User blog:TSRITW/The Rock of Classes 1: Pup Controlled

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I know, you want me to finish the Inkwell set, but unfortunately, I cannot think of a good idea for Djimmi the Great. However, 2018 is the year of the Dog-man, so I guess I'll be doing this instead.

Chapter 0: How it All Began

Professor Brainstorm: Hey, Dr. Zomboss! Dr. Zomboss! (trips over an Impfinity Clone) Dr. Zomboss!

Dr. Zomboss: What?

Professor Brainstorm: I have discovered a special rock which can give you EVERY. SINGLE. SUPERPOWER in the entire game!

Dr. Zomboss: WHAT!? REALLY!?

Professor Brainstorm: That's right! It's called "The Rock of Classes".

Dr. Zomboss: Mm-hmm.

Professor Brainstorm: Once you have it, you can perform superpowers such as Cut Down to Size, Super Stench, or even plant superpowers like Weed Whack!


Professor Brainstorm: Wait, didn't you make a truce with Crazy Dave four months ago?

Dr. Zomboss: Oh. Right. BUT STILL, I WANT TEH ROCK!

Professor Brainstorm: Well, the thing is... uhh...

Dr. Zomboss: What?

Professor Brainstorm: The Rock is actually broken and now all ten shards are in ten different dimensions.

Dr. Zomboss: WHAT THE-- YOOOUUUUU!!!!

Professor Brainstorm: It's actually broken since the beginning of time.

Dr. Zomboss: Ooookkkkaaaayyyy... FIND THE SHARDS! (pushes Professor Brainstorm into a portal which teleported him into the same dimension Dog Man was in, i.e. the graphic novel) "Broken since the beginning of time"... what kind of nonsense is that!? ALL BEASTLY HEROES!!!

Brain Freeze, Electric Boogaloo, Immorticia, and The Smash: Yeah?

Dr. Zomboss: Go with Brainstorm and find the shards!

Brain Freeze, Electric Boogaloo, Immorticia, and The Smash: SIR YES SIR! (enter the portal)

Dr. Zomboss: (sighs) Why do my heroes think that this is a military school?

Chapter 1: The Secret Meeting

Brain Freeze: This should be the place.

Electric Boogaloo: Yeah, 'cause it's time to BOOGIE!!!

Immorticia: (facepalms) We're not here to boogie. We're here to find the Beastly shard, whatever that is.

???: (from afar) Hmm... it's time. (takes off her mask and cloak)


Professor Brainstorm: (spawns inside the police station) Where am I?

Dog Man: (starts being very obnoxious)

Cop #1: HEY! STOP it, DOG Man! LeT GO!!! CUT it OUT!!!

Dog Man: (points at the calendar)

Cop #1: Hey, What's This? (realizes that it's the chief's birthday) ChieF's birthday is ToDay!!! LeT's have a ParTY! we can aLL help pLan it!!! CALLing ALL COPS!

Professor Brainstorm: Looks like I'm in the right place. (follows the cops)

(and so...)

Cop #2: I'LL make a card!

Professor Brainstorm: One that isn't too OP!

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm)

Professor Brainstorm: What?

Cop #3: I'LL baKe a caKe!

Professor Brainstorm: Already got one!

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm... again)

Professor Brainstorm: ...

Cops #4 and #5: We'LL do The decoraTions!!!

Professor Brainstorm: Can we not speak in mixed cases?

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm... yet again)

Professor Brainstorm: Okay, can you all stop staring at me? This is getting REALLY old.

Cop #1: Now aLL We need is presents!

Professor Brainstorm: Ehh... close enough.

Cop #4: What shouLd we geT him?

Cop #1: Hmmm --- chieF is aLways ForgetTing STUFF.

Cop #4: I know! Let's get him These "brain DoTs" TO make him smarTer!

Professor Brainstorm: EXCELLENT IDEA!

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm... for the fourth time)

Professor Brainstorm: Uhhh... I mean... eXceLLenT iDeA!!!!!!

Cop #1: Good Thinking! Wha+ eLse?

Everyone: Hmmm...

Cop #3: I Know! ChieF is very LoneLy.

Professor Brainstorm: First mixed cases, now bad grammar?

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm... for the fifth time)

Professor Brainstorm: No, seriously, it's getting old.

Cop #1: WhaT Kind oF PeT?

Professor Brainstorm: I'm no pet expert, but I can give you some ideas: a duck, a chicken, a lizard-

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm... for the sixth time)

Professor Brainstorm: FINE! STARE ALL YOU WANT!

All Cops: (stop staring at Professor Brainstorm)

Professor Brainstorm: Finally.

Cop #5: How about a Free Fish?

Cop #1: Good idea! Fish are awesome Pets.

Professor Brainstorm: Bad grammar again...

All Cops: (stare at Professor Brainstorm... for the seventh time)


Cop #4: ...and +hey aren'+ FiLthy and obnoxioUs Like dogS.

Professor Brainstorm: (whispering to Cop #4) You je-

Cop #4: (stares at Professor Brainstorm)

Professor Brainstorm: Okay, so it's just you?

Cop #1: OK, i+'s set+Led! Dog Man, I'm PuTTing YoU in charge of buying a fish! BuT Remember, Don'T buy a dead one! ChieF does NOT Like To RoLL around in dead fish. OnLy YOU Like +ha+! So DOn'+ buy a dead one!!!

Cop #4: Hey, we goTTa hurry! ChieF will be back in TWO minuTes!

Cop #1: Who wanTs To go To The Pet sTore?

Dog Man: (starts getting excited)

Cop #1: Who wanTs To buy a fish? Who's a good fish buyer???

Dog Man: (gets so excited he flips!)

FLip-O-Rama is

Easy if you know The ruLes:

FLiP it, don't rip it!

a haiku by Dog Man.


Cop #1: GO GET THE FISH!!!

Dog Man: (runs through the door)

Professor Brainstorm: (follows Dog Man)

Chief: Oh, hi Dog M-

Dog Man: (zooms past Chief)

Chief: HeY! (klunks) DOG MAN!!!

Chapter 2: Penelope(a)'s Pets

To be continued...


  • The way the people in the graphic novel speak is because it's exactly like that in the actual book.
    • Because of that, some of the T's are replaced with +'s.