User blog:GamesterD/Dimension Breaker: Night of the Living Bots

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Welp, here goes my research for 2 weeks. If you don't know what I'm talking about, This should sort things out.

May 12th 2017

the world of Five Nights at Freddy’s. Of all the dimensions I’ve been in(Not that I have been in much in the first place), this one is obviously in my top 10 dimensions to be in. What was this place about again? Killer animatronics trying to stuff me into a suit? Yeah, that’s it. So basically, I have to stand here and do absolutely nothing except close doors and conserve power as far as my video game history is aware of. This is going to be so much fun.

I got a phone call. Whenever I hear a phone call in the middle of nowhere, I tend not to answer it, especially when it has to do with creepy Chucky Cheeses rip off horror pizzeria, but who knows what may happen. I was duct taped into this movable chair for some reason but I still had my phone with me. With some tapping, I managed to press the receive button on the phone with a good ol finger pointer(I would’ve used the force from Star Wars, but that would take more time and I don’t know how much time I have).

The caller answered “Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about.”

I had a feeling he would say more stuff, but I knew straight away he was untrustworthy in my eyes. I quickly switched my pointy finger into a plasma cannon and fired at the phone, disintegrating it instantly. Personally, I dislike advice as that would make me, well, unintelligent.

As far I as can remember, the way to survive in this universe if you have this unpleasant job is to shut the doors from animatronics without losing power or you’re dead. If I was prewarned, no worries! I would just get my phone to become the world’s largest power source in seconds. Sadly, I had no idea I was going to demented Chucky Cheeses today so there’s that.

While I was waiting for the animatronics to come for me(It was 3:00 AM so they should be here soon, or was that another game), I inspected that sniper rifle I scanned from that PvZ world. It appeared to be mechanically fashioned with future technology along with some pirate wise tricks.  If timelines were being mixed together, that’s a problem. I don’t want time to messed with. There are way too many media that have shown time travel can destroy pretty much everything.

The thought of time being the blender of all humanity disappeared when I noticed the bunny(I think his name was Bonnie) went missing. Normal people tend to panic with the cameras and click everywhere. Not me. I came prepared in such pre planned defenses if I hadn’t been stuck in this chair. Did that stop me from laying down a couple of bear traps? Well, yeah. So I stuck with calmy trying to locate the bunny. I spotted him in the dining hall at 4:00 AM. Why this game was fun in the beginning, I have no idea. Probably people just played it just to get some money via Youtube.

Money making videos on horror distracted me enough that I apparently didn’t realise that Bonnie managed to sneak into the hallway. I have quick instincts and shut the door with my pointer. It was 5:00 AM so I decided just to close the left door for a while. It always works on the first few nights.

Long story short, I made it 6:00 AM. Yeah for me. Now I gotta get outta this chair and out of this world. But for some reason nobody came. It looks like I’m going to be stuck here for like 5 nights. Great.

It’s 6:00 PM and I can here the kids leaving, but still no one has found me. Could I escape from here, I’ll try. And...nope, this chair is somehow indestructible(How, probably game logic). So looks like I have to rely on surviving the day with that water fountain and the leftover trash stuff nearby(Never have I been more grateful for grabber arms).

May 13th 2017

Damasen Bracer still in the building in this stupid chair. Wonderful. Night 2 should be a breeze I hope. That’s when I heard the phone ring. At first I thought they fixed the phone I turned to ashes, but it turned out to be from MY phone. I took the call and had the call go on speaker. Guess who it was.

It was that Phone Guy from yesterday.

“Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses. Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know... “ was all he managed to say before I shut down the call immediately.

Gosh dang those who stuck me here. I don’t even know how I got strapped here in the first place. Maybe that should’ve been my first detail two days ago. Ah shoot. Bonnie already out. What time is it? Wait, it’s already 1?!!? Well, I’m not complaining. Mainly cause Bonnie’s next to my door. Wait…

HOLY CARP, HE’S RIGHT THERE!?!? DOOR DOOR DOOR!!! Phew. That was close. Thought he had me for a second. Is he gone? I checked the shadows behind. Of course he was still there. Well in that case I’ll get the duct tape.

Despite being held on a chair, thank god it was movable. I duct taped both sides of the doors to slow down any animatronics in my hallways. I’m not dying tonight. I will survive. I will...oh hey Chica. Have a door.

Long story short I survived again. YES!!! Now for 3 more nights(Wait, what?). GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!

May 14th 2017

The first thing I did when I woke up was to terminate any Phone Guy calls. There is no way he’s “helping” me in anyway. Not today bud. But as far as I know, Foxy and Freddy are coming. Looks like I’m gonna have to look at Pirate’s Cove for a while.

It’s 3:00 AM right now and I’m having a staring contest with the fox. He hasn’t moved much but if I take one eye off him, he’s gonna go Foxy the Hedgefox. No Foxy, don’t you dare take a step out of that curtain. I will not tolerate any hook slitting and why do I feel metal and fur on me? Wait…

I should’ve remembered that Bonnie was in the house as well. I locked the right door so Freddy couldn’t get me but I forgot the Bunny of ol Barnie existed(And Chica but she would’ve been countered regardless). I’m fighting and fighting but this animatronic ain’t lettin me go. SHOOT, GET OFF ME!!!

