User blog:Plant Protecter/PP's PvZ Fanfictions: A Hunt for a Mouse

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My tenth fanfiction. Feedback is appreciated and requests are accepted.

A Hunt for a Mouse

  • [The story starts near the Zomburger, where most of the main characters are chatting. Parasol Zombie (with a nervous expression on her face) sits down at the table, shortly followed by Imp Mermaid Zombie, Fishy Imp and Imp, with Fishy Imp looking at Parasol Zombie with narrowed eyes.]

Parasol Zombie: (nervously) "Morning."

Sunflower: "Are you OK? You seem a bit nervous."

Toadstool: "And why is Imp with you?"

Fishy Imp: "Well, as it turns out, Parasol Zombie wasn't being completely honest with us."

Ghost Pepper: "Well Parasol Zombie, what deep, dark secret do you have to spill today?"

Fishy Imp: "After a confrontation-"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "And lots of interrogating, mostly on Fishy Imp's part."

Fishy Imp: "It seems that me and Imp Mermaid Zombie actually DO have a slightly younger brother."

  • [The other main characters look at Fishy Imp and Imp Mermaid Zombie in shock. The two Imps then turn towards Imp].

Imp: "Yes. As it turns out, I'm their brother."

Ghost Pepper: "Care to tell us why this was a secret, Parasol Zombie?"

  • [Everyone then turns to Parasol Zombie, who is nervously looking around.]

Parasol Zombie: (nervously) "Well, uh... You see..."

  • [Suddenly, a ringtone can be heard. Parasol Zombie takes out a phone, and presses a button.]

Parasol Zombie: "Hello?"

???: "HEEELP!!!"

  • [Screaming can then be heard over the phone, which then goes dead.]

Parasol Zombie: (quickly) "Oh look an emergency. Sorry but I need to go, bye!"

  • [Parasol Zombie quickly jumps out of her seat and runs away, while her family and friends at the table stare at her.]

Ghost Pepper: "I still want answers."

  • [The scene cuts to the front yard of a green-coloured two-storey house. Parasol Zombie runs into view and runs down the pathway towards the door. She stops at the door, panting, and she hears screaming inside. She looks at the door with a serious face.]

Parasol Zombie: (to herself) "You can do this."

  • [The scene cuts to the inside of the house, with the front door in view. It is suddenly kicked open by Parasol Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: "Stop right-"

  • [The front door flies back into Parasol Zombie's face, knocking her onto her back on the pathway. She puts her hand on her head and groans.]

Parasol Zombie: "Note to self: don't kick a door open to make an intimidating entrance again."

  • [She opens the door in the actual way and walks inside, cautiously holding her parasol. Screaming is then heard, and she looks towards an open door.]

Parasol Zombie: "The kitchen!"

  • [She then walks towards the door and stands in the doorway, holding her parasol in an aggressive manner.]

Parasol Zombie: "Stop right..."

  • [She lowers her parasol and looks in annoyance. The camera changes to Zombie Commander, who is holding a phone while on top of a refrigerator, screaming while looking down. The camera zooms out to reveal that the thing she's looking at is a white mouse. Parasol Zombie sighs and starts walking towards the refrigerator.]

Parasol Zombie: (annoyed) "Zombie Commander, did you really call me for a mouse? I thought you were getting robbed or something."

Zombie Commander: (scared) "Just get rid of that horrible thing!"

  • [Parasol Zombie looks at the mouse. She picks it up by the tail and walks out of the kitchen, while both shaking her head in disappointment and rolling her eyes.]

Parasol Zombie: "Honestly, she's like a stupid elephant. I mean, who'd be afraid of a mouse?"

  • [She opens the front door and places the mouse onto the pathway. She then walks inside, closes the door and walks into the kitchen.]

Zombie Commander: (scared) "D-did you kill it?"

Parasol Zombie: "Of course not, it's just a mouse."

  • [Zombie Commander jumps off the refrigerator and stares at Parasol Zombie, shocked.]

Zombie Commander: (shocked) "WHAT?! It's still alive?!"

Parasol Zombie: "Well, yes. I'm not going to kill a mouse."

Zombie Commander: "But do you KNOW what that thing has been doing to me?"

Parasol Zombie: "What could a mouse do to you?"

