User blog:Introspector/PvZH Balancing, Tribe, Etc. Suggestions

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Hello! This is Coasters Confirmed (I need a nickname or something, this is quite the mouthful) coming at you with an idea blog. I am planning to work on a fanmade PvZ Heroes idea, and I need some help. I want to change up card tribes and balance them which I can't really do myself because I have barely any cards and suck at the game. So that means feel free to comment below as always. Let's get started already!


This is the one I am having trouble with the most. I am taking a lot of balancing blogs and posts into consideration, but I will still need a lot of help with it. I will edit this for every balance suggestion given to me. So far there is:



This part I know pretty well, but I'd still like suggestions for it. I like to overcomplicate things, so I created an order of tribes, and I like to base my fanmade cards around these.

Primary Tribes

These are the main tribes of each class, and several different cards have these tribes. These tribes often have a basic 1/1 card, and also have synergy cards.

Pea Tribe (Mega-Grow)

Mushroom Tribe (Kabloom)

Bean Tribe (Smarty)

Flower Tribe (Solar)

Nut Tribe (Guardian)

Pet Tribe (Beastly)

Imp Tribe (Sneaky)

Dancing Tribe (Crazy)

Science Tribe (Brainy)

Sports Tribe (Hearty)

Secondary Tribes

These tribes don't have as many cards as the primary tribes, but still have quite a few tribes and have synergies. There are only three of them.

Berry Tribe

Pirate Tribe

Gargantuar Tribe

Recurring Tribes

Most tribes are in this category. They don't have synergies but still have quite a few cards in them.

Leafy Tribe

Squash Tribe

Root Tribe

Fruit Tribe

Vine Tribe

Flytrap Tribe

Tree Tribe

Gourmet Tribe

Monster Tribe

Professional Tribe

Party Tribe

History Tribe

Barrel Tribe

Garbage Tribe

Minor Tribes

These tribes have two or less cards in them.

Cactus Tribe

Seed Tribe

Pinecone Tribe

Corn Tribe

Banana Tribe

Moss Tribe

Pepper Tribe

Clock Tribe

You might be wondering where the mustache, knight, dragon, and animal tribe are. They actually have a category of their own called:

Eliminated Tribes

These tribes would be eliminated in my version, because they are unnecessary due to other tribes and/or don't have many cards in them, or in the case of the mustache tribe, they just bother me. I am not eliminating banana due to several upcoming banana cards coming in the future. Here is what I would do:

Snapdragon - Flower Plant

Cattail - Leafy Flower Plant

Bananasaurus Rex - Banana Plant

Hibernating Beary - Berry Plant

Snake Grass - Leafy Plant

Guacodile - Fruit Plant

Dandy Lion King - Flower Plant

Toadstool - Mushroom Plant

Pear Cub and Grizzly Pear - Fruit Plant

Knight of the Living Dead - History Zombie

All Mustache Cards (Too many to list) - Current Tribes minus Mustache Tribe

Headstone Carver - Professional Zombie

Bungee Plumber -  Sports Trick

I'm also trying to get rid of the Clock tribe, but I can't figure out where Cuckoo Zombie would go. Any suggestions?

In addition, Superpower tricks and Signature Superpowers no longer have other tribes so that superpowers will be more balanced with each other.

Adding Tribes

As you probably have noticed, some cards don't have tribes. This gets on my nerves, so I am going to add tribes to the cards that are missing them. Those cards are:

-Gardening Gloves (Guardian)

-Sizzle (Kabloom)

-Fertilize (Mega-Grow)

-Plant Food (Mega-Grow)

-Water Balloons (Solar)

-2nd-Best Taco of All Time (Solar)

-Whack-a-Zombie (Solar)

-Lawnmower (Solar)

-Vitamin Z (Beastly)

-Maniacal Laugh (Beastly)

-Fun-Dead Raiser (Brainy)

-Rolling Stone (Hearty)

-Terrify (Hearty)

-Weed Spray (Hearty)

-Smoke Bomb (Sneaky)

-Backyard Bounce (Sneaky)

Some of these could easily fit in with existing tribes. Terrify could easily be a Monster card, Maniacal Laugh could easily be a Science card, Weed Spray could be a Professional card, and Backyard Bounce could be a Party card. Vitamin Z could also be a Professional or a Science card (Any suggestions?). Maybe Fun-Dead Raiser could be a Professional or Party card(?). Smoke Bomb could be a Party card, I guess? Rolling Stone could be a... Pet card for a pet rock. No?

In terms of plants, we could create a new tribe called the Gardening tribe. This could be the tribe for Gardening Gloves, Fertilize, Plant Food, and Lawnmower. Sizzle could possibly be a Gardening card too because sun is used to power the plants. Water Balloons could possibly be a Flower card because of the flower balloon and synergizing with the Solar tribe. 2nd-Best Taco of All Time has some sort of leafy plant in it, meaning that it could be a Leafy card. If we really wanted to get creative, Whack-a-Zombie could be a Squash card because it squashes zombies. What do you guys think about that?

Making Event Cards Permanent (With Exceptions)

I personally don't like the ticket system very much. I don't have most of the boosted heroes that I get, and you have to play several times a day in order to get anything. I would get rid of the ticket system and make all cards permanent with a rarity except for:

-Jack O' Lantern



-Turkey Rider

-Jolly Holly

-Regifting Zombie

-Hot Date

-Blooming Heart

-Stupid Cupid

-Plucky Clover


-Leprechaun Imp

Of course, I'd add more event cards, probably three or four for each side per event. But what should rarities should I make other previously Event characters like Spyris or Bonus Track Buckethead? I really need feedback for this especially.

Did you guys make it through the whole thing? Please comment, critique, suggest, or whatever you want down below in the comment section. I work really hard on these blogs and I really love it when people take the time to express their opinions. If you don't agree with me, that's okay. Feel free to comment that below. The feedback helps me grow as a user. Thank you all for reading.

~Coasters Confirmed!