User blog:Plant Protecter/PP's PvZ Fanfictions: The Search for the Lost Family Member

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My ninth fanfiction. Feedback is appreciated. I accept requests.

The Search for the Lost Family Member

  • [The story starts in the Lost City, where Parasol Zombie's mansion can be seen. The camera zooms in on one of the windows on the side of the mansion. Inside the room, Imp Mermaid Zombie can be seen sleeping on a bed. She wakes up, yawns while stretching her arms and moves to the side of the bed, letting her legs dangle over the edge.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "I can't stop thinking about yesterday. I still can't believe Bikini Zombie, the Zombie who I thought was my mom, lied to me about it all these years." (sighs) "I wonder who my real mom is..."

  • [While Imp Mermaid Zombie is thinking, knocking can be heard at the door of the room. She turns her head towards the door, which opens up, revealing Parasol Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: "Morning Imp Mermaid Zombie. Are you feeling OK after what happened yesterday?"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Let me think: the zombie I thought was my mom turned out to lie to me for most of my life. How do you think I feel?"

Parasol Zombie: "If you're hungry, Excavator Zombie made pancakes. That will make you feel better, won't it?"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Can I have syrup with my pancakes?"

Parasol Zombie: (smiling) "Sure you can."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie hops off the bed onto the ground. She then walks out of the room, and Parasol Zombie closes the door behind her. Both zombies walk downstairs into the kitchen. Imp Mermaid Zombie jumps up and struggles to get on top of a chair.]

Parasol Zombie: "Need some help?"

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie nods, and Parasol Zombie places her parasol against the bench top. She lifts up Imp Mermaid Zombie and gently places her on top of a chair. She then puts a plate in front of Imp Mermaid Zombie, puts three pancakes on it, puts syrup on the pancakes and hands her a plastic knife and fork.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Thanks again for letting me stay the night. I didn't want to stay at my "house" and see..." (her eyes narrow) "HER..."

  • [The sound of a doorbell ringing can be heard.]

Parasol Zombie: "I'll get it."

  • [Parasol Zombie walks out of the kitchen to the front door. She opens it, revealing Bikini Zombie and Glitter Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: (sheepishly) "Hi..."

  • [Parasol Zombie gives Bikini Zombie an angry look, and tries to close the door, until a roller skate prevents the door from closing. Parasol Zombie opens the door again, revealing Glitter Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: "Hi Glitter Zombie." (glares at Bikini Zombie) "What is SHE doing here?"

Glitter Zombie: "She's come to apologise to Imp Mermaid Zombie. No tricks, just an apology."

Bikini Zombie: "Yeah, I feel horrible for what happened yesterday."

Parasol Zombie: "How do you even know that she's in here?"

Glitter Zombie: "I was worried about her, so I called her, and she said she's was here."

Parasol Zombie: "You can come in. But Imp Mermaid Zombie is still angry about what happened."

  • [Bikini Zombie and Glitter Zombie go into the mansion. They go into the kitchen, where Imp Mermaid Zombie is eating a pancake.]

Bikini Zombie: (sheepishly) "Hi Imp Mermaid Zombie."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie's eyes widen, before narrowing. She slowly turns around while giving Bikini Zombie an angry glare.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (angrily) "What are YOU doing here?"

Bikini Zombie: "Look, I'm sorry about what happened."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (angrily) "You lied to me for most of my life. You can't just APOLOGISE for doing that. You have to make it up to me."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie folds her arms and faces away from Bikini Zombie. Bikini Zombie looks at Glitter Zombie, who just shrugs.]

Bikini Zombie: "How about this: If I were to find your real mother, would you forgive me?"

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie thinks for a moment, before looking back at Bikini Zombie, slightly smiling.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Sure."

Bikini Zombie: "How about we start after you finish breakfast?"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "We can start now. I'm not really that hungry."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombies hops off the chair and she and Bikini Zombie walk out of the kitchen. Glitter Zombie is about to follow them, when she looks at a container with the word "Cookies" on the bench top. She looks to her left, then to her right, before reaching for the container.]

