User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Fanfictions: A Strange Plant

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My seventh fanfiction. A new fanfiction to celebrate the new year. Feedback is appreciated.

Special thank to Fairy27 for suggesting me to write this.

A Strange Plant

  • The story starts with a nervous Bikini Zombie walking down a street filled with run-down buildings, knocked-over trash cans and dark alleys.

Bikini Zombie: (sighs) I can't believe I got lost! I knew I should of turned left at Fan Street. (looks at the camera) I'm in the seedy side of the town. Filled with creeps and weirdos.

???: Ahem.

  • Bikini Zombie looks down to find Seedling and three Lil' Buddies angrily looking at her.

Bikini Zombie: Of course. Seeds in the seedy side of the town. How could I not see this coming?

  • Bikini Zombie walks away from them, and one of the Lil' Buddies trys to run towards her, only to be dragged away by the two other Lil' Buddies.

Pammy: (angrily) Let me at her! No one calls me a weirdo and gets away with it!

Sammy: Forget it, Pammy. She's not worth it.

Bikini Zombie: (to herself) Don't panic, Bikini Zombie. Remember what Parasol Zombie said about situations like this.

  • As Bikini Zombie is walking, a thought bubble appears above her head. Parasol Zombie's head then appears, angrily looks at her.

Imagination Parasol Zombie: Bikini Zombie, what are you doing with my potions!?!

Bikini Zombie: No, not that.

Imagination Parasol Zombie: Bikini Zombie, did you eat all the chocolate I just brought!?!

Bikini Zombie: Not that one either.

  • As Bikini Zombie continues to walk, the Parasol Zombie in her thought bubble looks to the left of the screen, and looks worried.

Imagination Parasol Zombie: (worried) Bikini Zombie, watch out for that shop window!

Bikini Zombie: You never said that to me ev-

  • Bikini Zombie suddenly walks face first into a shop window. The thought bubble above her head disappears, and Bikini Zombie slides down the window and onto the ground. She then gets off the ground, stands up and focuses.

Bikini Zombie: Well, that hurt. (she looks in the window) Ooo, what's that?

  • The camera moves to the front of the shop window. Inside, a small potted plant in a spotlight can be seen. It has a light-green stem, four large purple petals, a small light-green leaf behind the petals and three small vine-like appendages sprouting from near the middle of the flower.

Bikini Zombie: Woah. Maybe Imp Mermaid Zombie would like it.

  • Bikini Zombie dashes inside the shop and stops next to the plant. She looks up, revealing the "spotlight" is actually a hole in the roof. She then looks at the price tag attached to the plant.

Bikini Zombie: $15.00?

  • Bikini Zombie takes out a purse and opens it. She then takes out multiple silver and golds coins, as well as purple dollar bills.

Bikini Zombie: (looks at the money) Well, I have enough.

  • Bikini Zombie puts her purse away and picks up the potted plant with one arm. She then walks towards the run-down counter, covered in dust.

Bikini Zombie: (looks around) Hello? Anyone here? Anyone?

  • Suddenly, a cloaked figure appears from behind the counter.

???: Beware!!!

  • Bikini Zombie screams in fright, throws the money on the counter and runs out of the store still carrying the plant and screaming. Back in the shop, the cloaked figure sighs. The figure removes the cloak, revealing he is Smelly Zombie.

Smelly Zombie: Why do they always do that? I didn't even get to tell her of the dangers of that plant. (looks towards the open door) I may need to keep an eye on her, just in case the plant causes trouble.

  • The scene then changes to the inside of Bikini Zombie's house. The door opens, revealing a panting Bikini Zombie still holding the potted plant.

Bikini Zombie: (pants) That... was... scary...

  • Bikini Zombie puts the potted plant on her coffee table and rests on the sofa, tired. A couple of seconds later, Imp Mermaid Zombie then comes downstairs and notices the new plant.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (curious) What's that?

