User blog:PeaVZ108/PvZH Set 3 - Medieval Meadows (Repost Including Zombies)

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Hi, guys! Just wanna do this again, now that I know how the cards in Galactic Gardens are formatted, with 10 cards per class. This time, I'm including zombies too!

This is PvZH ideas by the way, don't get mistaken. (THE TITLE IS WRONG BUT I CAN'T CHANGE IT FOR SOME REASON.)

So, here are some new traits for my card ideas for Medieval Meadows.

Lifesteal - When a plant/zombie here does damage, heal your hero for that much. Only PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar plants and PvZH Beastly Icon.pngBeastly zombies have this trait.

Shield - The plant/zombie can't be hurt until this is destroyed. Negates additional damage when destroyed. (Doesn't protect the plant/zombie from tricks like Squash and Locust Swarm) Only PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian plants and PvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty zombies have this trait.

NOTE: If Health-Nut or Pecanolith has Shield, it will attack based on shield value.

Hypnotise - The zombie attacks the zombie hero this turn. Only PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty plants have this trait.

Infect - Before combat, the plant gets -1StrengthPvZH.png/-1HeartPvZH.png. Only PvZH Beastly Icon.pngBeastly zombies have this trait.


PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Ability Description
Tangle Kelp 2 - - Leafy Trick Destroy a zombie in the water lane. He always tangles himself up in sticky situations.
Root Route 2 - - Root Environment Plants here get +3HeartPvZH.png. You won't need a one-way ticket for this one.
Knightarine 3 4 1 Fruit Plant Shield 1 "I fight for the fruit of war!"
Explodo-Knight 3 0 6 Nut Plant Team-Up. Shield 1. When this loses its shield, do 2 damage to all zombies. "What goes around comes around."
Were-Nut 4 3 3 Nut Plant When played, all plants get PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored 1. He's a tough wolf to crack.
Arrowhead Archer 4 2 4 Leafy Plant Amphibious. Team-Up. PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye. When played behind a plant, this becomes 4StrengthPvZH.png/2HeartPvZH.png. "To be defensive or offensive, that is the question."
Pumpkin Patch 4 - - Squash Environment Plants here get Shield 3. Pumpkins serve another purpose this Halloween.
King Arthorn's Sword. 6 - - Vine Nut Trick A plant gets Shield 5 and can't be hurt this turn. Conjure a Nut, and it gets Shield 5. King Arthorn's Sword can be yours for $8.99! Buy one now and get a free princess doll!
Royal Chardian 6 6 1 Leafy Plant Amphibious. Shield 5. When this loses its shield, this gets +1HeartPvZH.png for each plant. He loves carrying lots of defensive gear to battle.
Hard Nut 9 6 6 Nut Plant Team-Up. Shield 3. Plants you conjure get Shield 3. While in an environment: Start of turn, conjure a plant. From a miner, to a gold digger, then to a blacksmith, his life has been full of metal.

PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Ability Description
Witch Hazel 2 0 3 Leafy Plant Team-Up. When a zombie is destroyed, make a Puff-Shroom there. She likes using magic like...ALL THE TIME!!!
Thyme Bomb 3 0 3 Leafy Plant Team-Up. End of turn: This does 1 damage to itself. When destroyed do 6 damage here. "My least favourite math subject? Counting! Counting DOWN, that is."
Rally of the Reberryion 3 - - Berry Environment When you play a plant here, do 2 damage to the zombie hero. These berries just have some bad attitudes.
Were-Mushroom 3 2 2 Mushroom Plant When played, all plants get PvZH Anti-Hero Icon.pngAnti-Hero 2. With doom and shroom combined as one, this wolf puts the end to the zombies' fun.
Mage-Shroom 4 4 2 Mushroom Plant While in an Environment: Start of turn: Make a random Mushroom with Team-Up here. He never spores a thought about destroying zombies without magic.
Spore-Shroom 4 3 3 Mushroom Plant Team-Up. When this destroys a zombie, make another Spore-Shroom here. He masters the multiplication of numbers.
Jalapeno 4 - - Pepper Trick Do 4 damage to a zombie and the zombie hero. "Is burning zombies like magic? No, it's knot."
Electric Currant Field 5 - - Berry Environment Plants here get +1StrengthPvZH.png, then double strength. Zombies will have a shocking experience.
Bombe-Granate 7 - - Fruit Trick Do 4 damage here and next door. Add three Exploding Seeds to your hand. Nothing warms her up better than blowing zombies up.
Great Grape 10 6 6 Berry Plant Start of turn: Transform a random plant into a Great Grape. "With the power I command, a grape thee shall be grant!"
Exploding Seed 2 - - Fruit Seed Trick Do 4 damage to a zombie. "KA-BLOOM!!!"

PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Ability Description
Growing Plantation 1 - - Leafy Environment Start of turn: Plants here get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png They may be planted fresh, but hey, they grow fast.
GrAPPLE 2 2 2 Fruit Plant When a zombie enters its lane, it gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png. When played, move a zombie here. This guy's got the moves.
Lady Fingers 4 4 2 Bean Pea Plant When played, draw two cards. Little known fact: Only three out of five of them are female.
Were-Pea 3 1 1 Pea Plant When played, all plants get DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike. "You know what they say, if you can't do it once, do it again!"
Parsnip 5 3 3 Root Plant When played, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png this turn. When destroyed, this does a bonus attack. Parsnip loves getting tips out of his snips.
Power Lily 1 - - Flower Trick Shuffle three Plant Foods into your deck. The rise of a new generation of the plantae kingdom.
Pre-Peater 4 3 2 Pea Plant Before combat, this does a bonus attack. He's always a pea ahead of the rest.
Power Lane 5 - - Environment When you play a trick, plants here get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and do a bonus attack. A perfect place to hang out and party all night.
King Pea 5 3 3 Pea Plant DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike. When played, this gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png for each plant. Zombie executions are coming in heavy this year.
Coffee Grand-ole 6 3 3 Bean Plant When played, for the rest of the game, all Peas get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png and DoubleStrikeAlt.pngDouble Strike. "Free coffee to all peas!"

PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Ability Description
Rally Bean  2 2 2 Bean Plant Your cards cost 1SunPvZH.png less. He can be a blockhead sometimes.
Hypno-Shroom 2 - - Mushroom Plant Hypnotise a zombie this turn. "You are getting very sleeeeepy..."
Danger Desert 3 - - Cactus Environment Zombies here get -3StrengthPvZH.png/-3HeartPvZH.png. To zombies, the desert is like a pain from the cactus.
Were-Bean 3 2 1 Bean Plant When played, all plants get Splash Damage 2. This wolf really packs a punch.
Ice Grain 5 2 3 Leafy Rice Plant Amphibious. When a zombie is played, PvZH Frozen Icon.png freeze it. Zombies feel the cold shoulder when they cross his path.
Warp Field 4 - - Environment Zombies here get hypnotised. Only able to affect one's mindset.
Hurrikale 5 - - Leafy Trick Bounce all zombies on Heights and Environments. PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze all other zombies. Brings out a tornado and a blizzard. What a natural disaster!
Coconut Cannon 7 5 5 Fruit Plant Team-Up. Splash Damage 5. "It's weird how I have nut in my name when I am a fruit."
Missile Toe 4 0 6 Leafy Berry Plant Amphibious. Team-Up. Start of turn: PvZH Frozen Icon.pngFreeze a zombie. "No missiles nor toes, just a chilling sensation."
Caulipower 10 6 6 Flower Plant Amphibious. When played, hypnotise all zombies this turn. While in an environment: Your cards cost 2SunPvZH.png less. He's a very unpleasant guy. At least to zombies.

PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Abilities Description
Nightshade 2 2 2 Shadow Flower Plant If there is a Moonflower here, this gets PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough. At night, he hangs out under the shades with Moonflower, Dusk Lobber, Shadow-Shroom and Grimrose. They always have a lot to talk about.
Dusk Lobber 2 1 4 Shadow Cactus Plant If there is a Moonflower here, this gets Splash Damage 1. Lobbing keeps her flexible.
Blooming Business 5 - - Flower Environment Plants here get PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png Strikethrough. If it is a flower, it also gets Lifesteal. Sun profits are increasing this year.
Moonflower 3 0 2 Shadow Flower Plant Team-Up. Start of turn: You get +1SunPvZH.png this turn for each Shadow plant. She will collaborate with a table if she could.
Were-Flower 4 2 1 Flower Plant When played, all plants get PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png Strikethrough. Makes sun under a full moon.
Aloe Arena 2 - - Leafy Environment Start of turn: Plants here get healed to full health. This arena will get you back into shape in no time.
Shadow-Shroom 4 2 2 Shadow Mushroom Plant When played, do 2 damage here. If there is a Moonflower here, do 2 damage here and next door. Totally a cutie pie. Loves eating pie.
Grimrose 7 - - Shadow Flower Plant Destroy a zombie. If there is a Moonflower here, destroy zombies here and next door. "Zombies live underground. I'm just sending them a one-way trip back home."
Knight Flytrap 6 4 4 Flytrap Plant Lifesteal. PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough. When played, heal a plant to full health. He loves helping others. Don't ask him why, he just does.
Beanie Genie 8 6 6 Bean Plant Team-Up. When played, conjure three tricks that cost 1SunPvZH.png this turn. Serves wishes like a pizza served hot from the oven.