Glitter Zombie: "I'm sure Parasol Zombie wouldn't mind if I had a few cookies..."

Parasol Zombie: (offscreen) "Glitter Zombie, you better not be eating the cookies I just bought. I know how much you love chocolate, but they're NOT yours to eat. Now back away from the container before I test my latest potion on you!"

  • [Glitter Zombie, with a surprised expression on her face, slowly skates offscreen.]

{5 Minutes Later...}

  • [The other main characters (except for Parasol Zombie, Bikini Zombie and Imp Mermaid Zombie) are seen at the Zomburger, talking outside at one of the tables. Bikini Zombie and Imp Mermaid Zombie walk up to the table their friends are sitting at and sit down in empty chairs surrounding the table.]

Toadstool: "Bikini Zombie, I thought Imp Mermaid Zombie hated you after yesterday."

Bikini Zombie: "We've come to a compromise. If I help her find her real mother, she'll forgive me."

Sweet Potato: "Do you have any idea who her mom might be?"

Bikini Zombie: "Nope."

  • [Zombie Commander sticks straws up her noseholes.]

Zombie Commander: "Hey, guess what I am?"

Ghost Pepper: "Stupid?"

Zombie Commander: "Really? I thought I was a walrus. Weird..."

Bikini Zombie: (whispering) "I'm pretty sure we can scratch Zombie Commander off the list."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Agreed."

Sunflower: "Where's Parasol Zombie?"

Glitter Zombie: "She's at home, experimenting as usual."

  • [The scene changes to a hallway, with paintings on the walls and multiple vases. An explosion is heard, black smoke comes out of one of the doors, and Parasol Zombie, wearing safety goggles and with a torn dress, rushes out of the room and slams the door behind her.]

Parasol Zombie: "I'll have a small break, then I'll go back and try to fix the potion recipe. Note to self: buy new windowpanes."

  • [The scene changes back the table outside the Zomburger where the other main characters are.]

Sunflower: "Bikini Zombie, do you have any clues that may help find Imp Mermaid Zombie's real mother?"

Bikini Zombie: "Well, there is this one thing..."

Zombie Commander: "A pho-ta-to?"

Bikini Zombie: "It's photo. And no, because that would be too easy. Instead, I have a note."

  • [Bikini Zombie takes out a worn note from her purse.]

Bikini Zombie: "Here."

  • [She places the note onto the table. Weasel Hoarder picks up the note.]

Weasel Hoarder: (reading) "'Please take care of me'?"

Bikini Zombie: "It was attached to the basket I found Imp Mermaid Zombie in."

Weasel Hoarder: "Who ever wrote this note has very fancy writing."

Zombie Commander: "Maybe it's from Dr. Zomboss."

Weasel Hoarder: "I highly doubt it. For one thing, he's a he."

Gold Leaf: "And besides, doesn't Zomboss write similar to that of Brush Script MT font?"

Ghost Pepper: "No, that's just a font zombies can use to replicate the doctor's own handwriting."

Zombie Commander: "I should use that. My handwriting stinks more than Smelly Zombie does."

  • [Smelly Zombie, who is walking by, hears this.]

Smelly Zombie: (annoyed) Just because it's true doesn't mean you have to point it out!"

  • [While Smelly Zombie walks away annoyed, Toadstool tries to eat some of the flies buzzing around him.]

Ghost Pepper: "Toadstool, cut that out!"

Toadstool: "Fine."

Zombie Commander: "Maybe the note's from Gentleman Zombie."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "No."

Zombie Commander: "Weasel Hoarder?"

Weasel Hoarder: "I don't write like that."

Zombie Commander: "Fire Rooster?"

Bikini Zombie: "OK, now you're just being silly."

Zombie Commander: "Parasol Zombie?"

Ghost Pepper: "You mean our friend/scientist who create faulty potions and uses her own friends as test subjects? Yeah, she seems like she would be a REALLY good mom.

Sweet Potato: "But if we were to compare her handwriting to that of the note's, then we would find out if she is Imp Mermaid Zombie's mom."

  • [While the characters are talking, a pair of binoculars can be seen peeking out of a bush. The binoculars sink into the bush, and Fishy Imp's head pops out of the bush.]

