User blog:Reapeageddon/Making a comic series! Who wants to be in it

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It's Internetica Comicles, which is about to be rebooted for the third time, but with a new story, new characters and more!


Many articles are getting deleted from the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki and even other wikis as well, and a group of users find out that this is the work of a nonexistent group turned into an organization that poses the biggest threat to the entire Wikiaverse.


I'll ask people if they want to be in the comic.

Confirmed Characters

  • Me

Users I want to include so far

Art style

I'll most likely be mixing art styles together. It's like seeing an anime character beside a Minecraft cube guy who is behind a simple PvZ Peashooter.

Including yourself

You want to be in the comic? Comment down below!


Describe your design, personality and whether you are chill with getting killed off! You know what's even better? A design sheet! You can draw what you want to look like and send it to me, along with the personality info and kill-off permissions.

If your design is gonna be based off a character from an existing series, please try to have some originality and not make your design EXACTLY what that character looks like.

Being a human is optional.

Progress so far