User blog:Dekagamer7X9/World Idea: Hellfire Depths

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A world based on Hell? Hell yes! (I'll see myself out now...)

Ah... Hellfire Depths. My first fanon PvZ 2 world. Now, when I first came up with this world, I had made it in the style of my dream version of Plants vs Zombies 2. However, for all of you, I've recreated it in the style of current PvZ 2. So here it is...

World Info

Hellfire Depths takes place in the depths of hell in the year 666. Demonic Zombies are about, and the temperature is high. This world takes place in daytime, but as you're underground in hell, no sun falls, despite the levels being labeled as days. The main gimmick of the world is the Fire Plumes. They're on predetermined positions on the lawn at a level's start, and they can't be planted on. Throughout the levels, they can erupt, heating up plants in a 3x3 area around them. If plants are heated up 3 times, they burn away into nothingness. So, ice plants need to be used to keep them cool, as in this world ice plants pulsate with a frosty aura that cools plants in a 3x3 around them. This world also has lava pools that zombies can spawn out of during huge waves.

Number of Levels: 32

Difficulty: 5 Jalapeños

Endless Zone: The Heck-tic Stages of Grief

Premium Plants

  • Chilly Pepper (Part 1 Gemium. Cost: 99 Gems)

Freezes all zombies in it's lane and chills all plants in it's lane.

Sun Cost: 50

Recharge: Sluggish

Plant Food: N/A

  • Doom-shroom (Part 2 Premium. Cost: $1.99 USD)

Explodes, dealing massive damage to all zombies in a 6x5 area.

Sun Cost: 150

Recharge: Very Slow

Plant Food: N/A


Part 1

  • Ice-shroom (Obtained after Day 1)

Freezes all zombies on screen and cools down all plants on screen.

Sun Cost: 75

Recharge: Slow

Plant Food: N/A

  • Pult-shroom (Obtained after Day 6)

Lobs spores at zombies. Grows over time, gradually increasing the damage of it's projectiles.

Sun Cost: 50

Recharge: Fast

Plant Food: Grows to full size and lobs 6 giant spores at random spots on screen.

  • Lichen (Obtained after Day 10)

Blasts frosty wind 4 spaces in front of it that slows and damages all zombies it hits.

Sun Cost: 175

Recharge: Fast

Plant Food: Shoots a heavy damaging ice shard that deals enormous damage and slows the first group of zombies it hits.

Part 2

  • Umbrella Leaf (Obtained after Day 17)

Protects nearby plants from attacks from above.

Sun Cost: 50

Recharge: Sluggish

Plant Food: Creates 2 more Umbrella Leaves.

  • Dart-shroom (Obtained after Day 20)

Tap it to shoot a high damaging dart that hits all zombies in it's lane.

Sun Cost: 400

Recharge: Mediocre

Plant Food: Fires a giant dart that pushes back all zombies in it's lane before exploding, killing all of them and stunning all nearby zombies.

  • Gloom-shroom (Obtained after Day 28)

Shoots heavy damage, stunning fumes in a 3x3 area around it.

Sun Cost: 250

Recharge: Fast

Plant Food: Blasts a heavy fume cloud in a 5x5 area around it, dealing massive damage to all zombies it hits.


Please note that all zombies in this world are fireproof, like Imp Dragon (however they're still damaged by explosive plants like Cherry Bomb).

Part 1

  • Demonic Zombie (First encountered on Day 1)

Just your normal, tormented demon zombie.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Basic

  • Demonic Conehead (First encountered on Day 1)

His devilhorn cone makes him twice as tough as normal demons.

Toughness: Protected

Speed: Basic

  • Demonic Buckethead (First encountered on Day 1)

His bony bucket provides great protection from damage.

