x3 area, and stuns them for 10 seconds.
  • Tea Leaf has the same recharge as Pepper-pult.
  • Spitfire's flame blast deals 10 normal damage shots per second for 6 seconds to all zombies within 3 tiles of it.
  • Spikefrost deals slightly less damage than Spikeweed, and deals a total of 8 normal damage shots in the time it takes for a zombie to cross it, due to it's slowing effect.
  • Brambleweed's attack deals 0.5 normal damage shots to every zombie on screen.
  • At its first stage, Pult-shroom's spores deal 1 normal damage shot. At its second stage, they deal 2 normal damage shots. At its third stage, they deal 3.5 normal damage shots.
  • Lichen's attack deals 2 normal damage shots to all zombies within 4 tiles of it.
  • Dart-shroom's dart deals 30 normal damage shots to all zombies in its lane.
  • Sea-shroom's spores deal 1 normal damage shot, and 1.5 normal damage shots to all zombies on one tile when powered.
  • Rye Axis's seeds deal 1.5 normal damage shots.
  • Rye Axis's shooting direction cannot be changed after being set.
  • The plant food ability Shamrocker uses can be the plant food ability of any plant in the game.
  • Dogwood's spikes deal 2.5 normal damage shots. At 40-21 health, they deal 5 normal damage shots. At 20 health or lower, they deal 8 normal damage shots.
  • The spikes spawned by Dogwood's plant food ability deal 5 normal damage shots per second to all zombies on their tile, and disappear after 10 seconds.
Name Image Description Plant Food upgrade Sun cost Recharge Health
Venus Flyspat Venus Flyspat2.jpg Spits acid at zombies that does continuous damage. Belches acid in a 2x3 area in front of it. 150 Fast 6
Speedstalk Speedstalk2.jpg Attacks the strongest zombie in its lane, dealing heavy damage and dealing normal damage to any zombies it hits along the way. Rushes back and forth down is lane, greatly damaging any zombies it hits. 200 Fast 6
Pitcher Plant Pitcher PlantAS.png Siphons health from zombies to produce sun. Produces 200 sun. 75 Sluggish 6
Gatling Pea Gatling PeaAS.png Fires 2 power peas at once that deal more damage the closer zombies are to them. Fires a barrage of power peas, followed by one giant power pea. 325 Mediocre 6
Rapidpea Rapidpea2.jpg Rapidly fires light-damage peas at zombies. Spins around, firing peas in an enormous area. 500 Mediocre 6
Beestalk P2.png Creates swarms of bees to attack groups of zombies. Creates 5 swarms. 250 Fast 6
Metal Leaftector Metal Leaftector2.jpg When clicked, it stuns all zombies on screen that have metal objects. Kills all zombies with metal objects. 150 Slow 6
Razor Tree Razor Tree2.jpg Fires light damage leaves in every lane. Creates a leaf tornado to attack zombies. 200 Fast 6
Swamp-weed Swamp-weed2.jpg Creates poisonous puddles that damage zombies who walk through them. Creates 20 puddles at random spots on screen. 175 Fast 6
Stinging Nettle Stinging Nettle2.jpg Instant kills nearby groups of zombies up to 3 times before disappearing. Sprays pollen that covers the lawn, damaging zombies over time. 350 Sluggish Disappears after attacking 3 times
Sun Magnet Sun Magnet2.jpg Collects on-screen sun. Collects all sun on screen, shooting lightning at a random zombie for each sun collected. 100 Mediocre 6
Cattail CattailO.png Lobs heavy-damaging spikes at the last zombie in its lane. Fires a giant spike at every zombie on screen. 150 Fast 6
Grass Knot Grass Knot2.jpg Trips the first zombie that steps on it, damaging and stunning them. Creates 2 more Grass Knots. 50 Sluggish N/A
Frostwood Frostwood2.jpg Turns peas that pass through it into snow peas. It's frost turns indigo, making peas that pass through it able to freeze zombies. 150 Fast 6
Snakegrass Snakegrass2.jpg Slithers down its lane, dealing heavy damage to all zombies it hits. N/A 75 Mediocre N/A
Kiwi Beast Kiwi Beast2.jpg Explodes, dealing high damage to zombies in a 3x3 area while simultaneously stunning them. N/A 75 Sluggish N/A
Tea Leaf Tea Leaf2.jpg Plant it on a plant to heal it to full health. After beating Jukebox Diner - Day 14 N/A 0 Fast N/A
Spitfire Spitfire2.jpg Eats a zombie, chews on it a while, then spits a flaming blast at zombies 3 spaces in front of it. Sucks in zombies in its lane, then blasts flames in 3 lanes. Lasts 2 seconds longer for every zombie eaten. 250 Mediocre 6
Sun Pod Sun Pod2.jpg Produces sun. Can be planted multiple times on the same space to multiply the amount of sun it produces. Produces 350 sun. 75 Mediocre 6
Spikefrost SpikediamondOld.png Damages and slows down zombies zombies that walk over it. Pulls all zombies in it's lane onto it, damaging them and slowing down any zombie not pulled onto it. 175 Fast 1 crushing object
Brambleweed Brambleweed2.jpg Deals light damage to every zombie on screen. Gains armor, giving it additional health. 225 Fast 6, 50 (Plant Food)
Pult-shroom Pult-shroom2.jpg Lobs spores at zombies and grows over time, throwing larger spores that deal more damage. Grows to full size and lobs giant spores at every zombie on screen. 75 Fast 6
Lichen Lichen2.jpg Blasts icy wind that damages and slows down multiple zombies 4 spaces in front of it. Chills the entire lane and shoots a high-damaging ice shard. 225 Fast 6
Dart-shroom Dart-shroom2.jpg Click on it to fire a dart that does high damage to all zombies in its lane. Fires a giant dart that pushes all zombies in its lane backwards, while damaging them. 500 Fast 6
Sea-shroom Sea-shroomAS.png A shadow plant that can only be planted in the water, and shoots spores at zombies which have a chance to stun them. When boosted by Moonflower, its spores can also slow zombies, as well as deal splash damage. Shoots a barrage of spores at the zombies in its lane. 50 Sluggish 6
Rye Axis Rye Axis2.jpg After planting it, click on it to choose which direction you want it to fire seeds in. Seeds deal normal damage. Spins around while firing a barrage of seeds, allowing it to hit zombies within a large radius. 150 Mediocre 6
Shamrocker Pic coming soon! Fires random projectiles at zombies. Can be a projectile from any other attacking plant. Uses the plant food ability of a random plant. 250 Fast 6
Dogwood Pic coming soon! Has high health and lobs spikes at zombies which deal more damage the less health it has. Spawns giant spikes at random spots on screen that deal continuous damage to zombies on their tile. 250 Mediocre 60