User blog:Pinkgirl234/I Got Good News People!

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My blog's title ain't misleading! I got good news. And the good news is *drumroll*


What? Did that surprise you? :P

Yeah...all this whole time I didn't have Plants vs. Zombies 2 but now I have it! It may be Christmas Eve in my place at the moment but I already got the game, AND I'm currently playing it!

"What? Then how did you become a chat mod if you don't have PvZ2?1/??11!!"

^ If this is your question/reaction, then the answer to that is: I have experienced playing Plants vs. Zombies before. If I haven't experienced playing the first game, then I won't be in this wiki. At all. Literally. For real.

Anywho, that's all I wanna tell ya! o/

P.S. - For a little P.S., you cannot pair me with Wintah. That so-called ship is invalid and it's nevah gonnah happen. Besides, I have someone else. And it's not ANYone in this wiki. :>