PvZH Beastly Icon.pngBeastly

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Abilities Description
Zom-Bite 1 - - Monster Trick A plant gets -1StrengthPvZH.png/-1HeartPvZH.png. Infect that plant. Side effects include: Intense pain, nausea, high blood pressure and a possibility of becoming a zombie.
Vampire Bat Cave 3 - - Monster Pet Environment Zombies here get +3StrengthPvZH.png/+3HeartPvZH.png. If it is a Pet, it gets Lifesteal. Turns out, bats are nocturnal.
Scavenger Zombie 4 3 3 History Professional Zombie Hunt. Lifesteal. He hunts for dear life.
Were-Yeti 4 2 2 Monster Pet Zombie When played, all zombies get +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png. End of turn: Bounce this zombie. It's like a monster value pack.
Mutant Zombie 5 3 3 Garbage Zombie PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy. Gravestone. When revealed, infect a plant. Truly bio-hazardous.
Gyp-Z 3 2 2 Science History Zombie While in an environment: All plants are Infected. Her crystal ball is not actually made of crystal, it's glass with a hint of pyrite.
Black Swamp 4 - - Garbage Environment Plants here get -2StrengthPvZH.png/-2HeartPvZH.png. Zombies here get +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2HeartPvZH.png. Zombies enjoy the murkiness of the swamp. Plants don't.
Death Noter 6 3 4 Pet Professional Zombie Gravestone. When revealed, make a Death Note Road Environment. He profits from other's losses.
Brain-Hungry Ghost 5 4 4 Monster Zombie Amphibious. Hunt. Lifesteal. Afterlife. Anyone who wants to be spared from his bad luck must give their offerings...and brains.
Knight in Dull Armor 7 6 6 History Knight Zombie PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy. This gets +1StrengthPvZH.png/+1HeartPvZH.png when a plant loses strength or health. He fights and eats brains at the same time. It's unhealthy, but he doesn't care.
Death Note Road 5 - - Pet Environment When you play a zombie here, destroy a random plant. Plants get an eerie feeling when they visit the Death Note Road. Even heroes.

PvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Abilities Description
Archery Range 1 - - Environment Zombies here get +1StrengthPvZH.png and PvZH Truestrike Icon.png Bullseye. Now if only zombies knew how to hold the bow and arrow correctly...
Castle Archer 3 2 2 Professional History Zombie PvZH Truestrike Icon.png Bullseye. When this hurts the plant hero, draw a card. Never misses a shot. Not even once. Surprising.
Announcer Imp 4 3 3 Dancing Imp Zombie When played, conjure a trick that is not in your deck. He wanted to play the drums but dang it, Drummer Imp got it first.
Were-Scientist 3 2 2 Science Zombie When played, all zombies get PvZH Truestrike Icon.png Bullseye. His failed experiments turned him into a werewolf.
Potionologist 6 4 4 Science History Zombie While on Heights or in an Environment: Start of turn: Conjure a trick. He didn't fail, he succeeded in finding over 9000 ways to make a failure possible.
Barren Treasure 2 - - Trick Tricks cost 1BrainPvZH.png less for the rest of the game. Zombies always love a good ol' treasure chest.
Potion Zone 4 - - Science Environment When a zombie is played here, it does a Bonus Attack for double damage. This place is perfect for the depressed.
Spellkeeper 4 3 3 Science Zombie PvZH Truestrike Icon.png Bullseye. You may play tricks when it's time for zombies.

"Cheaters ALWAYS prosper."

~ Dr. Zomboss

The Golden Brain 2 - - Science History Trick Tricks cost 0BrainPvZH.png this turn. All that glitters isn't brains.
Dark Ages Gargantuar 12 8 8 Science Gargantuar Zombie Gravestone. This costs 1BrainPvZH.png less for every card in your hand. Neither a bird nor a plane.

