User blog:RomanPlayer22/My first creepypasta (sorry for my spelling tho)

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Part 1 : Game doing weird things

I was once playing Plants vs Zombies 2 and i was at Ancient Egypt Level 24. I've noticed that one of the Buckethead Mummy zombies had its eyes wounded. I shrugged it off as a glitch and i started playing. The level was easy cause i have level 3 Repeater. When i reached the final wave only the zombies that came were Normals and Coneheads and Bucketheads. I said to me. Well that is weird. I thought there were  zombies in sandstorms. Then i finished the level . I only got money bag coins and no lawnmower coins. I said to me again. Hmm something weird is going on.

Then instead of unlocking Twin Sunflower i instead received a weird plant. It's name was : <MISSING_INSTANT_ZOMBIE_AND_PLANT_KILLER_NAME>

I used the plant at the Boss Level. The Plants were : Peashooter, Cabbage-pult, Repeater, Grave Buster, Bloomerang,Iceberg Lettuce and  <MISSING_INSTANT_ZOMBIE_AND_PLANT_KILLER_NAME>


I tried to decode it because i became dataminer few weeks ago. so decided to decode the plant stats.

What i got shocked me and made me get goosebumps. The real plant name was : Plant and Zombie destroyer. The Plant's avatar looked like a Split Pea except it's eyes were black voids and it had red pupils and had razor-sharp teeth. Tooltip was : Destroys all plants and zombies in the game with one kill.

Description was : She likes to kill zombies and plants with an One hit explosion. I got SHOCKED and decided to not to use the plant at all.

The Boss Level had these plants : Peashooter, Cabbage-pult, Repeater, Grave Buster, Bloomerang,Iceberg Lettuce and Plant and Zombie destroyer. I tried to plant the other plants but they exploded into bits instead. Then i used the Plant and Zombie killer. It killed the boss instantly.

Then i moved to Pirate Seas. There were no zombies at all. Except all of the killed plants, then i pressed Let's Rock and i started the level. The Level was won instantly. I tried all the levels and all of them were won instantly. Except Pirate Seas Boss Level. I planted the other plants and all of them exploded too. I planted the Plant and Zombie killer and i defeated the boss too. Then i got to wild west. The Plants were all Plant and zombie killers and the CHOOSE YOUR PLANTS header said <I_AM_THE_BEST>. It was 21:00 when i quit the game. I decided to go to the mirror to check myself and i looked weird like i had a skin disease. then the next day i woke up. I noticed that i was turned into Jetpack Zombie.

Part 2 : Playing the game again.

I started the game again but then i noticed the wild west levels were empty too. Then i won all of them at once. I said What was that glitch. Then i moved to far future. A jetpack zombie appeared with a Laser Rifle that was pointing at the Plant and Zombie killer. it tried to kill the Plant and zombie killer but it failed. Then i thought how was a Jetpack Zombie holding a laser rifle. I think he was from alternate pvz 2 game.

Then i again won the levels instantly. Then i skipped all of the worlds and moved to modern day. There was an jetpack zombie army. I started the level and planted the Plant and Zombie killer. Then all of sudden the plant and zombie killer got killed. and i heard a voice saying : I just wanted to make the game easier for you. Then i woke up again and i was normal so i said to myself: really this was all an nightmare and since of that everything was normal but not for long.

  Part 3 : Plant and Zombie killer returns!!!!

It was a nice spring again. Sun was up on the sky birds were chirping. I was sick so i was home and decied to play some PvZ 2 but i noticed that all of my progress got reset. So i created a new profile and named it STRANGE. I skipped to last level of the Player's House. then i finished the level normally. After that i got to sleep and again the next day my progress got changed. A new World has opened for me named The Underworld. A weird name i whispered to myself again. I tapped the World Icon and it was a map like Kongfu World from PvZ2C. I played the first level it had only 1 Wave then the bar with the head broke. I received the Plant and Zombie killer again. I closed the game in fear and got to sleep. Then i woke up again and i was a Gargantuar.

  Part 4 : sorry for no update but i am back

I haven't played pvz 2 for a long time i decided to boot it up. When i booted it up the game froze at Wrapping Up when the green bar loads. After a while it loaded then it said create a new profile. Oh no my game was corrupted by Plant and zombie killer. What do i do? Guess what? I will create a new profile. I created a new profile with the name bruh moment.

i started the game as usual then i played the players house levels and after i did them i played some ancient egypt levels from Day 1 to day 16. The next day i played till the rest of ancient Egypt. Then after i got the twin sunflower i noticed that the twin sunflower had bandages. I thought it was a glitch and a started playing pirate seas day 1 to day 8. Then i got Plant and zombie killer again. Oh no she is back. I tried to shutdown my tablet and then i shut it down then i booted it up again and it sent me back to pvz 2. But this time Plant and zombie killer was gone. I played the rest of pirate seas but i wasn't able to complete day 16 it' s the plants plants day where you have to defend spring beans. Didn't even complete it with my correct strategy. I tried another strategy and that one worked! I made it to pirate seas zomboss. I defeated him quickly due to coconut cannon plant food and cherry bomb combo. It was easy except the zombot screamed loudly when he was defeated and he said a very creepy messages that said We will find you, Roman You can't run from us, Roman.

Then i woke up and it was just a dream. But i was torchwood

(The End Again).

Part 5 : Updated once again....

From all of the past experiences i was scared to play Plants vs Zombies 2 anymore. But one day i installed it back and i decided to play a new profile again. I named the profile Imp. As soon i did that i heard a glitch noise. I thought it was a glitch so i passed it off as nothing. But as soon i started to play everything was normal until Ancient Egypt - Day 16. I got all of currently obtainable world plants. As soon i was about to get Bonk Choy the game froze. and i was not able to press anything. But after a while it unfroze and i was able to play once again. Hmm very weird my game is laggy for some reason.... I didn't know why until i opened Pirate Seas. I completed Day 1 but what was weird was the zombie spawnrate. It was higher than normal and i saw one of the zombie have dark void eyes. I shrugged that off as a glitch too. But this time this was not a glitch. After playing Day 6 I received the Plant and Zombie killer again instead of spikeweed. So i decided not to use it. I was playing until Pirate Seas - Day 22. What was bad was that i was not able to complete it without spikeweed. So i had to use Spikerock. but that did not work. I tried Bloomerangs and they worked. I finally beaten Day 22 without spikeweed. Then i progressed until Day 25. What was wrong again was Dr Zomboss. His eyes were crying and sweating and he was very bruised. I wanted to play the level but i got only Plant and Zombie killers and nothing else. I was scared so i tried to turn off the game. But that didnt work.. SO i turned off my tablet instead. That worked so and then i got to sleep. The Next day i woke up i was a human but i woke up at my city's train station.... 

The End. for now