Fishy Imp: "I will get my revenge, Imp Mermaid Zombie. When you least expect it. And you will NEVER see me coming!"

Blooming Heart: "Isn't that Fishy Imp in that bush over there?"

  • [Everyone at the table turns towards the bush, where Fishy Imp's head is peeking out of the bush. She looks at the characters with a surprised expression on her face, and slowly sinks into the bush. An arm then reaches into the bush, and lifts Fishy Imp out of it.]

Fishy Imp: "Let me go!"

Zombie Commander: "Do I have to?"

  • [Bikini Zombie nods, and Zombie Commander releases her grip on Fishy Imp, dropping her onto the ground.]

Fishy Imp: (angrily) "Hey, that hurt!"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Why were you spying on us?"

Fishy Imp: "Oh, you know, just plotting my revenge against you, the usual. Also, I heard what happened yesterday."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Wait, how did you hear about it?"

Fishy Imp: (nervously looks around) "Uh..."

  • [The screen flashes white, and it shows Imp Mermaid Zombie crying on a bench. Greaser Imp then walks onscreen and sits next to her, trying to comfort her. While this is happening, Fishy Imp is watching jealously from a bush through a pair of binoculars.]

Fishy Imp: (jealously) "Why does he like Imp Mermaid Zombie more than me? Why? Why? WHY?!"

  • [She throws the pair of binoculars on the ground in anger, and then screams in anger. The screen flashes white again, and goes back to Fishy Imp nervously looking around.]

Fishy Imp: (nervously) "I heard it through the grapevine?"

Glitter Zombie: "I think I know that song!"

Ghost Pepper: "Not now, Glitter Zombie."

Zombie Commander: "The grapevine? What do grapes have to do with this?"

  • [Right after she says this, Grapeshot, Sour Grapes and Grapes of Wrath, who are hopping past them, hear this.]

Sour Grapes: "We grapes had nothing to do with no grapevine."

Grapes of Wrath: (top head) "Yeah, what he said."

  • [The grape plants then start hopping offscreen.]

Grapeshot: (top left head) "We go to have lunch and suddenly we're being called out. What's up with that?"

Fishy Imp: "Anyways, due to my revenge plan being incomplete, and because I'm bored, how about I join you and your friends?"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "OK, but no tricks."

Fishy Imp: "Fine. So what boring thing are you doing today?"

Ghost Pepper: "We're going to try and find Imp Mermaid Zombie's real mother."

Sweet Potato: "We currently think it's Parasol Zombie."

Zombie Commander: "Wait, we do? I thought I did it."

  • [Ghost Pepper glares annoyed at Zombie Commander, while Sunflower and Blooming Heart exchange worried glances. The scene changes to the Lost City, where Parasol Zombie's mansion is seen. Most of the main characters, including Fishy Imp, are seen at the front of the mansion, approaching the front door.]

Bikini Zombie: "OK, so do we remember the plan?"

Fishy Imp: "Sneak into her mansion, find and unlock her diary, steal it, sneak out of the mansion and read the diary while eating a snack?"

  • [Everyone stares at Fishy Imp surprised.]

Fishy Imp: "Not that I ever did that." (smiles innocently)

Glitter Zombie: (unconvinced, with narrowed eyes) "Riiight..."

Bikini Zombie: "No. We ask Parasol Zombie to copy the note, and see if she's Imp Mermaid Zombie's mother."

  • [A loud explosion is heard, causing Shrinking Violet to hide behind Blooming Heart. Weasel Hoarder slowly opens the front door, revealing an angry blackened Parasol Zombie with frazzled hair and a torn dress, who does not notice the characters at her front door.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily muttering under her breath) "Stupid potions exploding, ruining my hair and my best dress..."

  • [She angrily marches upstairs and slams her bedroom door closed.]

Shrinking Violet: "I think she's too angry to work with us."

Fishy Imp: "Then we won't work with her."

  • [The characters sneak inside and go upstairs. They slowly inch towards the bedroom door and open it. They see a now cleaned-up Parasol Zombie reaching under the bed. She takes out a medium-sized case from under her bed.]

