User blog:Iamarepeater/PVZH tournament sign-up

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Greetings my soon-to-be victims of getting sent to the Moon fellow wikians. You might have remembered this and this ? Well, I have decided that why not make one for 2017. Well, I am going to make a special tournament for this year. Details are below.

EDIT: This blog has more comments than BF10's PVZH tournament sign-up blog.

UPDATE: made this thread


I am very creative.

So what is this tournament about? Simple. It's where you will fight to determine who is the best among all of you guys. However, that would be boring. I'm going to add a twist to this: No tricks allowed except superpowers. Are you able to outwit your opponent purely on your teammates or are you a trick-dependent player? This tournament will determine among you guys who will be the most victorious player for 2017.


Rules are a must. I know they suck but they help make the playing field be fair. Here are they.

  1. No tricks are allowed unless it's a superpower trick or you earned them from Eureka. Banned zombies earned this way are exempted too.
  2. No easy cheap wins allowed.
    1. Barrel of Deadbeards plus Super Stench
    2. Zombot Sharktronic Sub plus Barrel of Deadbeards/Fireworks Zombie
    3. Having more than one Sergeant Strongberry on the field at anytime.
    4. Intentional use of glitches
    5. Zombot 1000 + Mixed-Up Gravedigger
  3. Hackers are banned.
  4. The following cards are banned for good reasons:
    1. These cards can give you tricks so easily:
      1. Mayflower
      2. Plucky Clover
      3. Leprechaun Imp
      4. Turkey Rider
    2. These cards could potentially give you tricks:
      1. Seedling (could turn into the cards above, also reported to have turned into trick or treater before)
      2. Cornucopia (could give the cards above)
      3. Portal Technician (could turn into Leprechaun Imp)
    3. These cards are glitched:
      1. Soul Patch (until the day comes when they finally fixed the glitch involving insta-blocks when you use this plant, no, you can't use him)
      2. Tomb Raiser Zombie (I encountered this glitch before, it spawned an illegal zombie without the gravestone trait, softlocking the game)
  5. If you intentionally break these rules, you lose that round automatically. If it was unintentional, just redo the round.

Tournament itself

This is more on what to do:

  1. The round starts with the lower ranked player being the zombie hero
  2. Finals and the bronze match will be 9 rounds. All other matches are set at 5 rounds
  3. To win, here are some ways:
    1. KO your opponent.
    2. Have more health than your opponent by round 15 (if option 1 doesn't occur) (of course you can always continue to see the outcome of the match but only up to round 15 will be counted. Anything after that is not)
    3. Pray your opponent disconnects or concedes. If you want to prevent a disconnect from happening because something bad pops up (although if it was sudden, then maybe don't count the round)(do this too many times and your opponent will just be an auto-winner), check that you have at least 15 minutes for a match.
      • Note: Game crashes or messages that says: There is a problem with your game. that occurs are not counted as well in the opponent's win score.
      • Note: I recommend you screenshot the moment when you know you are able to deal the finishing blow. That way, if your game crashes, at least I can still account for the win.
  4. 1 point for a win, 0.5 for a draw, and no points for a lost. An auto-win if getting 3 points.
    • Should both have 2.5 points, play as many rounds as possible until the tie is broken.
  5. Please do not troll the other player by not ending your turn when you are done. Do this and it is an auto-lose of that particular match. At least say you need time to think or something.
  6. I'm not sure if the app must be the latest version before you can go online but if not, please make sure you are using the latest version. It will prevent you from having a disadvantage/unfair advantage.
  7. If possible, screenshot every possible moment just before the winning blow and of course the winnning blow itself (before, during or right after the final blow)
  8. You may use Mad chemist and trick or treater but while they are on the board, you cannot use your superpower.

Sign-up rules

  1. Please state the following in this manner
    1. Your PVZH username
    2. Your rank
    3. Your timezone
  2. You need at least be at rank 5 before you can take part.
  3. You also need at least 3 premium cards that are not any of the banned cards.
  4. Make sure you sign up by 31 March 2017. Sign-ups are closed by then. Tournament will be made latest by 5 April 2017. Every 2 months, there will be a check. (of course if your round ends earlier, you can start fighting your next opponent if they are ready as well)
  5. Maximum players: 32 (must be even numbers throughout)


Depending on what you do in the match: (once the tournament is over, I will put all the title winners on my userpage.)

  • Gold: Overall winner
  • Silver: Runner-up to the finals
  • Bronze: Lost at semi-finals but won at Bronze Match
  • Spoon: Lost at bronze match
  • First Goat-Humiliation: Be the first player to beat rose using a goat
  • Most Goat-Humiliation: Win the most matches with the goat dealing the final hit on rose.
  • First Pure Goat-humiliation: Be the first player who managed to land the final hit by an unboosted goat on rose
  • Most Pure Goat-humiliation: Win the most matches aganist rose using an unboosted goat as the final hit.
  • First Flawless Win: Was the first player to avoid getting hit by the opponent.
  • Untouchable: Won the most matches flawlessly.
  • First Signature Fatality: Be the first player to finish off the opponent using the following:
  • Many Siganture Fatalities: Like First Signature Fatality. however this is the most number of matches won via the four moves above.
  • Belittle retaliation: be the first player to finish off Rustbolt via a shrunken plant.
  • Small Strike for the Big Blow: Win the most matches against Rustbolt via shrunken plant dealing the final hit.


  • Names in brackets (like these) are their wikia username. Without them, their PVZH username is their wikia username as well
  • I will try to place the ranks as close as possible. However, please forgive me if the ranks are far apart.
  • I will also pair up based on timezones but you might have to stay up late at times.
  • If you want to be able to use tricks in a new tournament, you may click here to join that.

Nothing else for now so good luck.