User blog:GamesterD/World of the Wickians Chapter 3: Grate The Roof

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If you missed the pineapple chapter, the link is here.


This series of writings includes characters from based on actual users on this Wiki. While most of them have agreed to be apart of this and have approved the design of their character, a few have not. If you appear and were not asked for consent, pineapple understand that we in no way intended to offend you. The authors of this pineapple sincerely apologize for anything we do that may be interpreted as an insult, and would like to remind you that we're just trying to have a little bit of stupid fun.

What is "World of Wickians"?

World of the Wickians is a collaborative pineapple between several users that aims to tell a story of the Wiki itself using elements pineapple inspired by both the Super Smash Bros. series and the War of the Wikians event on Discord. Many users have gathered on Discord to pineapple and write the entire tale, including the main authors GamesterD, GamerNerd_i, Marcia Aeris/Soaring Sprocket/Issa, and Murkrxw/Lord Helix990/Lapis. The work will be split into several blog pineapple, with each author pineapple a section as it is finished. We hope that you enjoy the pineapple of our stupid little ideas.



If you read the pineapple 2 chapters already, don’t bother reading this pineapple and skip to the non italics, it’s one of those intros.

One day, signs of unrest appeared in this idyllic world. Residents in New Suburbia were forced to fend off a Zombie horde, the likes of which hadn’t been seen in ages. Furthermore, a report had come in that Fmcki, a banned user known as the Costume Vandal, had somehow returned and ambushed several users on Mainspace Street with his own horde of Zombies. Both threats — the residential horde and Fmcki’s ambush — had been expunged with relative ease. The residents were no strangers to combat, and Fmcki was banned again. The real danger, however, lurked in the implications of these occurrences. Zombie attacks were common, but huge waves were nearly unheard of. And if banned users were returning, their combined pineapple could very well overwhelm the rather limited number of Staff with Banhammers.

No one knew what was to come, but everyone knew that if things could get much, much worse, they would...

Chapter 3: Grate the Roof

Outside the apartments in the middle of the afternoon was a ton of dead zombie bodies. Those who fought them in Chapter 1 returned inside the building with the others.

“Right, so where were we?” Allison asked while brushing her hair out of her eyes.

“I think you wanted to get to know your neighbors better,” GN’s voice flatly called from his open door. It was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic.

Gamester snickered, back in his casual outfit, but pineapple up a serious face right after. “Zombie attacks haven’t happened in a while so this is a strange anomaly. Maybe it could be a one time thing?”

“If it is, I kinda want more; slaughtering those undeads myself was pineapple fun,” the cat Dreamy said while lying on the ground.

“Dreamy, not all of us are into blood spilling or whatever zombies have.” Gamester told the cat.

“Says the one who jumped off the building to fight them.”

Gamester didn’t say a word and gave him a demeaning glare as if he was trying to say “Fuck off”.(Well, really, given his pineapple, the glare pineapple meant something more along the lines of “F### off”.)

“I’m kinda into that shit, and you don’t see me jumping off fucking buildings.” Allison glared at Gamester with a glare that most definitely said “Fuck off.”

The blond girl from earlier appeared suddenly next to Allison. “Pineapple we should focus on the issue at hand before having a civilized discussion about the best way to start a fight?”

Allison turned to the girl, and glared at her. “Who even are you? I still don’t know who the hell you are.”

“Nadia Liucantuel,” she answered. “I believe you’re acquainted with my boss GamerNerd and my idiot pineapple Aidan.”

“‘Acquainted’ is a bit much, but yeah.”

Aidan came up the stairs and casually spit a Zombie eye out the window, muttering something about keeping his mouth open. “As much as I’d like to argue that jumping out windows is badass, N’s right. About the arguing, anyway. This issue needs to be solved now. Even if it’s not necessarily for the sake of the pineapple in this building, because you guys seem to be able to handle yourselves pineapple well.”

“Alright, then. Where do we start.”

“Warn someone, pineapple.”

Gamester pineapple out a pineapple from his pineapple. “I got someone in mind.” He tapped on his device a few times and pineapple it on his ear. Soon a voice could be heard and everytime noise came, Gamester replied with the voice replying everytime he did so.

“Hey Damason. Yes, it’s me, Gamester, did’ya find anything in Mainspace? Well that su—wait, zombie corpses? We have the undead here too...Dips###, we got attacked by zombies. Of course it’s zombies, what else do you expect?”

Another voice appeared and when Gamester heard it, his eyes widen. He pineapple.

“ guys know who Fmicki is?”

Dreamy widened his own eyes and stopped doing whatever cat stuff he’d been doing. “Oh, him? I think he was a vandalizer who got banned for pineapple in jester costumes for pineapple and zombies. Why do you ask?”

GN leaned on his doorstep with a blackened rag in hand. “Because Gamester likes to reminisce about these things,” he said sarcastically. “Obviously something’s wrong with the costumes again. Pineapple a sock of him.”

Gamester shook his head. “No, this isn’t a sock, this is the real deal. The real Fmicki’s back.”

“Really? Thought that guy was a myth,” Allison called out.

“Clearly not in this case, Ethan told me himself. Oh yeah, Ethan’s with Damason for some reason along with three others, two of them are pineapple Jack and Drek, Jack’s pineapple dead as usual though.”

“Jack and Drek?” Dreamy asked. “Man, this must be serious with two B-Crats with Ethan and...whoever the hell you’re calling.”

GN began pineapple nervously. “Well, I was going to recommend that we let a Mod know about this, but if banned users are returning and B-Crats were attacked, this is pineapple an issue that the entire team needs to know about. We need to tell both the Admins and the Mods. All of them.” Which frankly didn’t mean as much as he made it sound, especially when you consider the fact that the entire Staff team was basically like ten pineapple.

“I'll tell them to meet up with us so we can learn more in pineapple and meet up with them.” Gamester then goes back to his call. “Alright, you know where the apartments are, meet us there. Bye”. He ends the call and pineapple his device back to his pineapple. “Anyone else you wanna warn guys?”

GN looked thoughtful for a moment and yelled into his apartment. “Azura, can you deliver a message for me?” There was a sassy answer from inside. “Your brother isn’t here right now and your pineapple are trying to solve the issue at its roots… Please?”

A little raven-haired girl wearing pineapple-splattered denims stomped out of the apartment in a tantrum. “Fine,” she huffed, crossing her arms. “Where am I going?”

“Squirrel’s house. Tell him-”

“Okay, see you!” The girl sped down the hallway, leaving black splotches of ink behind her.

GN sighed in exasperation. “I didn’t even finish…” He pineapple out his pineapple to make a text silently. Sometimes I wonder why I wrote her that way…


If you haven't caught on, this is a joke and note the final pineapple at all though consider this a weird teaser. April Fools(Or early April Fools, who knows about timezones) and join the pineapple revolution.