Electric Blueberry: "What do you think's in it?"

  • [Parasol Zombie opens up the case, revealing a violin and a bow. She picks up the two items and sits on the edge of her bed, letting her legs dangle over the edge.]

Sunflower: "A violin? Why does she have one of those?"

Parasol Zombie: "Playing the violin always calms my nerves after a day like this."

  • [She places her chin on the violin's chinrest, and begins playing the violin. After a couple of seconds, the characters spying on Parasol Zombie look at her in surprise.]

Sunflower: (impressed) "Wow. She's good."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie nods in agreement. Suddenly, loud snoring can be heard, which startles Parasol Zombie and makes her fall off her bed. Everyone (except Parasol Zombie) turns around to see Zombie Commander snoring loudly. Bikini Zombie shakes her awake.]

Zombie Commander: (confused) "Huh? What happened?"

Bikini Zombie: (panicked, whispering) "Zombie Commander! Why were you snoring?!"

Zombie Commander: "I always fall asleep when classical music is played. One time, there was a classical music marathon on TV, I was asleep for hours."

  • [The sound of Parasol Zombie playing her violin is heard, and Zombie Commander instantly falls asleep and starts snoring. Weasel Hoarder picks up one of her Ice Weasels and puts it in Zombie Commander's mouth, which startles Zombie Commander and wakes her up. She then stares at the Ice Weasel, who stares back.]

Fishy Imp: "Now that that's over, how about we go in and ask her a few questions?"

Ghost Pepper: "Like an interrogation?"

Fishy Imp: "Exactly. I will be the bad cop, but we need someone to be the good cop."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "How about I go? I know I may not be your best friend, but how about we team up?"

Fishy Imp: "Fine. Now come on."

  • [The two Imps sneak into the bedroom. They slowly tiptoe up to the bed and they stop in front of Parasol Zombie, who is still playing her violin. She finishes and bows to a pretend audience. Clapping is heard, and Parasol Zombie opens her eyes, surprised. She sees Imp Mermaid Zombie and Fishy Imp applauding her, and she gasps in shock and falls off her bed.]

Parasol Zombie: (surprised) "I-imp Mermaid Zombie! F-fishy Imp! W-what are you two doing here?"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "We came to ask you a few questions."

Fishy Imp: "And we need answers."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie hands Parasol Zombie, who is now sitting back on the bed, a worn piece of paper. Parasol Zombie looks at the paper, and her eyes widen in shock. The camera changes to reveal that the piece of paper is the note seen before.]

Fishy Imp: "Question one: Did you, Parasol Zombie, write this note?"

Parasol Zombie: (nervously) "I... Uh..."

  • [While the Imps are interrogating Parasol Zombie, the others are watching her from the door. Zombie Commander, now without an Ice Weasel in her mouth, looks away, and stares at a vase. She picks it up and tosses it up and down.]

Zombie Commander: "Hey guys, wanna see how far I can throw this vase?"

  • [Everyone outside the room immediately looks at Zombie Commander with a look of surprise and horror. They start shaking their heads and waving their arms to signal to her to stop. Zombie Commander, oblivious to her friends' warnings, throws the vase over the balcony. It then shatters on the ground in front of the front door, while everyone stares at Zombie Commander.]

Zombie Commander: "See how far I threw it?"

Ghost Pepper: (angrily, whispering) "HOW did we end up being FRIENDS with her?!"

  • [Weasel Hoarder shrugs her shoulders.]

Parasol Zombie: (offscreen) "Who's out there? I am armed and I'm not afraid to become dangerous!"

  • [The characters outside the room (except for Zombie Commander) look at each other in surprise. They then start to panic, and run around before running into a room (except for Shrinking Violet, who is hopping in a small circle). Zombie Commander picks up Srinking Violet and throws her into the air, causing her to scream, and then casually walks into a room.]

Parasol Zombie: "That's it! I'm coming out there!"

