User blog:GamesterD/Dimension Breaker: Stars of Joy and Betrayal

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Finally making a new blog. Stupid school. But I got info. Dameson's last appearance.

Day 1

The transporter took me really far into dimensions. Oh yes it did. Just not far enough. I’m now aware that I’m being recorded but I think I could live with that for now. This date thing is going nuts for some reason. And I don’t remember what time it is. Might as well set this thing from date to day due to some time paradox stuff.

When I was in the new dimension, I could see a giant star with rings around it. Great. Time to bust some Luma’s up I guess. Except this is not the Mario universe, that’s for sure. I’m pretty sure there are no giant star planets in Mario Galaxy. I should be able to recognize when I land this very much not fatal crash(It happens a lot alright.)

Now time to scream. “AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...TEA TIME!...ah that was good. OK, time to scream agai…”Then “BOOM”, I’m half stuck underground with my head thankfully not in a million pieces. How can I get up here, oh wait, I have that warp those kids gave me. Now what to d...GAH!!!...

Warping into the ground was not a good idea. There was a cave underneath which was fine for me and my breathing capacity. If there wasn’t, I would be suffocating right now. But why did I not feel impact damage? It felt so soft. That’s when I look down and it turns out it’s...aww.

I’m normally trained to not be awed by stuff, but Kirby being squashed is one of the cutest things I seen to date. But this also confirms I’m in the Kirby world. So I’m not in Mario Galaxy, that’s fine. But how do I get the materials for outta here.

Kirby did not like being my lap chair and smuggled out of my butt. He proceed to stare at me for a total of 9 seconds, 15 milliseconds, and an awkward moment of a Bandana Dee walking across the two of us before taking a leave. Huh. That was strange. But I believe Kirby is benevolent unless you steal his cake or something so I should be fine. But I should get outta this place soon. Maybe follow that puffball for a while. Yeah I shall.

So this cave seems to be nice for now but I need to get out of this place. Kirby’s universe does have some technological places so I can always drop off there. Well there’s the exit. Now time to get out of this place and what the f*** just happened here?

I was expecting a lush beautiful land of grass and plains, not rock debris and dead creatures here will a rift in time and space itself. As I walked across the wreckage, I thought how could someone do this when I remember that Kirby can do that with some giant a** sword so I’m presuming that happened. Considering the creatures, I should follow Kirby to avoid getting my butt kicked(I suck at Kirby games somehow and I doubt that I’ll have a better time here) But wait, did I just see a rift in time and spa… Due to thinking too much about survival, I forgot about the rift in time and space and welp time to scream again. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” As I was sucked into the rift, I saw glimpses of pink, yellow, grey, and orange things along with some purple alien thingy. Everything else was a blurr and my head is starting to hurt like heck. My body was definitely NOT ready for this kind of travel(I experimented so much on my dimension portals I’m used to that kind of travel not this.)

I don’t remember much but I apparently don’t taste good to star rifts as I was tossed out. If there was a safety cushion upon landing, I would’ve been fine but nope solid sandstone is obvious more comforting in this world. Last thing I see for now are 4 figures, pink, yellow, grey, and orang...wait aren’t those guys from that rift. I can’t even concentrate with this pain so I just let go and lose conscious.

Day 3

Zzzzzzzz...rabits...zzzzzz...blades…zzzzzzz….psychic….zzzzzzzzzz....pockets creatures...zzzzzzzzz....wannabe of Roblox...zzzzzzzzzz...boosh bang pow…...zzzzzzzz

Day 5 long has it been. An hour? 9 hours? I shall chec...4 DAYS!?!? I WAS UNCONSCIOUS FOR 4 DAYS?!?! HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?!?! AM I DEAD? WHAT IS THIS BLUE PLACE? AND...uh...why is this blue midget here?

In front of me was a small blue figure with gloves and a mask on with a dinner tray. Educated guess that’s the guy who kept me alive. So I asked the thing you always say to people you have no idea who they are “Who the f*** are you?”

The creature dropped his tray and answered “I’m Magolor, commander of this ship the Lor Starcutter. Kirby and his friends found you and brought you here. They are helping me restore this ship from a dragon that attacked it. Who are you?”

I just answered “Some person from another world. So where are Kirby and his friends right now?”

Magolor proceeded to escort me outside of the ship(Which looks to defy physics but eh) and pointed at some large tower. The tower was purplish and there was a dark cloud on the top which appeared to trespass the ozone layer of this world(If it has any).

Well I better go and help the dude. He helped me so I help him. Simple I guess but it’s a rule that you must do unless you’re a complete a**hole. Granted I’m considered one at time but not all the time. So up to the tower I go. My phone detects that the top has good amounts of oxygen so I should be fine up there. Now time to climb this tower. Might as well shut this down for while to save ink.

Welp I’m here. With the help of some plungers I found in Snowden(Thanks a lot Papyrus for being a complete lunatic and stuff this up my butt), I created a spider mech that climbed me up to the top. Now time to help Kirby and is that some dragon thing I see?

To my sight was a sphere like dragon that had a mast in it. Near it was Kirby, a fat penguin with a mallet, a masked midget with a sword, and a Waddle Dee with a bandana. I presuming the former two are King Dedede and Meta Knight but they seem to be struggling. I thinking “I should help out but what to use. Sniper? Nah, that’ll do nothing to dragons. Bones? Doubt that’ll be any better. Mask of Freddy? Why the heck do I still have this? Ah screw it, randomize it! And I get…” Then I look up and realise that the fight was over and the group was just staring at me.

