User blog:Moon Snail/Moon Snail rates plants - Initial and Ancient Egypt

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Hello there! This is a series of blogs where I review every plant from the second game!

Heres how my ratings work: I'll stat by stating my general opinion on the plant. Then I'll list the pros and cons of it. Then finally, my actual rating of it.

Heres what the ratings mean:

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.png - Crazy good!! - This rating means that I use the plant almost all the time. I absolutely adore it.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Great! - This means that I use it very often, but not always.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Meh... - I use these plants every now and then. They will quickly be replaced.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Hmph... - I don't use these very often. I usually only use them if my other options in Endless Zones are terrible.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Bleagh! - I only ever use these plants under very specific circumstances.

Final Rating: Darkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - NO NO NO. - Reserved for the plant that I find the very worst. If you've known me for a while, you know very dang well what it is.

If yu wish to use this template yourself, use this: {{Rating|Number between 0 and 5. This will be your rating|Comments}}

Now, let's get rating!



Peashooter Is the first plant you receive in this game, as well as the other PvZ games. Peashooter keeps it simple: Not too expensive, not too strong, but gets the job done.

Pros: Available at the start, decent price

Cons: Not very strong

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Meh...



Ah, yes, Sunflower. What would we do without you? Sunflower is the first sun-producing plant you get. Without her, or any other sun producer, you can't get very far.

Pros: You need this or another sun producer.

Cons: Weakest sun producer

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Great!



Wall-nut protects the plants behind him from zombies in front of him. While Peashooter and Sunflower do get replaced later on, Wall-nut remains as a common unit for quite some time. Even with stronger ones, Wall-nut is cheap and reliable, and thus, used very often.

Pros: Cheap and reliable, combos well with Spikeweed.

Cons:With so many non-eating zombies, Wall-nut may be hard to use.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Great!

Potato Mine

Potato Mine2.png

Potato Mine, while lazy, gets the job done early on. For a low cost of 25 sun, you will probably use this at the start so that you can save sun for more powerful plants.\

Pros: Cheap.

Cons: The arming time may cost you on rare occasions (Mostly in Neon Mixtape Tour), Not very good after first initial uses.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Meh...



The first new unit you receive on your time travelling journey. While he looks promising at first, you'll be replacing him very shortly, and he isn't the best even now. While he can pierce, and he can take on graves, it's only three targets, and Grave Buster is simply more reliable.

Pros: Hits 3 targets, hits twice, good for graves.

Cons: Not great for a multi-target plant, outclassed by many things, slow firing, replaced by several plants.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Hmph...



Your first lobbed shot unit. Costs the same as Peashooter, but better in many ways. The only thing it has under Peashooter is that he fires slower.

Pros: Flings over graves, avoids shields, cheap.

Cons: Fires slowly, weak.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Meh...

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce2.png

Don't underestimate Iceberg because of his big size and nonexistent price tag. He's one great unit. While we didn't get Ice-shroom back, unfortunately enough, this fella is good enough.

Pros:Saves you on many occasions, free, Great PF effect, adoable, effective.

Cons: Targets only one zombie.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.png - Crazy good!!

Grave Buster

Grave Buster2.png

I... HATE... Graves. Thankfully, this guy is here to turn that frown upside down! For free, this plant can instantly remove one accursed grave!

Pros: Free, removes graves.

Cons: Slow recharge, only good in three worlds.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Great!

Twin Sunflower

Twin Sunflower2.png

I'll go and say it right now: Twin is my least favorite sun producer. Sure, she produces a lot of sun, but she's expensive, and recharges slowly. She's just not worth it in my eyes.

Pros: Produces a lot of sun.

Cons: Slow recharge, expensive, isn't available at the beginning.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Hmph...

Bonk Choy

Bonk Choy2.png

Bonk! Frickin' unbelievable! I'm running circles around ya!

Pros: Attacks fast

Cons: Limited range, not good against groups.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Great!



Repeater saves space by effectively fusing two peashooters. Repeater saves space by effectively fusing two peashooters. Not only that, but he recharges faster than 2 peashooters. Not only that, but he recharges faster than 2 peashooters.

Pros: Strong, Space-efficient, good with Torchwood, Strong, Space-efficient, good with Torchwood.

Cons: Somewhat expensive, somewhat expensive.

Final Rating: StarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngStarfruitHD.pngDarkened Starfruit.png - Great

Well, that's it for now. See ya in Pirate Seas!