Zombie Commander: "Oh, don't get me started! It skitters inside the walls when I sleep." [steps closer to Parasol Zombie] "It seems to teleport everywhere. One second it's in my bedroom, then it's in the fridge." [steps closer to Parasol Zombie until they are face to face.] "But do you know the WORST thing it's doing?"

  • [Parasol Zombie shakes her head. Zombie Commander walks away towards a cabinet. She opens it and moves away so that Parasol Zombie can see.]

Zombie Commander: "That little MONSTER has been eating my collection of dust bunnies shaped like people I know!"

Parasol Zombie: (chuckles) "I'm sorry, did you say... dust bunnies?"

Zombie Commander: "Yes. I did. You know, it DID chew the head off the dust bunny that looked like you."

Parasol Zombie: "Wait, what?"

  • [She looks at the cabinet and looks at a dust bunny that looks like her, albeit with no head. She turns and looks at Zombie Commander.]

Parasol Zombie: "You can get more dust bunnies from under your bed."

Zombie Commander: "But it LIVES under my bed! I've even seen it throw parties!"

  • [The screen flashes white, and it shows Zombie Commander in the bathroom wearing a green bathrobe with a toothbrush in her hand. She hears pop music, and turns around. She walks into her bedroom and looks under her bed. Her eyes widen as the camera moves to a small house with multi-coloured lights shining out of it. She stands back up, turns around and sees Unlife of the Party behind her.]

Unlife of the Party: "So I heard there was a party around here. Do you know where it is?"

  • [Zombie Commander looks at Unlife of the Party angrily. The scene cuts to a trash can without a lid on the kerb of the street near the house. Screaming can be heard, and Unlife of the Party is seen landing head-first into the trash can.]

Unlife of the Party: "This party stinks."

  • [Trash Can Zombie then appears carrying a bag of groceries. He looks at Unlife of the Party with an angry expression.]

Trash Can Zombie: (angrily) "Get out of my house!"

  • [The scene flashes white, and the scene returns to Zombie Commander and Parasol Zombie near the cabinet, with Parasol Zombie looking at Zombie Commander with a confused expression.]

Parasol Zombie: "I'm not even going to ask about that last part. But if it'll make you happy, we'll catch it with a mousetrap."

Zombie Commander: "The lethal kind?"

Parasol Zombie: "Sure, why not?"

Zombie Commander: "Yes. Vengeance will been mine!"

Parasol Zombie: "Let's not count our chickens before they hatch."

Zombie Commander: "We're catching chickens, not mice. I thought you knew that."

  • [Parasol Zombie looks at the audience with an annoyed expression.]

5 Minutes Later

  • [The scene shows a regular mousetrap on the floor while Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander look from behind a corner.]

Parasol Zombie: "OK, here it comes."

  • [The mouse then skitters into view. Zombie Commander gasps and Parasol Zombie covers her mouth. The mouse looks at the mousetrap, and skitters off-screen.]

Parasol Zombie: "What is it up to?"

  • [The mouse returns with Zombie Commander's toothbrush. It carefully uses the toothbrush to remove the cheese, grabs the cheese and skitters off-screen.]

Parasol Zombie: "Woah. That mouse is smarter than I first thought."

Zombie Commander: "Time to move to plan Z."

Parasol Zombie: "No, B. Now help me, will you?

  • [Parasol Zombie grabs Zombie Commander's wrist and drags her into the kitchen. The scene cuts to Parasol Zombie placing a mousetrap onto the ground.]

Parasol Zombie: "And done!"

  • [She smiles as the camera pans throughout the kitchen, revealing that it is covered in mousetraps. A snap is heard, followed by a yelp. She turns to find Zombie Commander with a mousetrap on her hand and tears in her eyes.]

Parasol Zombie: "It hurts, doesn't it?"

Zombie Commander: (in pain) "N-no. Now get it off."

  • [Parasol Zombie removes the mousetrap. She then sees the mouse on the benchtop, which is also covered with mousetraps.]

Zombie Commander: (scared) "What's that evil creature doing now?"

  • [The mouse skitters over to a mousetrap, and starts pushing it towards the edge of the benchtop. Parasol Zombie's eyes widen.]

Parasol Zombie: "It's going to set off the mousetraps!"

