User blog:Roblox fan ace/why i did some heros in some tiers in my tier list LINK IN BLOG IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALK ABOUT

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hey so this the link --->


here is tier if you dont want click the tier:

wow. i did that
zombos y

profesor brainstorm is an ovious. BUT he did in his hero comic get beeten by some stupid kids volcano it was so unfair zombos why did you doid that you are you SIMP PEDFIL??? this is image --->                                                 


rustbolt is brainy and good hero and he made cool armor and another so he sold to teacher so gave him some good grades plus even then he ssmart

beta carotina and citron the same even tho they bad heros they still smart bc they had cool space suits.

smash has albert einsen man on imp his back so he gets a good grade bc albert enstein does the works and smash the PE

impfinity has infinity can clone so infinity brains also he bulied HG

super brian is dumb but he had an inapropiate with techer so he good grade ( ͡° ͜u ͡°)

imortica is wizard so kinda like hary poter i didnt se movies or books but he has glases plus an wizard so she sprobably smart

spudow is the dumbest hero but he threated the teacher so he god good grade.

HG is also smart bc hes space and cool sofa BUT impfiniyty and zmech bullyd him so he was depresion so he worked but sometime he was soi sad and  did not work.

pee is probably smart bc she kills my smach sport deck alot with stupid frezen deck.

solar flare is also like super brain so go back to super brain if ur forgoted why he got good grades but she alot skiped colage so not always good grade ALSO she didnt get ever pregnant bc shes an plant so STOP SHIPPING WITH AND FANFICS THAT NSFW PLEASE DONT SEND THOSE TO ME PLSSSS

dicso zombie is ok

neptuna is 50 persent stupid fish but other imortica so 50 as smart

gras knkl is best plant hero and buly zombys and he threated techer then a bit suspned but the he became good guy

zmech is an epic robot but ke kiled someone so he was in jail before he ecscaped but hes ok smartnes.

rose is a meme so shes smart but shes stupidily annoy

chompzila has no eyes and tounge out like a dog so shes dumb and only care about attack.

brain freze is also stupid animnal and EWWWW he farts and than scratched his butt that is so stupid you know virus and disease???

nightcap is still an tenager that is edgy even tho when he in colege he was 30 years he sucks i hate him and solar flare deserfs an better bf

captun combustible is so sad bc i cval him stumpy idk y but hes dumkb anyways like chopmerzila he only attack plus does some evil and aLOT stupid cobmos

wall knight is dumbn

rthat is it tel me your opneons pls i like reading coments even bad ones