User blog:Plant Protecter/Trap Tile Trouble

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Because of a request, I will write down a transcript of one of my stories. To find these story ideas, visit my userpage.

Trap Tile Trouble

  • In the morning hours of the Lost City, a meeting is being held in a fancy-looking house.
  • Inside the house, Parasol Zombie stands in front of some plants and zombies.

Parasol Zombie: OK. Do any of you remember why I called you here today?

  • The plants and zombies mumble and whisper in confusion.

Sunflower: No, not really.

Parasol Zombie: OK then. Have any of you noticed the mysterious tiles on the ground?

Bikini Zombie: Yes.

Electric Blueberry: They're a bit strange, aren't they?

Parasol Zombie: Exactly. I have organised this meeting so that we can go and find out more information about these tiles.

Shrinking Violet: Um, why?

Parasol Zombie: Because these tiles could help my scientific research.

Sweet Potato: OK then.

Parasol Zombie: Other than us, I have recruited two other zombies to help us on our expedition.

  • Excavator Zombie walks in through the door.

Parasol Zombie: The first one is my husband, Excavator Zombie.

Excavator Zombie: Hello.

Parasol Zombie: The second zombie is...

  • Suddenly, Relic Hunter Zombie crashes through a window.

Relic Hunter Zombie: Sorry I'm late.

Parasol Zombie: ...You're paying for the window. Anyway, Relic Hunter here knows these ruins well, and will help us with finding some of the more rarer tiles.

Relic Hunter Zombie: Thinking: And maybe you will help me find more treasure.

Parasol Zombie: Now before we leave, does anyone have any questions?

Toadstool: Will lunch be provided?

Parasol Zombie: Yes, yes it will.

Toadstool: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

  • Toadstool then charges outside.

Parasol Zombie: (surprised) OK then. Let's go.

  • Outside near the ruins, the plants and zombies gather around the first tile.

Parasol Zombie: This is the first tile.

Shrinking Violet: Is... Is it dangerous?

Parasol Zombie: Maybe. Who would like to be the Guinea pig?

  • No plant or zombie answers.

Parasol Zombie: Fine, I will go.

  • Parasol Zombie steps onto the golden tile.

Parasol Zombie: Hmmm?

  • Parasol Zombie starts jumping up and down on the tiles, trying to make it do something.

Parasol Zombie: *takes out a notepad and pencil and starts writing* Golden tiles not activated by zombies.

Relic Hunter Zombie: Thinking: Come on, get to the interesting stuff.

Toadstool: I want to go on it!

  • Toadstool hops onto the tile, which produces sun.

Toadstool: Oooh, pretty.

  • Parasol Zombie writes more notes, while the sun turns blue and flies away.

Parasol Zombie: Hmmm, the sun's gone. *looks at Toadstool*

Toadstool: Not me.

Relic Hunter Zombie: Hey! I found another tile!

  • The plant and zombies gather around the red tile.

Parasol Zombie: Be careful, I don't trust this. Weasel Hoarder, can you spare an Ice Weasel?

Weasel Hoarder: Of course NOT! They're my weasels!

Parasol Zombie: ...Not even an unimportant one you don't like?

Weasel Hoarder: (grumpily) Fine, take George.

  • George screeches loudly.

Parasol Zombie: ...OK George, just sit here.

  • George bites Parasol Zombie's hand.

Parasol Zombie: OUCH!

  • Parasol Zombie drops George onto the tile, which bursts into flames. George then turns to ashes.

Weasel Hoarder: NOOOO! George!

  • The fire then starts going towards the plants and zombies.

Weasel Hoarder: Oh no.

Parasol Zombie: RUN!

  • The plants and zombies run away from the fire, which follows them. They then run into a cave while it starts to rain.

Parasol Zombie: At least we are not outside.

  • A thunderbolt then destroys a tree.

Excavator Zombie: (surprised) Let's stay in the cave.

Parasol Zombie: Look. Torches.

  • Parasol Zombie grabs a torch, which sets her parasol on fire.

Parasol Zombie: Oh no!

  • Runs outside, which puts out the fire.

Parasol Zombie: That's better.

  • Gets struck by lightning.

Parasol Zombie: (dizzy) ...This is why I hate lightning.