  • [The mouse pushes the mousetrap onto another mousetrap, triggering it. That mousetrap triggers another, and this repeats until there is a "wave" of triggering mousetraps slowly moving towards Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander, who are backed against a corner.]

Parasol Zombie: "This is going to hurt."

  • [The scene cuts to the outside of Zombie Commander's house. Loud snapping can be heard, as multiple yelps of pain are heard. The loud snapping and pained yelping stops, and the scene changes to the kitchen, where Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander are covered in mousetraps.]

Parasol Zombie: (in pain) "So THAT'S what it feels like to be a mouse in a mousetrap." (removes a mousetrap from her hair) "It's more painful that I thought."

Zombie Commander: (in pain) "My everything hurts."

5 Minutes Later

  • [The scene changes to a plate with cheese on it at the end of a hallway near the top of a set of stairs. Parasol Zombie looks around a corner, while Zombie Commander tries to remove a mousetrap stuck on the back of her shirt.]

Parasol Zombie: "Let's try a more direct approach."

  • [The mouse is then seen moving onto the plate. Parasol Zombie charges towards the mouse with her parasol in hand. The mouse starts running, with Parasol Zombie chasing after it. They both keep running through the hallway when Parasol Zombie looks at the background.]

Parasol Zombie: "Is it just me or have I seen that same door a dozen times before? I mean, it feels like I'm in some sort of chase sequence."

  • [She then trips and falls out the window at the end of the hallway. She falls and lands on a lawnmower, which turns on and starts moving with her still on it. It then turns towards the road and falls through an open manhole. A whistling sound can be heard, before a splash is heard.]

Parasol Zombie: (echoing) "Darn it!"

  • [The scene changes to Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander outside a house. Parasol Zombie knocks on the door and, after a few moments, it opens and Cat Lady appears.]

Parasol Zombie: "Good morning Cat Lady. Sorry to trouble you, but can we borrow one of your cats? We have a mouse problem."

Cat Lady: "Sure. (holds up a grey and white cat, a black and white cat and a purple cat) "Who do you want? Don, Sebastian or-"

Zombie Commander: "We'll take the last one. It'll most like have an awesome name like Catzilla, Destroyer of Mice."

Cat Lady: "Her name is Ms. Whiskers."

Zombie Commander: "Booooooooooori-"

  • [Parasol Zombie covers Zombie Commander's mouth with her hand. She then grabs Ms. Whiskers and hands her to Zombie Commander, who holds her.]

Parasol Zombie: "We'll take her."

Cat Lady: "OK, but get her back by 6 pm. And she better be OK (stares angrily at Parasol Zombie) or else."

Parasol Zombie: "Don't worry Cat Lady. She'll be absolutely fine."

Zombie Commander: "Uh, Parasol Zombie. I don't feel good."

Parasol Zombie: "Why do you say tha..."

  • [Parasol Zombie looks at Zombie Commander shocked. Zombie Commander is seen having watery eyes and mucus dripping from her nose holes. She then sneezes, while Parasol Zombie blocks it with her parasol. She then grabs Zombie Commander's free hand and starts dragging her off-screen]

Parasol Zombie: "Of course you're allergic to cats. Of course you are."

Cat Lady: "If you're good, I'll let you pet Ms. Whiskers."

  • [The scene changes to the inside of Zombie Commander's house, where Parasol Zombie is seen holding Ms. Whiskers while Zombie Commander is seen on a couch, still suffering the effects of her allergy. The mouse skitters into view, and Parasol Zombie places Ms. Whiskers onto the ground. She looks at the mouse and starts chasing it.]

Parasol Zombie: "Why do I feel like this won't work?"

  • [Ms. Whiskers is seen chasing the mouse around the house. Both are seen running in and out of multiple rooms, then the mouse starts chasing Ms. Whiskers, more mice run into various rooms and Unlife of the Party walks out of a room.]

Unlife of the Party: "How in the world did I end up in a cartoon-like chase sequence?"

  • [He is then carried away by a horde of mice. The mouse and Ms. Whiskers then run towards an open door. The mouse quickly turns and hides in a mouse hole while Ms. Whiskers tries to stop, but trips and falls down the stairs, bumping down the stairs as she falls. She lands on the floor with a loud thud, and Parasol Zombie walks in. She looks at Ms. Whiskers and looks at her concerned.]

