User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Review

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I've been playing PvZH since the dawn of time(OK, 3 days after it was soft released). I like it and now I will review some things of this game.

Plant Heroes

Robin Pea

As she's the first hero, you get you may get used to her. She's fine with me as Peashooter is my favorite plant. Boosting plants and freezing/bouncing all who try to stop it is very good. However, first hero isn't always the best. She's my 7th best plant.

Burnin Flora

She recently got a nerf which made her less useful, but no matter. She's still hot on battles and look. She's so adorable. Sunburn can give you a huge advantage easily. With Solar, she can get awesome Kabloom plants ASAP. Unfortantlly, I don't have many awesome Kabloom plants which makes her my number 4.

Don't Even Try to Crack Him

Seriously. Don't. Wall-Knight's signiture superpower is his lifejacket on battles. Guardian and Solar make huge advantage by protecting everything and sooner than other Guardains. Whatsmore is that nuts usually take a lot of damage perfect for a combo with Pepper M.D. and Geyser. THIS BABY IS UNCRACKLABLE!!! #1!!!!!!!!!!


My first reaction: "Who the f*** made this thing?" Looks like a crossover of a drunk Potato Mine that combined bodies with a sumo wrestler. His types are OK, guarding powerful Kabloom plants isn't a bad strategy but his superpower....suck for me. Which is why he is the 8th plant on my ranking.

6 Story Chomper

It's a boss come true-ish. Some people wanted a Chomper boss in GW2. Pop Cap didn't do this, but decided to save that idea for this game. While the gender is weird, she is actually complete havoc if you don't have plenty of missles ready to go. Especially on Strickthrough. This will almost always guarentee the zombie hero to go back where they came from. Unfortantlly, she doesn't have much amphibious counter which is why she is number 5.

Grawr Bear the Ultimate Face Puncher 2.0

Once you get Power Pummel, use it. You will most likely either do 6-4 damage at the start of a normal battle. If all the lanes are ground though, assuming all of the lanes are cleared, prepare for a 95% chance of doing a whooping 10 damage to the Zombie Hero. Unfortanatlly, he's only good at that besides boosting hard to kill plants into easy to destroy others and hard to kill plants. And people usually have a plan for those stuff. I have to put him in 9th place.


This thing is the destroyer of everything. Combine Blazin' Bark and Re-Peat Moss and you get a lot of death. Even if you don't have Re-Peat Moss, you can still use stuff like Repeater, Pea Pod, and other stuff. Overwhelm all with super powerful Bonus Attacks. No amphibious you may say? SCREW IT! He's number 2.


Rose is awesome. Even before she go the Goatify buff, she has a good typing. Using Solar to make good stuff fast and Smarty to freeze/bounce all who try to interfere is ultimate. If that doesn't work, reduce their damage so much, they just can;t do anything. Unfortanatlly, neither of those have powerful stuff which makes her my number 3.

Future James Bond

Citron, however, is a diffrent story. While he is the amphibious master, Guardian and Smarty can't do much besides defense and stalling. Eventually, any hero will comethrough. His Peel Shield isn't his lifesaver now. Worst of all, his glasses are transparent. Screw you Citron, you ain't cool. Worst Plant Hero for me.

Ninja Art: Mushroom Master

Nightcap is OK. He's got good tryping by setting up a weak yet soon to be strong army and stalling all who try to stop him. Once he has a strong army, your dead unless something like this happens. Unfortanatlly, he's vulnerable when he's making an army. Deastroying every single plant is the first priority for facing this plant. His ninja skills have ranked him as 6th best.

Zombie Heroes

The Only Handsome Zombie

Super Brainz will save the zombies! If you try to threaten a zombie? Move! Freeze it? Move! Put a wall? Move! Say hello to the savior of zombies. With Sneaky, he can sneak Anti-Heroes out of plant harm and defeat the plant hero easily. With Brainy, he can bonus attack stuff if there's no where else to move. That's about it. He's not too shabby, but I'm OK with him. His heroic means place him as 6th for zombies.

Infinite Imps

Let's count how many Imps there are. There's...

                              We are having techinical difficulties. Please comeback and try again.

                                       Error 49874580275075285074897: Overload of Imps.

Yeah. Too much Imps. Anyways, Impfinity can easily dispatch plants with some easy steps. Most of them don't include a giant zombie robot that fires fireballs at plants. Along with that, He can crazily use Strickthrough and deal massive damage to everything. He is number 3.

Stayin Alive-ish

Electric Boogaloo has an army of dancers ready to go. Most of them are usually puny in terms of health and strength. So much for being Crazy and Beastly. While he does do massive damage, most of them don't appear in early terms. By the time he uses them, pratically 3/4s of his health is long gone. By that time, he's good as gone. Say hello to my worst zombie hero. This does not mean he's terrible though.


The Smash, well, smashes stuff. He destroys puny plants and obliterates strong plants. While his cards are late cards, with Hearty, he can heal much better than Boogaloo. He can also boost his minion's health easily and reduce other plant damage. He is the 8th best.


Rustobolt is super evil as an AI. When I use him, not so much. Like The Smash, he kills all weak and strong plants. Unlike The Smash, he is smart and evil. Bonus Attacks cause the hero to be roadkill. Not only that, he can reduce damage of other palnts more effectivally. He is the 5th.

What Soon to Conquer Surburbia

Z-Mech makes use of his typing. He can fire heavy artillery quick and they will be dangerous. He can also crazilly help out by boosting and frenzying stuff. Armored helps too but Frenzy does most of the work. His Heary mode completly obliterates all annoying plants in his path. His awesome tech place him as 4.

Baron Von Bats' Wife

Immorticia is goddess. She can easily destroy stuff with Beastly buffs. She can also wreck havoc with Bonus Attacks due to Brainy. Paparazzi Zombie + Big boosts = Disaster! Her Zom-Bats may need some work, but I don't care. She is very good. Oh and did I mention she's the only one who can use the Zombot 1000+Teleport trick without ripi]ping out the time-space continium. #1!!!!!!!


Neptuna is really good at amphibious. She can use those as an advantage for Anti-Heroes. Any puny plants in the way? Just crush them with Rolling Stone or something. She's good, but doesn't have a good superpower deck. Which is why she's number 7.

Abombnable Brainman

Brain Freeze sucks for me. While he can summon all you can summon gravestones, buffing simply can't be done unless the other player has bad cards. AI Brain Freezes are technically cheaters, so they don't count. he sucks. The only reason he's ranked 9 is because I got better with him recently.

2nd Destroyer of Space-Time Continium

Professor Brainstorm is really good. Not only does he gain 3 other teammates he usually can't get, Brainy and Crazy are significant together. He can use bonus attacks so Crazy zombies get the lead. His superpowers are good. If it weren't for the two I's, he would've been 1. But he will be number 3.


Some things are OP such as Power Flower who is too OP to be Basic. Others are too weak to be premium like Poison Mushroom. If I listed them all, this page would go on forever. But basically, I agree with a lot of other users.