User blog:GamerNerd i/Piecing Together Plant Ancestry (PvZ2)

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Hello everybody. This is my first blog post, so forgive me if my format is incorrect.

I'm pretty sure everyone saw something like this coming the second the concept of PvZ2 came out. As the title of the post states, I'm going to try and put together as many of the plants as possible into "family trees," in a sense. Now, obviously the concepts of time travel and evolution and such are complicated, so I'm trying my best to do this in a way that makes sense. Before I get to the timelines, I want to clarify certain things.

First, the chronological order of the worlds. This is how I put the worlds in a timeline, from past to future: Jurassic Marsh, Frostbite Caves, Ancient Egypt, Dark Ages, Pirate Seas, Lost City, Wild West, Big Wave Beach, Neon Mixtape Tour, Player’s House, Far Future. Now, of course Lost City has no official year. Using my knowledge of history and some common sense, I placed it after the Pirate Seas.

Second, how I place plants. When considering the origins of a plant, I rule out any time periods that come after the world in which it is found. Therefore, a plant in the Lost City could have originated in the Frostbite Caves, but a plant from the Frostbite Caves couldn't have originated in the Lost City. Of course, the premiums have no specific origins, but I will assume that they originate in the world in which they are advertised. For example, Fire Peashooter will be considered to have surfaced at the time of the Frostbite Caves. I also place plants based on their similarities, whether in function, looks, or name. I consider as many aspects as possible. Of course, I put the Peashooters together, the Pults together, etc. However, I may also group together Threepeater and Snapdragon, due to their multi-lane attacks.

Third, Almanac entries. I will be looking at the Almanac for some of these, but I won't rely on it too much. If I input something into the timelines that seems to go against any Almanac entries, please tell me. I want these to be as accurate as possible.

Lastly, the plants themselves. I will only be thinking about PvZ 2 plants, as putting in all the plants from every game will be a little much. However, once I finish PvZ2, I may attempt to input PvZ1 plants (that aren't already in the charts, of course) into these timelines. After that I might go on to the Chinese PvZ2, but that's going to be fairly far off. Either way, feel free to say what you think about the relationships between any plants that I have, or anything you have any ideas on between PvZ2, PvZ1, and PvZ2C. Let's avoid PvZA and PvZGW.... for now.

Also, here are some assumptions/inferences as to where each premium plant originated from, due to the fact that they are not necessarily found in each world. Many of them are assumed to have originated in the world to which they are associated with (ie, Cold Snapdragon and Grapeshot in Jurassic Marsh), but others for the most part are inferences, and my gut feeling. Some plants just seem to fit in a certain world, despite no real evidence pointing to them being there.

Snow Pea - Ancient Egypt

Squash - Ancient Egypt

Torchwood - Frostbite Caves

Jalapeño - Wild West

Imitater - Modern Day/Player’s House

Starfruit - Ancient Egypt (I know that Far Future probably makes more sense, but if I said that my timeline would be messed up.)

Hypno-shroom - Dark Ages

Chomper - Big Wave Beach

Cactus - Neon Mixtape Tour

Power Lily - Ancient Egypt

Pea-nut - Dark Ages

Sap-fling - Jurassic Marsh

Toadstool - Lost City

Strawburst - Modern Day/Player’s House

Electric Blueberry - Neon Mixtape Tour

Jack O’ Lantern - Dark Ages

Grapeshot - Jurassic Marsh

Cold Snapdragon - Jurassic Marsh

Shrinking Violet - Modern Day/Player’s House

Ghost Pepper - Dark Ages

Homing Thistle - Big Wave Beach

Sweet Potato - Neon Mixtape Tour

Hurrikale - Frostbite Caves

Fire Peashooter - Frostbite Caves

Dandelion - Pirate Seas

Lava Guava - Lost City

Alright, that's enough banter from me. Here are the diagrams. I won't be done with all of them for a while, and I will be adding more as I go along. Please read the key in the lower corner of each diagram, otherwise none of it will make sense. Also, I'll be updating the finished diagrams to adapt to comments and such that you guys might have.

Diagrams for Peashooters, Defensive Plants, Spike Plants, and Lane Diverters/Potatoes

Diagrams for Lobbed-shot and Explosive plants.
Diagrams for Mushrooms and Multi-hit Plants (Single-lane Range)
Diagrams for plants with a 3-Lane Range, Sun Producing Plants, and Beans
Diagrams for Plants with Full-Board Range and Melee Attackers

Thanks in advance for your support!