Parasol Zombie: "Is... Is she OK?"

  • [She puts two of her fingers on the cat's chest, trying to feel her heartbeat. After a couple of seconds, she puts her other hand over her mouth in shock while gasping.]

Parasol Zombie: (shocked) "Oh my brains. She's..."

  • [She slowly backs away. The scene changes to Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander in the kitchen, with Parasol Zombie walking around in a circle and Zombie Commander drinking coffee.]

Parasol Zombie: "I can't believe it. A mouse has outsmarted every single thing we have tried. It escaped our mousetraps. Evaded my parasol. And it k-k-k... Oh, I can't even say it!"

Zombie Commander: "Yeah, who knew a simple mouse could outsmart a boy and girl zombie duo."

  • [Parasol Zombie stops walking and looks at Zombie Commander in confusion.]

Parasol Zombie: "I'm sorry, what was that last part?"

Zombie Commander: "The boy and girl zombie duo. You know, (motions to Parasol Zombie) the boy and-"

Parasol Zombie: "Wait. So you're saying-" (moves towards Zombie Commander with an angry expression on her face) "-that throughtout all of the time we have known each other, you thought I was male?!"

Zombie Commander: "Wait, you're not?"

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "NO! I wear dresses-"

Zombie Commander: "So?"

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "-I have my hair done into a fancy hairdo-"

Zombie Commander: "Anyone can do that."

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "-and I'm married to Excavator Zombie! A MALE!!"

Zombie Commander: "I wasn't going to talk about that. But I'm not opposed to that sort of thing, you can do whatever you want, I won't judge."

  • [Parasol Zombie just stares at Zombie Commander in disbelief.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "You are the most unbelievable person I HAVE EVER-"

  • [Her eyes widen, and she ducks, while an orange is thrown at her. She stands up and stares angrily at Zombie Commander.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "HOW DARE YOU-"

  • [A sound resembling a "bonk" is then heard. She turns around to see the mouse on the ground not moving, with the orange next to it. Parasol Zombie rushes towards the mouse and places two of her fingers on its chest. Zombie Commander looks at the mouse and smiles.]

Zombie Commander: "Did I kill it? Is it dead?"

Parasol Zombie: "No. I can feel its heartbeat. It's just unconscious."

Zombie Commander: "Well then, finish it off already."

Parasol Zombie: "I can't just kill a mouse."

Zombie Commander: "Well I'm not touching that possessed thing."

Parasol Zombie: "Do you have an empty jar?"

Zombie Commander: (grabs an empty jar) "Yes, so?"

Parasol Zombie: (grabs jar from Zombie Commander) "I'll put the mouse inside this jar, and I'll take the mouse far away from here."

Zombie Commander: "The front lawn?"

Parasol Zombie: "Further."

Zombie Commander: "Across the street?"

Parasol Zombie: "Further."

Zombie Commander: "Pluto?"

Parasol Zombie: "No, that's too-You know what, forget it. Just try NOT to hurt yourself while I'm gone."

  • [She opens the jar, picks up the mouse and gently places it inside the jar, and closes the jar. She turns around to face the door and hears a snap, followed by a yelp. She turns around and starts walking off-screen.]

Parasol Zombie: "I can't leave her alone for even a minute."

  • [The scene changes to Parasol Zombie walking down a street. She turns and walks down the pathway to Zombie Commander's house. She reaches for the doorknob when she looks at the window. Her eyes widen to find the inside of the house is filled with water, and things inside are floating around. Zombie Commander, who is outside, walks to Parasol Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: (shocked) "What happened?!"

Zombie Commander: "Oh, that? I'm filling the house with water to flush out all the other mice."

  • [The scene cuts to a hose going inside a window of Zombie Commander's house. The scene cuts back to Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander. The house suddenly groans.]

Zombie Commander: "I think that's too much water."

Parasol Zombie: "Let's leave."

  • [Both turn to leave and start walking away, but they trip over a part of the hose and fall over. They turn around to see the house about to burst from the water inside it. Parasol Zombie turns towards Zombie Commander.]

Parasol Zombie: "Zombie Commander, if we don't make it, I just want to say, even though you can be annoying, I always thought of you as a friend."