  • [The door then opens and Parasol Zombie, holding her parasol like a weapon, steps out of the room and looks around. She's looks to her left, then to her right, before a small drop of water lands on her gloved hand. She looks at it curiously, before looking up. Her eyes widen, and Shrinking Violet, who is on top of the door's frame backed against the wall, is crying.]

Parasol Zombie: "Shrinking Violet, are you OK?"

  • [Before Shrinking Violet answers, she slips and falls into Parasol Zombie's hair. Parasol Zombie uses her hand to pick up Shrinking Violet, before letting her rest in the palm of her hand.]

Shrinking Violet: "T-thank you." (sniffs) "I don't like heights."

Parasol Zombie: "Where are the others?"

Shrinking Violet: (nervously) "What others?" (smiles innocently)

  • [Parasol Zombie places her parasol onto the ground, and starts thinking. She then smiles, and takes out a chocolate bar from her satchel.]

Parasol Zombie: (loudly) "Oh no, I have this large chocolate bar in my satchel. I wonder who will eat it for me?"

  • [As she says this, the camera zooms in on a closed door. On the other side, it is pitch-black except for multiple pairs of eyes. When Parasol Zombie finishes speaking, two pairs of eyes widen.]

Bikini Zombie: (worried) "Uh oh. Do you think Glitter Zombie heard that?"

  • [Just after she says that, a crashing sound can be heard, and the door is seen having a Glitter Zombie-shaped hole in it. The broken door illuminates the room, revealing it to be the bathroom.]

Ghost Pepper: "What do you think?"

  • [Outside the door, Glitter Zombie is seen eating the chocolate bar. Parasol Zombie then looks at the broken door.]

Parasol Zombie: "Either come out now or I will go in there myself."

  • [One by one, the characters in the room walk through the door into the hall. They look between Parasol Zombie, who is looking angrily at them, and Glitter Zombie, who is looking down at the floor guiltily with chocolate stained around her mouth.]

Glitter Zombie: (guiltily) "I think I like chocolate a bit too much."

Ghost Pepper: "Tell that to the door you just burst through."

Parasol Zombie: "What is the meaning of all this? The spying, the vase breaking, the interruption of my violin playing?"

  • [Bikini Zombie sighs and takes a step forward.]

Bikini Zombie: "It's my fault." I'm the reason we were spying on you."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie and Fishy Imp peeks their heads out of the bedroom door into the hallway. Bikini Zombie looks at them for a moment.]

Bikini Zombie: "We were spying on you, because we wanted to help Imp Mermaid Zombie."

Parasol Zombie: "Help her how?"

Bikini Zombie: "We were trying to help her find her real mother. And you were one of our suspects."

  • [Parasol Zombie's eyes widen and she looks at the group of friends in front of her, before looking at the pair of Imps in front of her bedroom door. She sighs and starts walking into her bedroom and sits on her bed, looking down at the ground. Her friends and Fishy Imp then walk inside her bedroom.]

Sweet Potato: (worried) "Are you OK?"

Parasol Zombie: "It's me."

  • [Her friends and Fishy Imp look at one another, confused.]

Zombie Commander: (confused) "What are you talking about?"

Parasol Zombie: "I am Imp Mermaid Zombie's real mother."

  • [Parasol Zombie's friends (and Fishy Imp) stare at her in surprise. They then look at Imp Mermaid Zombie, who is looking at Parasol Zombie in shock. Parasol Zombie then looks at Imp Mermaid Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: "I'm your mother, Imp Mermaid Zombie."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie's left eye twitches. She then groans and faints onto the ground. The screen then fades to black. It then shows Imp Mermaid Zombie opening her eyes while holding her head. She looks around to see she is laying on Parasol Zombie's bed, with her friends (and Fishy Imp) surrounding her.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "W-what happened?"

Gold Leaf: "You fainted after Parasol Zombie told you that she's your mom."

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie looks at Parasol Zombie, who is looking at the ground guiltily. Fishy Imp then turns around.]

Fishy Imp: "My job here is done. You wanted her mom, I found her mom. Now I'm going."

  • [She starts to walk towards the door when...]

Parasol Zombie: "Wait, Fishy Imp."

Fishy Imp: "What is it? If it's about your diary, you never had one."

