User blog:GamerNerd i/Transcript: Home Lawn Defense Systems Act II

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Another email, another transcript. It seems to be that I'm getting these almost once a month. Funny, since that's usually how long I take to write a passage of this length on my own. On my own time, at least.

//I plan to release these in three parts. So the next one will be the last in this section. Patience, my friends. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions. My universe is a little complicated, and I'd be happy to clarify anything.


The first thing I notice is that they're still in the greenhouse. It's a room that wasn't shown before. It was furnished for humans, with a dresser and a large bed rather than... I don't know, actually. What do plants sleep in? Pots? And the room... could it be a guest room? Why would the plants have a guest room? Who... I'll stop now. Anyway, the two now-familiar faces were frowning at me.

"Rotom, did you turn it on?" The screen makes a nodding motion. "For real this time?" More nodding. "Okay, because you should know when and when not to be recording. Like when N or I are showering." Ai almost sounded like a parent. Which makes sense in this case I guess.

N was trying to be stern, but she couldn't help from smirking a little. "Especially in that case, since you're controlling an electronic. (And there weren't shower curtains...) That too. Just watch yourself next time, okay?"

"Okay. I wazz just looking around. I didn't exzzzpect to see you." Rotom's tone reminded me of a robotic child. If he's anything like the others of his species, he is a little mischievous and probably isn't being completely sincere. "Can we zzztart now?"

"Yes, we will. So..." Ai refers directly to the camera and not at Rotom. "Hello again, and sorry to drag you into this. Since we last met, N and I have been doing some reconnaissance to try and pinpoint where those messages were coming from. I'm positive that they're not in this period, but N insists that we scout out the graveyard before moving on." He glances at N expectantly."

She glares back. "You know why. We should at least be thorough about this. We've spent almost a week here, and nothing. That's why we go to the other side." Ai rolls his eyes and stands up.

"Fine. But let's get this over with quickly. This is only one realm in this universe. There are three others we need to search. (What?) I told you this before. Let's go. I'll let Peashooter know that we're leaving for now." He exits the room as N begins to pack her bag.

N mutters in irritation as she packs. "Three more... Stupid..." I can't tell what she's packing, but they look like provisions and a cell phone. She also packs some clothes, which I assume are for whenever they're not doing magic. (Can I even call it magic? I don't know anymore.) N shoulders the pack and beckons to Rotom. The Elder Wand and the Tome hang on either side of her waist, similarly to how a cowboy would holster his guns. Both exit the room.

Ai is saying his goodbyes to a bunch of plants. "I'll miss you guys. Don't worry though, just give me a call if you need some help. I'll remember to visit occasionally too." He gives a bunch of them a hug and yelps. "Cactus! Your- Sorry, that was my fault." N stops at the door and waves to the flora before exiting. Ai follows with Rotom close behind.

The three eventually find themselves at the edge of the lawn. "Can't say what we'll find there." Ai says. "It's never shown. Although I'd expect some lab underneath. (You don't even know?) Hey, this was your idea. There's a reason why I stayed on this side. Ready a weapon." He walks across the street and into the graveyard, followed by Rotom and N. As he does this, the View once again projects in front of him. By the time we get across, he's holding an aqua-blue colored shovel. That doesn't sound threatening, but.... You'll see.

"Hopefully this is one of the resurrection times, when they're recovering from their last failed attack." N mutters. "Although if Zomboss is like any other villain, he's sending a welcoming party right n-"

Suddenly a bunch of zombies shamble out from among the graves. Ai and N stop. As both look around, more zombies rise from the ground around them. Disco Zombies, Football Zombies, Newspaper Zombies, Balloons, Catapults, Gargantuars, you name it. Eventually they're surrounded by the undead, back to back. N holds the Tome open in one hand and holds the Elder Wand in the other, as a cloak and an amulet materialize onto her. Ai grips the shovel with two hands while a set of armor solidifies from pixels. "Welp," he says. "I guess that was too hopeful. Rotom, do your best to stay out of the way. Make sure you get some action."

Rotom is surprisingly optimistic. "Yezzir! Let's start the party!"

The Football Zombies rush the duo at the same time, and the others follow their lead. Discos begin summoning their backup dancers, and the Catapults make it rain basketballs. Simultaneously both Ai and N spring into action.

Ai scrapes the shovel along the ground, sending sparks toward his side of the horde. He leaps on top of the crowd, pointing his shovel downwards. Each Zombie he hits causes him to bounce into the air, up and over the Gargantuars and in front of the Catapults. He holds for two seconds, then quickly swings the shovel in a wide radius in front of him. All the Catapults are destroyed.