Bikini Zombie: That is a new potted plant. I brought it for you.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Really? Thanks! (hugs Bikini Zombie)

Bikini Zombie: No problem.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie stops hugging Bikini Zombie, and moves towards the potted plant.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: This plant's weird. What kind of plant was it?

Bikini Zombie: I'm not sure, the name on the tag is smudged.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie pokes the plant, and the vine-like appendages reach out for her finger. She moves her hand left and right, and the appendages follow it.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (smiling) I think it likes me.

  • There is a knock at the front door, and Bikini Zombie gets off the sofa. She opens the door, revealing the rest of the main characters.

Bikini Zombie: Oh, good morning. I wasn't expecting visitors today.

Parasol Zombie: (walks inside) We were walking by and decided to visit (notices the potted plant and her eyes widen) you...

  • Parasol Zombie takes a step back from the plant. She then turns towards Bikini Zombie.

Parasol Zombie: (worried) Bikini Zombie, where did you put that plant book I gave you for Feastivus?

Bikini Zombie: I put it in the attic. Why do you-

  • Parasol Zombie suddenly rushes upstairs.

Bikini Zombie: What was that about?

Glitter Zombie: No idea. (looks at the potted plant) Ooo, where'd you get that?

Bikini Zombie: I sort of... maybe... got lost while walking, ended up in the seedy side of town, walked into a shop window, saw it inside the shop, brought it and then ran away from a cloaked figure behind the counter. But I'm fine. And I got this plant as a gift for Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Ghost Pepper: Wait. You ran into a store window?

Weasel Hoarder: Sounds like something Zombie Commander would do.

Zombie Commander: (annoyed) Hey!

  • Parasol Zombie suddenly dashes downstairs carrying a medium-sized book. She sits down on the sofa and starts flipping through the pages.

Bikini Zombie: Oh, you found it.

  • Parasol Zombie stops flipping through the book's pages.

Parasol Zombie: Aha! I knew I saw it before.

Shrinking Violet: What is it?

Parasol Zombie: That plant Bikini Zombie purchased is called a "Leopard Lily".

Blooming Heart: "Leopard Lily"? The thing doesn't even look like a leopard.

Dusk Lobber: It looks like a grown-up version of Shrinking Violet.

  • Shrinking Violet imagines the Leopard Lily with her face and eyes. She then shudders.

Shrinking Violet: (sad) I don't wanna grow up to be like that.

Parasol Zombie: Bikini Zombie, have you actually read this book? Have you actually read what the Leopard Lily does?

Bikini Zombie: Uhh... maybe?

Parasol Zombie: (sighs, reading) 'The Leopard Lily is a plant with mysterious powers that are only brought out when a shadowy flower is near it.'

Bikini Zombie: And that means?

Parasol Zombie: It means you shouldn't of brought it! Who knows what it could do? You should've thought about it before buying it.

Bikini Zombie: I did. And I brought it for Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Parasol Zombie: That's not what I mean. You didn't think of the dangers it could bring. Remember yesterday when you brought that "toaster".

  • The screen flashes white, and it shows Bikini Zombie with a red robot on her kitchen countertop. She holding a slice of bread, and is looking between the bread and the robot.

Bikini Zombie: Where do you put in the bread? I want toast!

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie and Sunflower climb up onto the countertop and walks towards the robot.

Sunflower: Bikini Zombie, that isn't a toaster. That's a Mr. Toasty.

Bikini Zombie: Oh. But Mr. Toasty can toast my bread, right?

Sunflower: Yes, if you want your bread burnt to a crisp.

  • Bikini Zombie turns on Mr. Toasty. It then turns towards Sunflower and I'm Mermaid Zombie, who gasp.

Mr. Toasty: Plants detected. Frying sequence activated.

  • Sunflower hops of the countertop in fear, while Imp Mermaid Zombie looks at Mr. Toasty in confusion.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (confused) "Frying sequence activated"?