Parasol Zombie: "What? No, it's not about that."

Fishy Imp: "Then WHAT is it?"

Parasol Zombie: "I'm your mother too."

  • [Fishy Imp looks in shock at Parasol Zombie, who is being stared at by everyone else in the room. Fishy Imp's right eye then twitches, before she groans and faints onto the ground.]

Ghost Pepper: "Déjà vu."

  • [The screen fades to black. Fishy Imp is then seen opening her eyes while holding her head. She looks around to see tha she's on Parasol Zombie's bed. She looks to her left to see Imp Mermaid Zombie. Surprised by her sudden appearance, she shuffles away from her.]

Fishy Imp: "W-what happened?"

Gold Leaf: "You fai- look, I've already explained this."

  • [Fishy Imp looks at Parasol Zombie, who is looking extremely guilty, at the ground.]

Fishy Imp: "You have a LOT of explaining to do. For example, am I really Imp Mermaid Zombie's sister?"

Parasol Zombie: "Twin sister actually. You're twins."

  • [Fishy Imp is then hugged by Imp Mermaid Zombie, who has a big smile on her face.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Dreams can come true!"

  • [Fishy Imp has a look of disbelief on her face.]

Fishy Imp: "This must be a nightmare. A horrible, horrible nightmare."

  • [Parasol Zombie walks over to her bed, and sits down next to her children.]

Parasol Zombie: "It's the truth. And I will explain. It all started around a decade ago."

  • [The screen flashes white, and it shows Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie carrying groceries while walking through the dark Lost City night.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "We were walking home after going shopping and we were preparing for your arrival in a few weeks."

  • [Suddenly, Parasol Zombie stops walking and looks in front of her horrified. Excavator Zombie does the same. The camera turns around to reveal their mansion has been destroyed, with a few pieces remaining. Multiple dolphins are scattered around the place. Parasol Zombie drops her groceries, drops to her knees and starts crying.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "Then when we arrived, our mansion was destroyed by the most destructive mammal-based environmental disaster: the Dolphinado."

Zombie Commander: (voiceover) "Dolphins? Why not use sharks instead?"

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "I'm telling the story, so stop talking and listen."

  • [It then shows Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie in a hotel room.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "Me and my husband decided to live in a hotel until our mansion was rebuilt."

  • [It then shows the outside of a bank. Money Bag Zombie suddenly jumps out of a window on the ground floor, and runs offscreen cackling wildly while holding a bad full of money. Rouge Zombie follows, carrying a bag full of money.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "Soon after that, some jerks stole most of my vast fortune, and we were unable to afford rebuilding the mansion."

  • [It then shows Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie in the hotel room, each holding a baby Imp in their arms wrapped in a blanket.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "Then you two came. We had money, but due to the bank incident, we couldn't afford looking after you, so we decided to let some of my friends take care of you."

  • [The scene changes to a dark, stormy night at Big Wave Beach. The front of a two-storey beach house can be seen, and a shadowy figure holding a basket with a baby Imp can be seen. The figure places the basket in front of the door, along with a note, and knocks on the door. The figure takes their hood off, revealing Parasol Zombie. She bends down, kisses the Imp, and then runs offscreen. The door opens, revealing Bikini Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "As we all know, Imp Mermaid Zombie was taken care of by Bikini Zombie."

Bikini Zombie: (flashback version) "Hello? Anyone there?"

  • [She looks down and finds the basket and looks at it in shock. She bends down and bricks the basket up. She picks up the note inside it and looks at it. She puts the note back, walks back inside and uses her foot to close the door.]

Bikini Zombie: (flashback version) "Honey? I have to talk to you about something."

  • [The scene then changes to the same night at Big Wave Beach. The front of a single-storey beach house can be seen, and a shadowy figure holding a basket with a baby Imp can be seen. The figure places the basket in front of the door, along with a note, and knocks on the door. The figure takes their hood off, revealing Parasol Zombie. She bends down, kisses the Imp, and then runs offscreen.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "Now, I thought Fishy Imp was going to be taken care of by Glitter Zombie. However, I miscalculated where she lived, as I thought she was still living in Big Wave Beach."