At the same moment, N rises into the air in front of her side of the horde, golden hair and red cloak billowing behind her. Her fingers twist into an odd position - ring fingers curled inward, the others slightly bent as if gripping something. Her arms cross, and the amulet around her neck glows green and comes off its chain. An orange, kaleidoscopic circle of energy appears in front of it. The amulet suddenly blasts an orange beam into the horde; The next thing I see is that the crowd is divided by a scorched line.

All this happened within a span of thirty seconds. Suffice it to say that I was not worried about their survival.

Rotom yells in alarm as a Gargantuar prepares to smash Ai with his telephone pole. He quickly pulls a locket out of the armor and turns ghostly white. The pole phases right through him, and Ai immediately retaliates with his shovel. One Gargantuar down, about about a dozen to go. He turns toward the others, and at the same time his right arm transforms into a blue blaster. Razor sharp circular blades fire out of it in quick succession, and each one hurts a Gargantuar well enough so that they reach for their Imps. But they never even get the chance to grab the imp. Almost comically, blue fists rocket from Ai's cannon to each Gargantuar face. Each one's head comes off with a pop and all the Gargs are down. Impressively, Ai doesn't even break a sweat. He raises the smoking barrel to his mouth and smugly performs the cliched "blow-out-my-smoking-gun-because-I-can" gesture.

While Ai was wrecking the Gargs, N was pretty much annihilating everyone else. With the same finger positioning, but different arm gestures and a brighter glow on the amulet, the landscape somehow folds along the line. The landscape becomes a kaleidoscopic, angular jumble of the houses beyond the cemetery as all the zombies get swept into the center. N summons a flaming pinecone from the Tome and throws it into the thick of the group. It explodes on impact, taking out several zombies as more slide in to take their place. She creates more and more, leisurely lobbing the explosive pinecones into the horde, blowing it up bit by bit. When they're all gone, she closes the amulet and everything reverts back to normal.

N casually touches down near Ai. Both are still wearing whatever battle gear they had on.

"Are we done here?" N asks.

"For now," Ai responds. "Unless of course, SOMEONE WOULD LIKE TO MEET US!!!" he yells deeper into the graveyard.

But no one came.

Ai smirks. "Guess not this time. He turns back towards the house. I already know where we can get into the base, but that wore me out a little. I'm going to take a nap." He turns to the street.

"But..." N stops to yawn. "Okay fine, me too. I can feel it as well. Next time?" Ai nods. "Finally. Well then," N turns to Rotom as they begin to walk back to the house. "Did you get all that?"

"Yezzir! That'zzz my type of recording! You two were great!" Rotom eagerly compliments both kids on their performance. The two laugh. "Can I zzzay goodbye? (Go ahead, kiddo.) Okay. Goodbye! Have fun writing! Zzzee you nexzzt time!"

Final Words

Black footage again. Man, that was pretty intense. I mean, for me at least. You guys get my lame transcription of that fight. I deeply apologize for that. But hopefully it gives you a better idea of just what these guys are capable of. I'm a little jealous to be honest.�

Trivia / Explanation of References

  • //Ai's inability to hug the group without Cactus's spikes poking him refers to her original Almanac entry: "She just wants to hug and be hugged."
  • Ai's weapon of choice in this fight is the Shovel Blade, which is the signature weapon of Shovel Knight (duh).
    • He also performs three special moves with the shovel itself:
      • The Drop Spark sends damaging sparks along the ground at full health.
      • The Shovel Drop allows the user to bounce on and damage and enemies he or she lands on.
      • The Charge Handle is pretty much your average charge attack.
    • In addition, he uses the Phase Locket, which makes the user invulnerable to damage by making them intangible for a short time.
  • Ai's secondary weapon is the Mega Buster, Mega Man's signature adaptable weapon. He uses two Robot Master weapons:
  • N wears two mystic artifacts, both of which belong to Doctor Strange and allow her to use his reality-warping powers:
    • She wears the Cloak of Levitation, a mystic artifact that allows flight and has a mind of its own.
    • The amulet is the Eye of Agamotto, an incredibly powerful artifact with the ability to warp time, among other things. It contains the Infinity Gem of Time.
    • The magic is difficult to justify with words so... here.
  • N also uses explosive pinecones. While not exact, her usage of pinecones as a weapon may be traced back to a scene in the Lord of the Rings, in which Gandalf the Grey once used to defend the Fellowship of the Ring when they were stuck in a tree.

<poll> What did you think? Awesome! Keep it up! Story sounds good, but format is meh. Good stuff, but probably best not to keep going. It's not done? I can wait. It's so bad, IT'S TIME TO STOP! Keep going. Maybe it'll get better. I'd like it better if the format was better. tl;dr :/ GAH! IT'S INCOMPLETE! </poll>