User blog:Snapdragon717/Top Ten Most Threatening Zombies in HttDR

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Highway to the Danger Room is notorius for its brutal difficulty, or its very quick difficulty curve. This is specifically by the portals that spawn. These portals appear closer as levels progress, and bring in more difficult zombies later on as well. In this list, I will be talking about the dangerous zombies you should be wary about in this endless zone. 

Disclaimer: Balloon Zombie, Newspaper Zombie, All-Star Zombie, etc. Are not accounted for. Gargantuars would certainly be high, as well as All-Star and Newspaper, while Balloon is moderate, and both Imps are harmless, same with the trio.

The entries will be listed based on their ability, toughness (health), speed, what levels they start to appear, and how threatening they are from certain positions.

Use this for reference

Honorable Mentions:

Jester Zombie2.png : This zombie limits the player from using a lot of plants in this endless zone, but other than that, it's relatively harmless if the player has the right plants and a defensive plant. And if the player has the right plants, the Jester acts like a Conehead Zombie with the addition of the Wizard and Knight in the Dark Ages Portal. Thus, making it an honorable mention.

Jetpack Zombie2.png / Bug Zombie2.png : They act very similar to Balloon Zombie, except Bug Zombie will go at normal walking speed and Jetpack Zombie will die in the air. In addition, they first appear in any level, as they're in the early tier for showing in their respective portals. Not to mention both of their speed. But, nevertheless, Blover will instantly shut them down. But they aren't as threatening as the other zombies on this list.

Poncho Zombie2.png : Probably the most threatening zombie to appear levels 10 and under, this can throw off the player, especially during the first few levels. However, it might not have its metal grate, so it could be harmless.

Shield Zombie2.png : Comes out a bit early, and can blocks projectiles, allowing zombies in 3 lanes to easily get close to the house. This guy is similar to the Jester.

Robo-Cone Zombie2.png : Hey look, all the Far Future ones are honorable mentions! Anyway, this is just a tanky machine you have to deal with later in the endless zone. Speaking of tanky enemies...

Knight Zombie2.png / Blockhead Zombie2.png / Jurassic Fossilhead2.png : Almost the same thing. All of them have a similar amount of health, with each of them starting to come out the same level. Knight can be dealt with Magnet-shroom, but he isn't worth the slot.

===10. Turquoise Skull Zombie2.png :===

This zombie takes time to load its attack, but when finished, it delivers a 4 tile path of destruction. This sounds very annoying, but because of its low health and level it starts to appear in, the player shouldn't worry about it killing much stuff.

===9. Pharaoh Zombie2.png :===

Similar to Newspaper Zombie, this has significantly more health, but after its sarcophagus is broken, it moves fast, but doesn't bite fast. This doesn't make a big threat due to its level they start spawning on. The player should have enough firepower to take them down easily.

===8. Barrel Roller Zombie2.png / Pianist Zombie2.png :===

Both come out and crush plants. Barrel Roller is a bit more tedious due to the Pirate Imps that come out. But both come out late in the endless zone and the player shouldn't worry too much on defeating them.

===7. Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png / Weasel Hoarder2.png :===

Both release animals that run fast, have low health, and can easily storm through defenses. However, they don't appear too early (levels 1-10), and by the time they come around, the player should have a plant that can easily deal with them. Besides, Dusk Lobber is pretty good at defeating them, but will need assist.

===6. Wizard Zombie2.png :===

Oddly, this zombie is a bit easier to deal with in this Endless Zone. You know the deal, turns plants into sheep, don't turn back until dead. Plus, he doesn't always zap a plant immediately, so you have some time to deal with him. However, if he comes out from the first set of portals, he can be rather troublesome.

===5. Octo Zombie2.png :===

Even more threatening than the Wizard Zombie. Now, you have to deal a lot of damage to kill the binded octopi. This may seem harmless, but the lawn can get pretty crowded with octopi if enough spawn.

===4. Surfer Zombie2.png :===

Basically, it's going to kill a plant/make a temporary tombstone onto the lawn. There are few ways to kill it without it having its surfboard being stuck on the ground, but the places that the portals spawn, you're bound to have the surfboard being jammed into the ground.

===3. Explorer Zombie2.png :===

You'd think this guy would be easy to deal with, with only a little health. However, this zombie you do not want at the beginning of a level. He will plow down an entire lane just by spawning. And surprisingly, most plants alone cannot kill it on its own. And judging that this is the beginning of the level, the player will probably not have a Winter Melon nor any ice plant on the lawn.

===2. Excavator Zombie2.png :===

High health, blocks forward shots, digs plants up and puts them behind him many tiles, can spawn as soon as level 11. You get what I mean. This guy is incredibly difficult to deal with, later on he might not be, but is definitely a big threat and nuisance.

===1. Boombox Zombie2.png :===

The obvious pick. He will stun every plant except Phat Beet and underground plants (which aren't good plants in this endless zone), and once he appears, basically it will activate. What's worse, multiple stacking their music so the stun lasts longer. The only thing to prevent this is to place down a defensive plant like Primal Wall-nut, but most zombies will destroy it quick.