  • [The door opens, revealing Surfer Zombie. He looks around, before looking down. He bends down and picks up the basket. He looks at the note, before scrunching it up and throwing it away.]

Surfer Zombie: (flashback version) "Looks like I'll be taking care of you, lil' dude."

  • [He carries the basket inside and closes the door. The scene changes to the hotel room, where Parasol Zombie is using a coin to scratch a small piece of paper.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "I decided to buy a lottery ticket, because I had nothing left to lose."

  • [Her eyes then open wide, and she hugs Excavator Zombie while having a huge smile on her face.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "And, as luck would have it, I won the jackpot and my vast fortune was restored!"

  • [It then shows Parasol Zombie's mansion, with no trace of the dolphinado. She is seen walking down the satirs, when she trips and falls down the stairs.]

Parasol Zombie: (voiceover) "However, I had an accident and lost parts of my memory soon after. I remembered most things, but not the fact I had children."

  • [The screen flashes white, and it returns to showing Parasol Zombie and her daughters on her bed in her bedroom, with her friends watching. Zombie Commander has fallen asleep, and is then shaken awake by Weasel Hoarder.]

Parasol Zombie: "Years later, after seeing Bikini Zombie with Imp Mermaid Zombie countless times, and for Excavator Zombie telling me, as he thought I already knew, I finally remembered, and I felt so guilty for doing what I did."

Sweet Potato: "But you had to."

Parasol Zombie: "That's no excuse. And then when we met Fishy Imp last week, more memories came flooding back and I felt so guilty."

  • [Parasol Zombie, struggling not to cry, looks at her daughters.]

Parasol Zombie: (shedding a tear) "D-do you forgive m-me?"

Fishy Imp: "Actually-"

  • [Imp Mermaid Zombie covers Fishy Imp's mouth.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Of course we will... mom."

  • [She then hugs Parasol Zombie. Fishy Imp then begrudgingly gives Parasol Zombie a hug. Excavator Zombie then walks into the bedroom.]

Excavator Zombie: "Parasol Zombie? One of your vases-"

  • [The two Imps then turn and look at Excavator Zombie.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie and Fishy Imp: "Dad!"

  • [The two Imps then tackle their father, who fall to the ground, surprised. The Imps then hug him.]

Excavator Zombie: "They found out, didn't they?"

Parasol Zombie: "Yes."

  • [Parasol Zombie helps Excavator Zombie up off the floor. They then hold hands, as the Imps hug their legs.]

Parasol Zombie: (smiling) "But now our family's reunited."

Glitter Zombie: (struggling not to cry) It's s-so beautiful."

Ghost Pepper: "This lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick. I'm outta here."

  • [She then floats out of the room, phasing through one of the walls.]

{The Next Morning}

  • [Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie are seen eating cereal in the kitchen. Imp Mermaid Zombie and Fishy Imp look at them from the kitchen's entrance.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Should we ask them?"

Fishy Imp: "Wouldn't hurt."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "And besides, they wouldn't lie to us, would they?"

  • [Fishy Imp looks at Imp Mermaid Imp, annoyed.]

Fishy Imp: "Yesterday? Remember?"

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Oooh, riiight. But I'm still asking."

  • [She walks into the kitchen, with Fishy Imp following her. Their parents notice them and turn their heads towards them.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "We want to ask you two something."

Parasol Zombie: "What is it, dear?"

[The two Imps look at each other, before turning towards their parents.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Do we have any brothers?"

[The parents then look surprised at their children, before looking at one another.]

Parasol Zombie: (nervously) "Uh..."

Fishy Imp: (whispering) "She is SO hiding something."

Imp Mermaid Zombie: "Agreed."



  • One day after "A Strange Plant".
  • One week after "Something's Fishy".


  • Fishy Imp saying she "heard it through the grapevine" and Glitter Zombie saying that she knows the song is a reference to the 1966 song by Norman Whitfield called "I Heard It Through The Grapevine".
  • Zombie Commander saying that sharks should be used instead of dolphins in the tornado is a reference to the 2013 disaster film called Sharknado.