  • Mr. Toasty then shoots fire from its "arm". Imp Mermaid Zombie is caught in the fire while Bikini Zombie looks in shock. Seconds later, the fire stops. Imp Mermaid Zombie is then shown with a blackened face, hair and upper body. Her left eye then twitches and then she screams and runs off of the countertop.

Mr. Toasty: Plants burnt. Ready for next orders.

  • The screen then flashes white, and it shows Parasol Zombie looking annoyed at Bikini Zombie.

Bikini Zombie: Hey, it's not my fault I thought it was a toaster.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: I can still smell that burnt smell.

Toadstool: Smells delicious to me.

Parasol Zombie: Look, just keep an eye on the Leopard Lily. It could be very dangerous.

  • Suddenly, a knock on the front door is heard. Sunflower opens it, revealing Moonflower.

Sunflower: (smiling) Moonflower!

Moonflower: (smiling) Sunflower! It's been forever since we've last seen each other.

Sweet Potato: Who's Moonflower?

Sunflower: She's my cousin!

Gold Leaf: Why is she's called ". Moonflower"?

Moonflower: Because, other than producing sun, I have a special power that can make certain plants, known as "shadow plants", more powerful than normal. I myself am a shadow plant. So is Dusk Lobber over there.

  • Everyone turns towards Dusk Lobber.

Dusk Lobber: Yes, it's true.

  • Dusk Lobber hops closer to Moonflower. Suddenly, Dusk Lobber's green "skin" is turned light-blue, and her eyes start glowing white. Everyone, except for Sunflower, Moonflower and Dusk Lobber, gasps.

Zombie Commander: What happened to her?!?

Moonflower: Oh, that. It always happens when I power up a shadow plant. It's not permanent. If Dusk Lobber moves away from me...

  • Moonflower looks at Dusk Lobber, and she moves away from her. She is then reverted back to her normal colours.

Moonflower: She is turned back to normal. However, she loses the boost I gave her.

  • Moonflower notices the Leopard Lily.

Moonflower: Ooo, what's that?

  • Moonflower moves towards the Leopard Lily. Suddenly, the plant's purple petals become light-blue and its leaf, stem, middle and vine-like appendages become blue.

Glitter Zombie: Woah, the Leopard Lily must be a shadow plant!

  • The Leopard Lily then sends a bolt of lightning towards Parasol Zombie. It then electrocutes her.

Parasol Zombie: Ow. (looks angrily at Bikini Zombie) See? THIS is what I was talking about!

Ghost Pepper: Is it me or is the Leopard Lily growing?

  • Everyone then looks at the Leopard Lily and it is indeed growing.

Moonflower: Oh no.

  • Moonflower trys to move away from the Leopard Lily, but the potted plant suddenly grabs her with one of its vine-like appendages.

Moonflower: HELP!!!

  • Bikini Zombie picks up a nearby chair and charges at the Leopard Lily, who is still growing.

Bikini Zombie: I'll save you!

  • The Leopard Lily then trips Bikini Zombie using one of its appendages. She falls onto the ground, dazed. She is then picked up by the appendage that tripped her.

Moonflower: (sarcastically) Nice rescuing.

  • Bikini Zombie glares angrily at Moonflower. She then struggles to escape.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (gasps) Oh no. Bikini Zombie!

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie runs towards the Leopard Lily. She then grabs the seashell in her hair and tries to cut the stem with it. The Leopard Lily, who is now nearly big enough to touch the ceiling with its giant flower petals, notices this, and grabs her with one of its appendages.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: HELP!!!

Zombie Commander: Ha! It's all out of vines!

Parasol Zombie: Zombie Commander, you never say things like that.

Zombie Commander: Why?

  • Suddenly, the Leopard Lily sprouts more vine-like appendages from around the flower's middle.

Parasol Zombie: That's why!

  • Suddenly, there is a knock on the front door. Glitter Zombie opens it, revealing Octo Zombie carrying groceries. He sees the giant Leopard Lily holding Bikini Zombie and drops the groceries in shock.

Bikini Zombie: (scared) Octo Zombie, help!

