User blog:Shirley.R/Well Hello There!

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I just found this wiki through a search for walkthroughs, but my son has informed me that HE'S been coming here for ages! Well, it takes some of us old folks a while to catch on, lol. (I just turned 50, my son is 23).

I'd never done much gaming beyond Bejeweled and such. One year for my b-day my bf got me a Steam account & a game that had just come out & was getting VERY good reviews - PvZ. I was hooked! Still am; just started it over when I got the DS version with the new figure.

I also help run the DEVASTATION game tournament convention, and am badgering them for a PvZ Survival Endless one! One day....

Couldn't find where you saved your Zombatar? Starfish does not approve.