Zombie Commander: "And I just want to say one thing: I used your toothbrush to clean my toilet."

  • [Parasol Zombie turns towards Zombie Commander with a shocked look on her face.]

Parasol Zombie: (shocked) "Wait, you WHAT?!"

  • [The house then groans before the door bursts open and the windows break, releasing a wave of water heading towards the two zombies.]

Zombie Commander: "Uh oh."

  • [Just before the waves crashes into them, the screen turns black. The scene then changes to a POV shot. The character's eyes slowly open while they groan. They see Zombie Commander, drenched, in front of them. The view changes to reveal that the character is Parasol Zombie, who is also drenched. She puts her hand on her head and groans.]

Parasol Zombie: "Ugh, what happened?"

Zombie Commander: "We were attacked by a wave, you blacked out and I performed... Now, what was it Bikini Zombie said, moth to moth resurrection, on you."

Parasol Zombie: "Moth to moth resurr-"

  • [Her eyes widen as she realises what Zombie Commander means.]

Parasol Zombie: "Eww!" (uses her hands to wipe her tongue) "Gross!"

Zombie Commander: "No need to thank me."

Parasol Zombie: (regains her composure) "You're right. Sorry for overreacting. At least the mice are most likely gone."

  • [Zombie Commander's house then groans again before collapsing. The two zombies stare at the destroyed house. Zombie Commander then stands up.]

Zombie Commander: "It's OK, there a bench nearby I can sleep on. Again."

  • [As she starts walking away, Parasol Zombie stands up and grabs Zombie Commander's arm.]

Parasol Zombie: "Wait."

Zombie Commander: (turns around) "What is it?"

Parasol Zombie: "How about, instead of sleeping on a bench, I invite you to live in my mansion until your house is rebuilt."

Zombie Commander: "You'd really let me stay at your mansion?"

Parasol Zombie: "Of course. Besides, after today, I think we've gotten to know each other better."

Zombie Commander: "You sure there's enough room for me?"

Parasol Zombie: "I live in a mansion. Of course there's enough room. Now how about we start walking there right now so that we'll get there by dinner?"

Zombie Commander: "Sure."

  • [The two start walking off-screen. The scene changes to a hallway, with multiple paintings, vases and doors. Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander walk towards a closed door.]

Parasol Zombie: "And this will be your room. Open the door and see if you like it."

  • [Zombie Commander opens the door, and screams.]

Parasol Zombie: "What's wrong?"

  • [She pokes her head into the room and gasps. The same mouse from before is sitting on the bed looking at them.]

Parasol Zombie: "How did it find its way here?!"

  • [Excavator Zombie peeks his head into the room and sees the mouse.]

Excavator Zombie: "Don't worry, I'll handle this."

  • [He walks inside the room. A few seconds later, a splat can be heard, and Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander stare in shock. Excavator Zombie is then seen with a small black garbage bag.]

Excavator Zombie: "It's OK, the mouse is gone."

  • [Excavator Zombie leaves the room, while Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander stare in disbelief.]

Parasol Zombie: "It took us nearly the entire day and we only knocked it unconscious."

Zombie Commander: "Yet he destroyed it in one swing of his shovel."

  • [Both zombies groan before fainting. Imp and Fishy Imp then appear and Imp looks at them with a worried look.]

Imp: (worried) "Are they OK?"

Fishy Imp: "Yeah, they probably had a big day today." (grabs Imp's wrist and starts dragging him off-screen) "Now come on, I want to play princesses and you're going to be my knight."

  • [Imp starts trying to break free of Fishy Imp's grasp, but to no avail. He then sighs as he is dragged off-screen.]



  • After "Something's Fishy"
  • After "The Search for the Lost Family Member"


  • Many parts of the story, including the name, are a reference to the 1997 comedy film Mouse Hunt.
  • Parasol Zombie mentioning that she's "seen that same door a dozen times before" is a reference to how cartoons usually reuse the same background multiple times during a chase sequence.
  • Three of Cat Lady's cats are references to cats from cartoons and movies.
  • Cat Lady's line "I'll let you pet Ms. Whiskers" is a reference to the line "I'll let you pet Mr. Whiskers" said by the Frogfish in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.