  • Octo Zombie then looks angrily at the Leopard Lily. He picks up the orange octopus on his shoulder, and then throws it at the Leopard Lily. One of the Leopard Lily's appendages smacks the octopus back towards Octo Zombie, and the octopus hits Octo Zombie. He falls to the ground with the octopus binding his arms to his body. The octopus looks at some of his tentacles, which have been tied together during the impact.

Octo Zombie: I can't move!

Dusk Lobber: (whispering, to Ghost Pepper) Between you and me, I think he deserved that.

Ghost Pepper: (whispering, to Dusk Lobber) Me too. I have heard some of the Big Wave Beach plants complain about his octopi.

  • One of the Leopard Lily's appendages picks up Octo Zombie and throws him outside through the front door. It then locks the front door and picks up Parasol Zombie.

Parasol Zombie: Let me go!

Sweet Potato: What does the Leopard Lily even want with the zombies?

  • The Leopard Lily then brings Imp Mermaid Zombie up to its flower's centre, which is nearly as big as her. The centre then opens, revealing a mouth lined with sharp teeth. Imp Mermaid Zombie then looks frightened at the teeth, and struggles to escape.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Help! I don't want to be eaten! (cries)

  • Suddenly, screaming can be heard outside.

Glitter Zombie: Wait, what's that noise?

Shrinking Violet: I have no idea.

  • The screaming then starts getting louder, and then the front door bursts open. It then shows a dazed Octo Zombie with his orange octopus still binding him.

Bikini Zombie: (ecstatic) Octo Zombie!

Octo Zombie: (dazed) Don't worry, I brought backup.

  • Octo Zombie faints from charging into the front door. Smelly Zombie then walks into the house and notices the giant Leopard Lily.

Smelly Zombie: (sighs) I knew this would happen.

Parasol Zombie: Are you going to help or what?

  • Smelly Zombie then belches, and a small grey cloud comes out of his mouth. The cloud touches the Leopard Lily and it stops moving. It releases Moonflower, Bikini Zombie, Imp Mermaid Zombie and Parasol Zombie and then shrivels back to its original size. Its petals then fall of, and it wilts.

Bikini Zombie: (dusts herself off) Well, that happened.

  • Behind Bikini Zombie, Parasol Zombie, who has messy hair and a torn dress due to a mixture of the electrocution and being dropped onto the ground, stares angrily at Bikini Zombie and slowly approaches her.

Parasol Zombie: (furiously) You...

Bikini Zombie: Uh oh.

Parasol Zombie: (furiously) Look at all the damage you have done!

Bikini Zombie: Technically, that was the Leopard Lily.

Parasol Zombie: (steps towards Bikini Zombie) But YOU purchased it. YOU brought it home. If YOU didn't get YOURself lost, none of this would have happened!!!

Bikini Zombie: (nervously) Now let's j-just calm down-

Parasol Zombie: (furiously) NO! YOUR gift to Imp Mermaid Zombie almost got her EATEN! Me and you were going to be NEXT! What have I told you about situations like this?!?

Bikini Zombie: Don't mess with you potions?

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) No, not THAT situation!

Bikini Zombie: Don't eat all your chocolate?

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) NO! Why did you even BUY that thing in the first place?!?

Bikini Zombie: (nervously) B-bec-ause-

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) Because what?!?

Bikini Zombie: (yelling) Because I felt guilty for not telling Imp Mermaid Zombie that she's adopted!!!

  • Bikini Zombie covers her mouth in shock, realising what she just said. Everyone (except for Octo Zombie, who is still unconscious) stares at her speechless.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (shocked) W-what?!?

  • Bikini Zombie sighs and kneels down beside her.

Bikini Zombie: It's true. I'm not your mother. I found you in a basket on my doorstep one stormy night and, I felt so bad for you, I decided to take you in and adopt you.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie's eye start filling up with tears.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: H-how could y-you?