Toughness: Hardened

Speed: Basic

  • Demonic Flag Zombie (First encountered on Day 1)

Marks the arrival of a huge unholy "wave" of zombies.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Basic

  • Literal Imp (First encountered on Day 4)

Flies above plants instead of eating them, immune to Blover, and can breathe fire in front of him to heat up plants.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Speedy

  • Scapegoat Gargantuar (First encountered on Day 12)

Crushes plants with upside down cross, throws Literal Imp when damaged, has twice the toughness of a normal Gargantuar.

Toughness: Very Great (Absorbs 350 normal damage shots)

  • Flaming Zombie (First encountered on Day 2)

Can light himself on fire to heat up plants around him.

Reuses Jester Zombie's body shape and animations.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Hungry

  • Zombiegon (First encountered on Day 7)

Can breathe flames 4 tiles in front of him to heat up plants.

Reuses animations from the Wind Chief Zombie.

Toughness: Dense

Speed: Basic

  • Plume Raiser Zombie (First encountered on Day 13)

Creates special Fire Plumes.

Reuses textures and animations from Tomb Raiser Zombie.

Toughness: Solid

Speed: Creeper

Part 2

  • Rock Thrower Zombie (First Encountered on Day 17)

Throws rocks at random times that crush the plant on that tile.

Reuses the Octo/Troglobite/Arcade/Bully body type and animations.

Toughness: Dense

Speed: Creeper

  • Warlock Zombie (First encountered on Day 21)

Can heal other zombies to full health.

Toughness: Protected

Speed: Basic

  • Zombie Hellhound (First encountered on Day 27)

Can howl, increasing the speed, health, or damage of zombies around it.

Reuses the Zombie Bull's body type and animations.

Toughness: Hardened

Speed: Hungry


  • Zombot Demonic Devil

Can surround itself in flames, making it immune to all damage. The flames can be removed using Ice-shroom, or the Zombot can blast them back at plants to heat them up. Spawns zombies from lava pools, which it can create. Fires missiles that create Fire Plumes.


  • Day 1

Heat mechanics are introduced.

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Ice-shroom, Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Ice-shroom

  • Day 2

Starts with 3 Iceberg Lettuces on the lawn, Lava Pools are introduced.

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 3

Chilly Pepper Showcase.

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Chilly Pepper, Fume-shroom, Primal Wall-nut.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 4

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Mystery Gift Box

  • Day 5

Locked and Loaded level.

-Level Type: Locked and Loaded

-Plants: Sun-shroom, Primal Potato Mine, Ice-shroom, Iceberg Lettuce, Spore-shroom, Winter Melon.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 6

Pult-shroom Showcase

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Pult-shroom, Ice-shroom, Wall-nut.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Literal Imp.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Pult-shroom

  • Day 7

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 8

World Exclusive Brain Buster level.

-Level Type: BOMB! All Together

-Plants: Primal Potato Mine, Ice-shroom, Cherry Bomb.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Zombiegon.

-Flags: 1

-Reward: Mystery Gift Box

  • Day 9

Lichen Showcase.

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Lichen, Pult-shroom, Iceberg Lettuce, Potato Mine.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 10

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Lichen, Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Lichen

  • Day 11

Last Stand Level.

-Level Type: Last Stand

-Plants: Choice

-Amount of Sun: 3500

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 12

Objective: Defeat 12 zombies in 8 seconds.

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: Mystery Gift Box

  • Day 13

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Lichen, Ice-shroom, Pult-shroom, Infi-nut.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 14

Locked and Loaded Level.

-Level Type: Locked and Loaded

-Plants: Primal Sunflower, Stallia, Iceberg Lettuce, Chilly Pepper, Pult-shroom.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 15

Save Our Seeds level with 3 Lichens in the 6th column.

-Level Type: Save Our Seeds

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Note

  • Day 16

Gargantuar Battle

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Lichen, Ice-shroom, Pult-shroom, Puff-shroom, Wall-nut.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: World Key

  • Day 17

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Rock Thrower Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Umbrella Leaf

  • Day 18

Umbrella Leaf/Rock Thrower Zombie Showcase.