I just nervously wave my hand and said “Hi…” While Dedede and Meta Knight seemed to look at me suspiciously(To be fair, I would too) Kirby and Waddle Dee just waved at me back and walked past me while holding a giant mast. Not long after, the other two did the same. I turn around to see them and look back and instinctively grabbed my phone shouting “YOU GUYS AREN’T DONE YET!” as giant dragon rock was about to crush me.

I went and pressed what I could get from the phone due to panic. What I got was a gravity gun which would help me if I knew what I was doing. Sadly, the gravity gun I was using was complicated and I found myself a giant rock about to smash me into a pancake quicker instead of the other way around. Then came a gigantic sword that sliced the creature in half. Kirby was on the other side(How?) with a huge sword and smiled at me. That smile told me everything that I was to travel with him. Well time to get down here...goodness, I’m almost outta ink. I’ll get some more later.

Day 6

OK, I’m back. So we got this mast from the Grand Doomer(The dragon from the other day) and turns out these four are repairing are repairing that Magalor’s ship. I decided to help out by increasing the speed the engine will use energy. Other stuff I did was spar with Meta Knight(He won), play cards with Dedede and Waddle Dee(I definitely did not rig some of the games), and feed Kirby with a cornucopia I might’ve copied from Suburbia. But anyway, Magalor says as a thanks, he’ll be taking us to Halcandra. He also says there’s also a power plant there where I can get out so that’s great. And speaking of it, we’re here! I glance out and say “Man why does this place have volcano. And why is there a hydra on said volcan...oh…” as a 4 fireballs hit our ship.

Damage isn’t that bad. Just a couple of burnt oars but there’s this electric field that’ll prevent us from getting out of here. So we have to go get it deactivated. Yeah. I walk with Kirby in order to teach him that my phone is not a mike, don’t eat it, and it’s most certainly not a cake. Also because both us make a really good team. Whenever he loses something, I just turn my phone to what he needs at the time and have him use it WITHOUT him swallowing it. Occasionally he could dual wield swords and hammers due to this. That doesn’t mean I helped the others though. Dedede I helped by cloning his Waddle Dees while he danced(What that does I still have no clue.) Meta Knight...actually he refused help from me trying to add a scorpion tail on him but I guess it’s understandable. He just killed everything anyways. But we’re getting close to the generator powering the shield. I’ve collected some materials to get out but Waddle Dee kept grabbing them from me. I guess they were important for them.

Now I see the generator. I lean into a metal box and scream: “Hah! Easy deactivation. Password is “DON’T TRUST MOR LOGA” Huh. Strange. Probably must be a typo.” And deactivated. I stand up after deactivating the shield and announce to the party “Alright, I’m staying here. You beat the boss and move and defeat Landia(The hydra). Kirby seemed reluctant but Dedede dragged him off. The group left me and I was alone again. This I’m used to. Oh well, time to work.

Day 7

Alright so I should be finished now! And the portal is set and ready to be teleported. Just need to flick the lever and get the heck in before this thing explodes. What the...why is there a giant star rift on the top of the volcano. And why is there a purple thing going through it. Wait…”DON’T TRUST MOR LOGA”...AH COME ON! NOT THIS CLIQUE AGAIN! Great, so Kirby needs to save the world from Magalor now. that Kirby riding a baby Landia with one head. Wow it is. And the rest are flying up to the star and it’s gone. So they’re on their own. Well...looks like I have to help them I stare at my portal and think but deregister that thought as this is a one time use. I search around for another solution.

I look around muttering to myself “Where can I get to interdimensional space and come back with? This is not bigge isn’t it. No, apparently it take Albert Einstein's 12 descendent with Indiana Jones to find and perhaps make one apparently.”’s a pink penguin robot here. Maybe this? I’ll take what I got. I brace myself and jump into the cockpit. It fits perfectly. Now time to operate this thing. By pressing buttons until something works. Boop, beep, boop, there we go. “Let’s fly!” I say.

I did not enjoy flight to space. Me and my pink machine are tracking down Magalor and his chasers to some distant planet. What in the world is going on. I’m just descending and I’m barely controlling this thing from sheer wind, dimension ripping, and other things. I can see Kirby and the others down there. Kirby’s got his giant sword and it seems like...yep Magalor’s sliced in half. I shout “DANGIT!” Apparently they could hear me but I glance down and see why. There was a crown floating and under it was a dark mist. I could recognize it but I had bad jibbies of it so I shout “FOR NARNIA!” and release the boosters to crash down.

I regret everything. An explosion so big occured it propelled me into another star hole. I felt like it was back to dizzy land but this time, I saw visions. I swear I could see the future. Maybe me meeting an amesiac Nadia or maybe Aiden. I dunno maybe that. I also saw some stuff like white rabbits and a storm full of blades but all else was mush. I felt like death and thought “Welp, I’m screwed.” Then all was black and I feel a coma coming.

Day 8

I wake up to find myself not only not in a graveyard, but in the tech place. Was I dreaming? No, it says Day 8. I should edit that to Day 1 now that it’s been a week. But my portal’s still here. I feel like I’ve been eaten. I then spot a strawberry short cake next to me. I pick it up and say “Oh Kirby you son of a gun.” I leave the cake because who know if he wants to eat it. But now time to leave.

I fall onto grass which is an improvement of dirt. But there are tons of random stuff here. Like this laundry box, and this flower, and giant gluestick. And most important of all, WHAT THE HECK IS THIS LUIGI WANNABE RABBIT DOING IN MY FACE?!?!