I hoped it was near 6:00 AM since if it is, I could go scot free. Nope, this time is 4:31. I have no chance whatsoever. I may even have to resort to this secret weapon I made. Well it’s not really secret but it seems like I have readers from my lost notes(Probably the plants). I need to activate this before I get stuffed. Pym Particles: Damasen Style, ACTIVATE!!!(Yes I do have to say this outloud, it’s the way to activate them). It worked. I managed to shrink into an ant. Now I just need to get out these crossbeams and make it back out of this world. I can

Stupid wires short circuited my auto type for my diary. Well I managed to fix it so it’s all good. I’m back to normal size and it’s now 6:00 AM(Hiding in a mouse hole was a good idea. Being there with a rat was not). Well there goes my bail card since now my particles are busted(I knew I should’ve copied the finished version and not the Prototype Beta 2.53586588192358934). There seems to be no way to get outta here so I’m stuck for more nights. At least I can move now.

May 15th 2017

The 2nd to last night. I can’t buck up like yesterday and die due to some new thing distracting me from the old enemies. I must prevail my life and are you kidding me Phone Guy, AGAIN!!! Well I’m not bothering to ignore nor listen to that message because I don’t ca…

That’s when I heard banging. And wind ups. And chimes. Could the Phone Guy be near me. If so, I want to punch the guts out of him. But I stopped and listen closely to the call. It spoke the exact same from the places where I heard stuff from. That’s when I heard the words “Uh, I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there.”Than a chimed played. “You know...oh, no…”

I wasted no time. I transformed my phone into a good ol ZPG I found at the PvZ world and aimed at the back wall. How did I not realised this sooner?!?! The Phone Guy was right behind me! And I’m going to have a little chat with him. Boom goes the dynamite. I fired.

Singed papers do not help me in the most parts. It did help me from not putting this awkward talk to Phone Guy and threaten him to thank me for saving him from all the animatronics though. Anyway, he said that he would take the shift for me today and I could stay at his place in the meantime. Very nice of him. I don’t have to worry about crazy animatronics anymore. And now I actually have to work on my place out of this world. I’m going to his house as I speak. Let’s see what he has.

The portal is going great. I should be out and done by 1 the next night. I’m starting to wonder where Phone Guy is. Maybe he’s taken all my shifts, that’s nice of him. Oh look, the mail’s here. Might as well do some sudoku after all that hard wor...wait, “Phone Guy Disappears From Work?!?!” This can’t be good. I need to see what’s happening.

May 16th 2017

This was such a bad idea. I ran back to the pizzeria as fast as possible. What am I presented with? A dead corpse in a suit. Brilliant. Not only that, as soon as I set foot inside, the doors shut down. I guess this place has some top notch security. I would blow up another hole, but I’d rather not get arrested by the police. So now it’s me vs 4. Time to find the office.

Finding the office was easy(Giant hole in the wall that wasn’t patched for some reason helps). As soon as I got back, I made sure to patch it ASAP with a plastic replica of the same wall. Now I need to survive these next 6 hours.

The next 5 hours went on with stuff like “Bonnie, buck off my door. You too Foxy.”along with some ”I see you Chica”s. Some animatronics managed to get into the doorway but I threw some sound grenades that screamed child laughter down the hallway to lure them out of my office(Spare parts from the portal man). After having only a minute left, I thought I was home free.

How could’ve I been more wrong. Rest in pieces the power. I quickly got my phone to turn into a flashlight only to realise that was a terrible idea. I threw the flashlight phone away as it would attract the robots to me if I kept it longer and I don’t think I’ll have enough time to turn it into another thing that’ll bail me out much less use it. I played the one thing I hate the most, play dead.

Phone Guy might’ve suggested this while I was talking to him saying that the animatronics may not notice you(Though he said they might stuff an endoskeleton in me). I just hope it works. Come on, come on, ffffff...NO, THEY GOT ME!!! OH PLEASE, LET ME GO. I’M TOO SMART TO DIE. I CAN FEEL THE METAL SLICING MY SK...wait, it stopped. Is it 6:00? Well I’m outta here.

The police came to investigate as soon as I left. They asked me some questions but I ran past them and to Phone Guy’s house. Funny thing was that they asked me if I wanted to stay for another two nights for my paycheck(I rebuffed obviously). But that didn't matter to me anyways. I need to finish these final adjustments.

Done, now I need to get outta here without any followers. The plants promised to destroy it last time but I’m gonna set a time bomb here. I have a feeling the pages are going to read “Phone Guy’s House Goes DYNAMITE!” today. Activate it for 5 seconds, and here I go!!!

Nice to know that I get put above a hole. I fell as soon as I got to this world. I fell and fell and drank some tea. Then I continued to fall(Why is this so deep). I saw a flower bed from a distance and got my phone to turn into a copter blade to slow my fall(I would’ve done parachute, but my mind is in full panic). Come on, yes successfu...YOW!!! OK, I didn’t have the greatest landing in the world, but at least only my legs are broke and not my everything. I looked around the bed to spot more stuff, but I couldn’t. My papers were lost during the fall, but that hardly matters. I’m gonna pass out. Well good night people, have a nice...wait, I swear that something said “Howdy, I’m Fl…” before my ears went deaf. Zzzzzz


These dimension breaks are severe. From tower defense to horror point and click. Dimensions sure are sweet to study. But fun fact, I did not get these papers from the FNAF world(Not the game don't worry). I got them from another place. I'll show you soon.

<poll> How do you think Damasen Bracer's journey thus far? He's going well and intelligent. He's doing OKish. nOOb. </poll>