PvZH Crazy Icon.pngCrazy

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Abilities Description
Arrow Strike 1 - - History Trick Do 2 damage to a plant. Plants usually take an arrow to the leaf.
Offense Rally 2 - - Environment Zombies here get Weird unused PvZH icon.png Overshoot 2. The best defense is a good offense.
Drummer Imp 3 3 3 Dancing Imp Zombie While in an environment: End of turn: Do 3 damage to a random plant. His drum rolls are pretty catchy.
Were-Dancer 3 2 2 Dancing Zombie When played, all zombies get Weird unused PvZH icon.png Overshoot 2. As a werewolf, aside from eating brains, he also dances under the moonlight.
Solo Trumpeter 3 1 1 Dancing Zombie Gravestone. When revealed: Do 1 damage to each plant. WIshes that he had his own band.
Spike Wall 2 - - Environment When zombies here are hurt, do 2 damage to the plant hero. Spikes are the PAIN.
Musketeer Zombie 3 2 2 History Knight Zombie PvZH Truestrike Icon.pngBullseye. Weird unused PvZH icon.png Overshoot 2. Now where did his two other buddies go?
Royal Gargantuar 6 3 5 Knight Gargantuar Zombie When a plant enters its lane, this gets +3StrengthPvZH.png. The sight of rebels makes him feel unpleasant.
War Cry Imp 4 2 2 Imp History Zombie Cards you conjure get +2StrengthPvZH.png. When played, conjure three zombies. He war cries everyday, as everyday is a never-ending battle between bloom and doom.
Zombot Dark Dragon 7 5 5 Monster Science History Zombie Weird unused PvZH icon.png Overshoot 3. When this hurts the plant hero, make a Dragon Imp in a random lane. Disclaimer: This dragon is not tame.
Dragon Imp 4 6 2 Imp Monster Zombie - Dragons may be mythical, but Dragon Imp has power beyond myth.

PvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Abilities Description
Armored Shelter 1 - - Environment Zombies here get PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored 1. Immune to rust.
Witch Doctor 3 3 1 Professional Science Zombie When played, heal all zombies and the zombie hero for 3. Manipulating life is the life, to him.
Conjuring Magician 4 3 3 Pet Zombie When a zombie gains health for the first time each turn, conjure a Medieval Meadows card.

He's a real ace to grind.

Were-Sports Star 3 2 2 Sports Zombie When played, all zombies get PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy. As a wolf, he doesn't care if he receives a red card for his foul play.
Mini Golfer 5 4 3 Sports Imp Zombie Gravestone. When played, move the plant here to another lane. He puts the "mini" in mini golf.
Mummy Zombie 1 1 1 History Zombie Gravestone. When revealed, zombie tricks cost 2BrainPvZH.png less this turn. He's a zombie wrapped up in toilet paper. True fact!
Vision Glass 2 - - Trick See the cards in your opponent's hand. Destroy a card. Nothing escapes from the Vision Glass. Absolutely nothing.
Brain Drain Plains 3 - - Environment Plants here get 0StrengthPvZH.png. Feels like a warm welcome.
King Imp-oster 5 2 2 Imp Zombie When destroyed, summon a Zombie King here. He loves taking advantage of the king's absence for his own goals.
Sun Pharoah 6 6 6 History Zombie Start of turn: The plant hero loses 2SunPvZH.png. He's only trying to keep the amount of sunlight balanced throughout the world.

PvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky

UNCOMMON Cost Strength Health Tribe Ability Description
Plundering Pirate 1 1 1 Pirate Zombie When this hurts the plant hero, draw a card. He found gold, diamonds and other valuable items, but all he wanted was a good ol' juicy brain.
Explosive Engineer 3 2 2 Science Barrel Zombie PvZH Deadly Icon.png Deadly. When this does damage, this moves to the right. Exploding things has its pros and cons, even for Explosive Engineer.
War Base Z 3 - - History Environment Zombies here get +2StrengthPvZH.png and PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png Strikethrough. "CHAAAAARGE!!!"
Reckless Pirate 3 2 2 Dancing Pirate Zombie Gravestone. When revealed, this gets +4StrengthPvZH.png if there is a plant here. Out of ten shots he makes from a cannon, he misses nine times.
Were-Imp 4 1 1 Imp Zombie When played, all zombies get PvZH Deadly Icon.pngDeadly. The smallest zombified wolf to exist.
Ice Glacier 1 - - Environment When a zombie here hurts a plant, PvZH Frozen Icon.pngfreeze that plant. Chances of surviving its cold? Absolute ZERO. Just kidding, but not really if you're a plant.
Imp Cannon 4 3 3 Imp Pirate Zombie When this hurts the plant hero, make a Swabbie in a random lane. When destroyed, make Swabbies in every lane. Worse than a bag of imps.
Explorer Zombie 5 3 4 History Zombie Gravestone. PvZH Deadly Icon.pngDeadly. When this destroys a plant, draw a card. Makes the best of mutton chops.
Water Polo Imp 4 2 2 Sports Imp Zombie Amphibious. PvZH Anti-Hero Icon.png Anti-Hero 4. When this hurts the plant hero, conjure a Medieval Meadows card. Due to his stubby arms, he passes the ball by using his head.
Crossbow Hunter 8 5 5 Professional History Zombie Gravestone. All zombies get PvZH Deadly Icon.png Deadly and PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png Strikethrough. "POP Goes the Plant" is his favourite childhood song.