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Lichen, Pult-shroom, Umbrella Leaf, Potato Mine.

-Zombies: Demonic Flag Zombie, Literal Imp, Rock Thrower Zombie.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 19

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Rock Thrower Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Mystery Gift Box

  • Day 20

Dart-shroom Showcase.

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Dart-shroom, Ice-shroom, Tall-nut.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Plume Raiser Zombie, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Dart-shroom

  • Day 21

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Rock Thrower Zombie, Scapegoat Gargantuar, Warlock Zombie.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: The Heck-tic Stages of Grief

  • Day 23

Doom-shroom Showcase

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Doom-shroom, Lichen, Winter Melon, Primal Wall-nut, Umbrella Leaf.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Scapegoat Gargantuar, Plume Raiser Zombie, Rock Thrower Zombie, Warlock Zombie

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Mystery Gift Box

  • Day 24

Objective: Don't lose more than 5 plants.

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Plume Raiser Zombie, Scapegoat Gargantuar, Rock Thrower Zombie, Warlock Zombie.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 25

Last Stand Level.

-Level Type: Last Stand

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Rock Thrower Zombie, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Amount of Sun: 2000

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 26

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Rock Thrower Zombie, Warlock Zombie.

-Flags: 2

-Reward: Mystery Gift Box

  • Day 27

Save Our Seeds Level with 5 endangered Pult-shrooms on the 7th column.

-Level Type: Save Our Seeds

-Plants: Gloom-shroom, Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Rock Thrower Zombie, Warlock Zombie, Zombie Hellhound.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 28

World Exclusive Brain Buster.

-Level Type: BOMB! All Together

-Plants: Cherry Bomb, Potato Mine, Ice-shroom, Doom-shroom.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Rock Thrower Zombie, Zombie Hellhound.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Gloom-shroom

  • Day 29

Gloom-shroom Showcase.

-Level Type: Special Delivery

-Plants: Gloom-shroom, Phat Beet, Wall-nut, Garlic.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Warlock Zombie, Zombie Hellhound.

  • Day 30

Objective: Produce at least 5000 sun, Never have more than 25 plants.

-Level Type: Normal

-Plants: Choice

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Rock Thrower Zombie, Warlock Zombie, Zombie Hellhound, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Flags: 4

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 31

Locked and Loaded level.

-Level Type: Locked and Loaded

-Plants: Sun-shroom, Pult-shroom, Lichen, Umbrella Leaf, Dart-shroom, Doom-shroom.

-Zombies: Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Demonic Flag Zombie, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Plume Raiser Zombie, Rock Thrower Zombie, Warlock Zombie, Zombie Hellhound, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Flags: 3

-Reward: Coin Bag

  • Day 32

Zomboss Battle

-Level Type: Boss Battle

-Plants: Ice-shroom, Puff-shroom, Pult-shroom, Umbrella Leaf, Dart-shroom, Gloom-shroom, Primal Wall-nut.

-Zombies: Zombot Demonic Devil, Demonic Zombie, Demonic Conehead, Demonic Buckethead, Flaming Zombie, Literal Imp, Zombiegon, Rock Thrower Zombie, Zombie Hellhound, Scapegoat Gargantuar.

-Phases: 3

-Reward: Hellfire Depths Trophy

The Heck-tic Stages of Grief

In The Heck-tic Stages of Grief, the Hellfire Depths Endless Zone, you start with Sun-shroom, Puff-shroom, Ice-shroom, Peashooter, and Wall-nut.

Gallery of Plants

Anyone that wants to try and make better versions of these plants are welcome to! Just don't change their designs too drastically.

Gallery of Zombies

I can't draw zombies. However, if you'd like to draw any of the zombies, than send me a message over on my talk page and I'll get in contact with you and give you a description of the zombie you want to draw!

World Music

Thank you to Dek Tha Funkee Spacedragon for creating the music for this world! (Especially for creating an extended mix for me after already making one back in March)