User blog:TheBlueCreeper78/PVZ Heroes Card Ideas/Lost City

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Lost City Zombies

Zombie Cards (no tricks) inspired by Lost City zombies from PvZ2.

Adventurer Zombie

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Mustache Zombie
  • Rarity: Common
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png. Has 2 StrengthPvZH.png/3 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: None

Conehead Adventurer

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Mustache Zombie
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png. Has 2 StrengthPvZH.png/4 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: None

Buckethead Adventurer

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Mustache Zombie
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: Costs 3 BrainPvZH.png. Has 2 StrengthPvZH.png/5 PvZH Armored Icon.png
  • Traits: PvZH Armored Icon.png Armored 1
  • Abilities: None

Lost Pilot

  • ClassPvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky
  • Tribe: Mustache Professional Zombie
  • Rarity: Token
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png. Has 3 StrengthPvZH.png/3 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: None

Excavator Zombie

  • ClassPvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky
  • Tribe: Mustache Professional Zombie
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: Costs 4 BrainPvZH.png. Has 4 StrengthPvZH.png/3 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: Gravestone
  • Abilities: When revealed: Bounce an Environment and all Plants there.

Note: Basically the same as the Excavator Zombie coming in Triassic Triumph, but with a stat change.

Bug Zombie

  • ClassPvZH Beastly Icon.pngBeastly
  • Tribe: Pet Mustache Zombie
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 3 BrainPvZH.png. Has 3 StrengthPvZH.png/2 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: Levitate
  • Abilities: When destroyed: Make a Adventurer Zombie here.

Imp Porter

  • ClassPvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky
  • Tribe: Sports Imp Zombie
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: Costs 4 BrainPvZH.png. Has 3 StrengthPvZH.png/2 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: When played in an Environment: Destroy this Zombie and make an Adventurer's Tent here. When destroyed: Make an Adventurer's Backpack here.

Note: Will not make a Backpack when destroyed by the first ability.

Adventurer's Tent

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Sports Zombie
  • Rarity: Token
  • Stats: Costs 4 BrainPvZH.png. Has 0 StrengthPvZH.png/5 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: Start of turn: Make a random Adventurer in a random Lane.

Note: Can make a Adventurer Zombie, Conehead Adventurer, or Buckethead Adventurer.

Adventurer's Backpack

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Sports Zombie
  • Rarity: Token
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png. Has 0 StrengthPvZH.png/3 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: Team-Up
  • Abilities: None

Relic Hunter

  • ClassPvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy
  • Tribe: Mustache Pirate Zombie
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: Costs 4 BrainPvZH.png. Has 4 StrengthPvZH.png/4 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: Gravestone
  • Abilities: When revealed: This does a Bonus Attack. When this hurts the Plant Hero: Gain a random Idol.

Turquoise Skull Zombie

  • ClassPvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky
  • Tribe: Mustache Professional Zombie
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: Costs 4 BrainPvZH.png. Has 4 PvZH Star Strength Icon.png/3 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png Strikethrough, [[File:|20px|link=]] Deadly
  • Abilities: Start of turn: The Plant Hero loses 1 SunPvZH.png this turn. This gets +1 StrengthPvZH.png.

Note: Ability is the same as the version coming in Triassic Triumph.

Lost Guide

  • ClassPvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy
  • Tribe: Mustache Science Zombie
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: Costs 5 BrainPvZH.png. Has 3 StrengthPvZH.png/3 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: When played: Make Hidden Tunnels in each Ground Lane.

Lost Doctor

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: Mustache Professional Zombie
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Stats: Costs 6 BrainPvZH.png. Has 3 StrengthPvZH.png/5 HeartPvZH.png
  • Traits: None
  • Abilities: Start of turn: Heal a random Zombie and the Zombie Hero for 3. Plants here and next door get -2 StrengthPvZH.png

Lost City Tricks/Environments

Zombie tricks and environments inspired by Lost City features/zombies from PvZ2. I put them together because there's not many of them.

Parachute Rain

  • ClassPvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky
  • Tribe: Professional Trick
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Stats: Costs 3 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: Make 2 Lost Pilots in random Lanes.

Stormy Night

  • ClassPvZH Crazy Icon.pngCrazy
  • Tribe: Trick
  • Rarity: Super-Rare
  • Stats: Costs 4 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: Do 3 damage to each Plant and Zombie in a random Lane. All Plants get -1 StrengthPvZH.png this turn.

Windstorm Idol

  • ClassPvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky
  • Tribe: History Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: Move a Zombie. It gets PvZH Strikethrough Icon.png Strikethrough.

Laser Idol

  • ClassPvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy
  • Tribe: History Science Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: A Zombie gets PvZH Truestrike Icon.png Bullseye. It does a Bonus Attack.

Eclipse Idol

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: History Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: The Plant Hero gets -3 SunPvZH.png next turn. A Plant gets -1 StrengthPvZH.png.

Lightning Idol

  • ClassPvZH Crazy Icon.pngCrazy
  • Tribe: History Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: Do 3 damage. If the damage is done to a Plant, do 1 damage to Plants next door.

Absorption Idol

  • ClassPvZH Beastly Icon.pngBeastly
  • Tribe: History Gourmet Trick
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: A Zombie gets +2 StrengthPvZH.png/+2 HeartPvZH.png. Each plants there gets -2 StrengthPvZH.png/-2 HeartPvZH.png.

Boulder Traps

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: History Environment
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 3 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: When anything is played here: Gain a Rolling Stone.

Flame Traps

  • ClassPvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty
  • Tribe: History Environment
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Stats: Costs 3 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: When anything is played here: Do 2 damage to each Plant and Zombie here.

Hidden Tunnels

  • ClassPvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy
  • Tribe: History Science Environment
  • Rarity: Token
  • Stats: Costs 2 BrainPvZH.png.
  • Abilities: End of turn: Each Zombie here does a Bonus Attack.