Bikini Zombie: Please don't be angry.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: H-how could I n-not? H-how could y-you lie t-to me for my e-entire life?!? F-first the Mr. T-toasty incident, t-then the giant p-plant monster and now THIS?!?

Bikini Zombie: Imp Mermaid Zombie...

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Don't t-talk to me!

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie then runs out of the house crying. Bikini Zombie sheds a tear and sighs. There is silence for around a minute.

Ghost Pepper: So, since the Leopard Lily's dead, can I host a funeral?

Bikini Zombie: (sad) Sure, why not. Bury it in my backyard for all I care.

Ghost Pepper (smiles) Great! I know two people who are perfect for helping the funeral. Stay there, I'll get them.

  • Ghost Pepper then flys out of the house.

Two hours later...

  • Bikini Zombie's backyard is seen, with the main characters (except for Glitter Zombie, but including Moonflower) sitting on chairs in rows next to a table with a coffin on it. Headstone Carver, who is sitting next to Parasol Zombie, stops chiseling onto the stone slab he is holding. He then turns it towards Parasol Zombie.

Headstone Carver: How's this?

  • Parasol Zombie looks at the headstone, which reads:

Leopard Lily

A strange plant nobody liked.


Parasol Zombie: (smiles) Perfect.

Headstone Carver then stands up and walks in front of the table. He then plunges the headstone into the ground. He nods at Mixed-Up Gravedigger, who starts digging a grave. Moonflower, who is sitting next to Bikini Zombie, notices the table.

Moonflower: I collaborated with a table once. (sighs) It was wonderful.

  • Bikini Zombie, weirded out, moves slightly away from Moonflower. She then looks at Ghost Pepper, who is smiling.

Ghost Pepper: Aren't funerals wonderful?

  • Bikini Zombie looks to her left, and stares. Glitter Zombie, who is wearing a long black dress and a black hat, carrying a bouquet of flowers, walks towards her and sits next to Bikini Zombie. She then struggles to not cry.

Bikini Zombie: What's wrong?

Glitter Zombie: I a-always cry at fun-neurals and wedding-gs. I e-even cried at my wedding.

Bikini Zombie: You know, that plant reminded me of someone. The bright blue colours, the zapping, the small size. (sighs) It's like Mixed-Up Gravedigger is burying a dear friend.

Parasol Zombie: (panicking) That's because he is! The fool accidentally buried Electric Blueberry!

  • Everyone looks at the mound of dirt Mixed-Up Gravedigger created. Faint screaming can be heard.

Mixed-Up Gravedigger: (sighs) I did it again, haven't I? I always misplace my contacts.

Minutes later...

  • Bikini Zombie is then seen standing behind the table the coffin was on.

Headstone Carver: Bikini Zombie will now say a few words about the deceased.

Bikini Zombie: (clears her throat) Thanks goodness that thing is gone, am I right?

  • Those attending the funeral talk for a small time, agreeing with Bikini Zombie. They then start getting up out of their seats, leaving. Glitter Zombie puts the bouquet of flowers onto the grave. She then struggles to not cry as she walks off-screen. Bikini Zombie then walks around the table and looks at the grave. Parasol Zombie walks up behind her and puts her hand on her shoulder.

Parasol Zombie: You're thinking about Imp Mermaid Zombie, aren't you?

Bikini Zombie: (sighs) I can't believe I told her. I knew she would be sad and angry, but I couldn't of just left her outside in the rain that night.

  • The scene then changes to Imp Mermaid Zombie who is crying on a bench. Greaser Imp then walks on-screen and sits next to Imp Mermaid Zombie, trying to comfort her.

Bikini Zombie: (voiceover) I just hope she can forgive me.



  • After "Merry Feastivus!"
  • After "Chemical Chaos"
  • Before "Breaking it Off"


  • The plant that Bikini Zombie buys is based on a plant I saw in the second 5.3 Update Discussion thread.
    The plant and information about it.
    • The reason I made it a potted plant is because that was my first thought when I saw it.