  • Excavator Zombie runs outside and grabs Parasol Zombie's arm.

Excavator Zombie: Come on, we need to get inside.

  • Excavator Zombie drags Parasol Zombie into the cave.

Excavator Zombie: She needs to rest. I will look after her. Imp Mermaid Zombie, use her notepad and pencil to take notes while you and the other explore the cave.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: OK. *starts writing on the notepad*

Relic Hunter Zombie: Thinking: This is getting exciting. But where is the treasure?

Glitter Zombie: What is that yellow glow at the end of the cave?

Weasel Hoarder: Treasure?

Relic Hunter Zombie: I am going first!

  • The plants and zombies travel further into the cave, finding a room filled with gold.

Relic Hunter Zombie: GOLD!

Sunflower: WAIT! What's that on the floor?

  • The plants and zombies look down to discover a brown tile.

Relic Hunter Zombie: It's nothing!

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Sure. *writes down notes*

Bikini Zombie: You're just drawing pictures of fish.

  • The view changes to the notepad, with a page filled with fish.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: What's wrong with fish?

Relic Hunter Zombie: Nothing. Now let's explore the gold!

Electric Blueberry: Relic Hunter, watch out!

  • Relic Hunter Zombie walks towards a gold Imp statue on a podium, while narrowly avoiding the tile.

Relic Hunter Zombie: *grabs the statue and puts it in his bag* What?

  • Relic Hunter Zombie then bumps into a tower of gold coins. The top coin falls off the top of the pile and stops rolling on its side at the edge of the tile.

Sweet Potato: That was close.

  • The coin then falls onto the tile.

Glitter Zombie: Oh no.

  • The cave starts to shake, and the gold then starts falling into holes.

Relic Hunter Zombie: NOOOOO!!!

Bikini Zombie: *grabs Relic Hunter's arm* Forget the gold!

  • A boulder then falls out of a hole in the ceiling.

Weasel Hoarder: RUN!

  • The plants and zombies start running towards the entrance of the cave, where Parasol Zombie is recovering.

Parasol Zombie: What's that noise?

Excavator Zombie: I don't know, but I don't like it. I think we should go.

Parasol Zombie: Yes.

  • Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie starts moving towards the cave's entrance, shortly followed by the plants and zombies who went into the treasure chamber and the boulder.

Parasol Zombie: *looks behind her* A boulder!!!

Toadstool: The entrance's up ahead!

Shrinking Violet: I don't think we'll make it.

Sunflower: We're almost there.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: *looks outside of the cave* Hey, it stopped raining.

Bikini Zombie: Not helping.

  • The plants and zombies jump out of the cave just as the boulder blocks the entrance.

Relic Hunter Zombie: The gold... It's lost forever! (sighs) At least I have this statue.

  • Toadstool suddenly uses her tongue to grab and then eat the statue.
  • Relic Hunter Zombie's right eye twitches. He then starts to shake with anger.

Relic Hunter Zombie: WHY DID YOU *gets grabbed by Toadstool's tongue and then put in her mouth.*

Parasol Zombie: Toadstool!

Toadstool: What? I haven't had lunch yet.

  • Parasol Zombie stares at Toadstool.

Toadstool: Fine. *spits out Relic Hunter Zombie*

Relic Hunter Zombie: (dizzy) Uh...

Parasol Zombie: Wait, where is my notepad?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie stops drawing fish and hides the notepad behind her back.

Parasol Zombie: Imp Mermaid Zombie, do you have my notepad?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (sighs) Here it is. *hands Parasol Zombie her notepad.*

Parasol Zombie: Why is there pictures of fish on half the pages?!? *glares at Imp Mermaid Zombie*

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Uh... I have no idea.

Parasol Zombie: Forget it. At least I have some notes. This mission is a success after all.

Relic Hunter Zombie: Yes. Now I have to go...

Parasol Zombie: Wait! You need to pay for my window! Wait. Toadstool, do you still have the statue?

  • Toadstool spits out the statue.*

Parasol Zombie: Hey, this is fake. It's just wood painted gold. However, this will still be worth the price of my window.

Toadstool: Can I have lunch now?

Parasol Zombie: Yes. But in another story.



  • The golden Imp statue is a reference to the Chachapoyan Fertility Idol from Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark.