User blog:GamerNerd i/First Contact ("Story")

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So, suffice it to say that an audio recorder dropped into my backpack sometime between the end of the school day and going home. I listened to the thing and wrote everything down because... Well, you'll see.

The Recording

Hey, listener! The name's Aidan, but you can call me A. Why A? Because my friend here's name is Nadia, and I call her N. *loud slapping sound* Ow! Hey, what was that for?

How many times do I have to tell you NOT to call me that?

However many times you want. It's shorter than Nadia, and it sounds cool too. *slapping again* Agh! Fine, geez. Call us whatever you want. Just listen to what we have to say. Because if you notice anything strange going on in your "game," chances are we've screwed up somewhere.

We call ourselves Recreators. We go from dimension to dimension making sure that "fictional" characters don't get out of line and do who-knows-what. *silence* Maybe I should back up. I'm sure that you out there are familiar with the multiple-universe theory? You know, that there are many "alternate" universes similar to but not exactly like ours?

Well, that's all true, but not in the way that you think. You see, these alternate universes have... things... that according to your science should not exist. Stuff like... oh, I don't know... sentient plant life capable of defending themselves and others from the undead. Sound familiar? Well it should.

What you think is made up is simply someone unknowingly tapping into each of these universes and viewing what happens there. They then take these visions and make it their own; books, movies, games, whatever. As they continue to link to that universe, they gain greater insight to it, which allows them to "create" new things and refine the looks of the world. Case in point, the Peashooter.

If you can't tell, the guy's gone through a lot of change from when you first saw him. The reason for that is simple. With each passing minute of working on him, the designers' visions became clearer and clearer. Eventually he got to the point where he saw that there were two Peashooters; There are ones that belong on the lawn and ones that move freely. So since the free-roaming Peashooter didn't fit in the world that they "created," they had to "create" a new world - the start of Garden Warfare.

The two worlds are one, despite what it may seem. So both types exist within the same space. They just haven't seen clear enough to understand that. (Well, they have, but indirectly.) Fine! Don't pin this on me, this isn't my specialty.

Oh, that reminds me, in case you out there are wondering, we don't come from these "fictional" universes. We're actually from your universe, the "Earth Prime" as DC Comics would say. If we sound like bickering siblings, then it's because we're about the same age. (Siblings usually aren't the same age.) Twins are. (Twins don't argue.) Yeah they do! (If that's true, then I've never seen it. You know how much girls argue, right?) Just let me finish... Anyway, yes we're the same age, but we didn't know each other before we got pulled into this. Either way, it's convenient that we actually live near each other. *groan* Do we have to explain how we got here next? I just want to get to the story already. *explosions in the background* Shoot, they found us again. N, thank Rux for his help while I start up the Pixelator. We've gotta get back home and regroup.

Since when were you the boss? *shuffling indicates she is leaving* (Rux! Thanks for your assistance, but we've gotta bounce. Count on us returning soon.)

Thanks from me too! You did great! *mutter* I really feel bad about doing this to him. Oh well, he'll be running a pretty good black market soon. *normally* Whoever this gets to... Please do us both a favor and transcribe this, would you? Put it online or something. We want you guys to know what we're doing, whether you appreciate it or not.

Especially since we have to live a double life here. *shuffling indicating sitting* I have finals this week!

And I've got a project to finish. So... bye for now. Expect us to get back to you eventually.

(Are you sure that that this is going to work?)

(Why not? It can transport us and our gear, so inanimate objects shouldn't be a problem.)

(But with us we actually know where we're supposed to go. And you should probably turn that off too.)

(Oh, right. But still, I'm sending it randomly on purpose. As long as it crosses intact it should be fine.)



  • Aidan's first words are intended to reference the opening dialogue in most of the PvZ games.
  • The two characters' names are "mirrors" so to speak; one is the other's in reverse. This was by design because original people names are hard for me and backwards names are fun anyway.
  • The "Pixelator" Aidan mentions refers to Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. It is the device that Professor E. Gadd uses to transport Luigi to and from each mansion.
  • This may or may not end up occurring in Lily's canon.

I intend to continue this. If I don't, please feel free to leave a message on my talk page to remind me. Also, please comment below what fonts you think I should use next time. They should be similar but different enough to tell apart. Times and Courier don't match up very well.

<poll> What did you think? Great all the way, keep going! Story sounds good, but format is meh. Good stuff, but probably best not to keep going. It's so bad, STOP! Keep going. Maybe it'll get better. I'd like it better if the format was better. </poll>