User blog:GamesterD/Birthday Blog

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Hey there wikians! It's my birthday! As you all know, I made a Pre Birthday blog on guessing which age I would be today and what I would put in this blog. So let's get this party started!

Age Reveal

Well most of you voted for I am 13 or a zombi...wait what?

  • *Temporary Malfunction Has Happened. Please Stand By.*

OK, I'm back. So most of you think I'm 13 eh? Well...


Literally Almost Everyone

Yeah, that quote expired for me a year ago. So if you didn't know already, I'm 14 now. Though this still makes a wanted criminal since I joined at October 9 2015. So congrats to the two people who actually got it right! Please comment bellow so I can see what you voted for incase I didn't know.

The Extra Stuff

So for the little bonus the History of GamesterD won so I better start typing a lot.


I joined in at October 9th 2015 because I liked PvZ a lot and I really wanted to comment on stuff. At first, I only commented because I didn't wanna ruin the pages. However, when I noticed Phat Beet's page wasn't updated in while to counter the Boombbox Zombie, I stepped up and did it. Eventually, I began editing more stuff which got me into this great wiki. Shortly before this though, I met GamerNerd I in this wiki from the Toadstool page where we got in a kinda big argument. Eventually though, we became friends.


I discovered the existence of forum in the early days and I got really suited into it. The first was of Ask the Plant/Zombie series made by Lily9873cp. Gosh she was very good at that job. Eventually though, I started to get into more and more threads and eventually get this position. Lily, if you are reading this, I gotta thank you for getting me into this staff position. GamerNerd I and I also began to grow up in this year a lot especially with the PvZH being announced and all. We both made good pages, He made some heroes' pages while I literally made half of the Mission pages. I'm pretty sure that's how I got Rollback as well. But the main thing was in January when Lily made the GW Saga. I was very impressed and wanna do what she did. I got permission from her in February 23rd 2016(Dunno why that was year before RIP Unicorn Chomper but Coincidences happen) to make the PvZ2 Saga. Gosh those were fun to make. At first, nobody commented on them which was really sad for me. However, eventually Plant Protector(Before he went all edit crazy) and GamerNerd I did which I was inspired by. So I continued doing it along with other blogs. It was good. Eventually, I went for Rollback. I'm going to be honest with you guys, I never thought I would get this or even more, a staff position. But nearly nobody voted and the ones that did were Neutral or Support. So I gained it and did a decent job with it. So I went for Forum Moderator and nearly got blasted with pure supports and little neutrals and no opposes(Except for the one with Birdpool's vote but that got disqualified). I eventually got to use it well and this is what I am today. When the PvZ2 Saga was done, I wanted to do more. So I asked Lily if I can do a PvZH Saga and she said yes. Now I am writing my stories hoping to be an author some day with this experience. The Staff Reboot didn't matter much for me Cause I got my position back eventually and that one thread about demoting me and Starburst18(Who was demoted with GamerNerd I :(.). I just wanna help this wiki as much as possible.


You're all looking at it.

Extra Bonus

And that's not all folks! I said you would decide my outcome of this blog and most of you chose the history. I didn't say I would do multiple! So I'm also adding the runner-up, Ask GamesterD. So go one and ask me questions. I thank you for reading all of this and saying Happy Birthday to me. PEACE!