User blog:Zombotanist/PvZ Heroes Plant Class idea

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Here's my idea for a potential sixth class for plants, first I'll explain it the way it would appear in-game and then I'll go into more detail. Lastly I'll mention some card ideas for this class.

(If you're interested, you can find my idea for a sixth zombie class here )


They pester foes by using entry damage, poison and lowering their stats!

Shady Heroes may use Shady cards.

Class icon is a cloud of smoke and the class color is dark blue.

Entry Damage (#): When a zombie enters this lane, deal (#) damage to it. (Gravestone zombies are immune to this)

Poison: That zombie takes 1 damage at the end of the turn. (Ignores armor and doesn't go away until the zombie dies)

Ok, so the main idea of the Shady class is that they inconvenience zombies, similar to the Smarty class, but instead of using bounce and freeze, they focus more in indirect ways of damage such as entry damage and poison. In other words, smarty incapacitates zombies to deal with them later, and shady deals with them consistently but slowly.

Entry damage serves 2 main purposes: First, it's a way for plants to counter zombie heroes playing zombies during the tricks phase, (Beam Me Up, Hail-a-Copter and Teleport), and second it's a way for plants to discourage the zombie hero from playing zombies in a certain lane, (in a way it can be compared to Deadly for the zombies).

Poison's main purpose is dealing with high health armored zombies, since plants don't have many ways of dealing with them other than bouncing them or destroying them directly.



Lil' Lime

Fruit Plant 

1 SunPvZH.png, 1 StrengthPvZH.png, 1 HeartPvZH.png

Basic, Common

As the youngest member of the citrus family, people don't have high expectations of her. But she'll show them. She'll show them all.


Mushroom Plant

SunPvZH.png, 1 HeartPvZH.png

Team-up. When destroyed: Poison a zombie here

Basic, Common

His silly demeanor hides a secret. In reality he's even sillier.

Rotten Apple

Fruit Plant

1 SunPvZH.png, 1 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

When a zombie is poisoned, that zombie gets -1 StrengthPvZH.png/-1 HeartPvZH.png

Basic, Common

He's tired of people always blaming him when a group fails. It's not his fault other people can't admit to their mistakes.


Weed Plant

2 SunPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

Team-up, Entry Damage 1

Basic, Common

One would assume he'd get tired of people stepping over him all the time, but he finds it relaxing. Almost like a massage. But to the one stepping over him it's more like bad acupuncture.


Mushroom Plant

2 SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

When this hurts a zombie, poison that zombie

Basic, Common

Some people struggle socially due to bad breath, but Goop-shroom has it worse. He's got a pretty severe case of acne.

Toxic Tomato

Fruit Trick


Poison a zombie

Basic, Common

People thought all tomatoes were safe to eat. Oh how wrong they were.


Fruit Plant

SunPvZH.png, 5 HeartPvZH.png

Team-up, Entry damage 1

Basic, Common

He's a hugger, to the dismay of all his friends.


Fruit Plant

3 SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

When a fruit is destroyed: Poison a zombie in that lane

Basic, Common

When he's found his target, he'll stop at nothing to bring them down. Believe it!

Vigorous Cantaloupe

Fruit Plant

4 SunPvZH.png, 4 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

Basic, Common

Once a heavyweight champ on his way to the big leagues, sadly it all came crashing down due to a rind injury.

Electric Currant

Berry Plant

6 SunPvZH.png, 3 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

Entry damage 2. When played: Make a 3 StrengthPvZH.png/3 HeartPvZH.png Currant Conductor with Entry damage 2. Plants in between them get Entry damage 2

Basic, Common

The two things he loves most are teamwork and the fundamental electromagnetic properties of matter.


Acid Lemon

Fruit Plant

3 SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

If there's a zombie with armored here: This gets +4 StrengthPvZH.png

Premium, Uncommon

He's always been jealous of zombies because he's too small to wear a bucket on his head. Now he takes his frustrations out on them. At least it's for a good cause.

Vampire Flower

Flower Plant

4 SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

At the end of the turn: A random zombie gets -1 StrengthPvZH.png/-1 HeartPvZH.png . This gets +1 StrengthPvZH.png/+1 HeartPvZH.png

Premium, Uncommon

She has a taste for zombies, but unlike Chomper she's found a way to enjoy her meals in a way that's less... messy.


Rocky Plant

4 SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

Team-up, Entry damage 2

Premium, Uncommon

He's rough. He's tough. And he spends his weekends working with elderly plants.


Fruit Plant

SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

When a Gravestone Zombie is revealed: Poison that zombie

Premium, Uncommon

He's always said "If zombies like gravestones so much, why don't they just stay in them?"

Overwhelming Onion

Bulb Trick

6 SunPvZH.png

Zombies here and next door get -2 StrengthPvZH.png/-2 HeartPvZH.png and are poisoned

Premium, Uncommon

If you can get past the smell, she's a pretty nice plant with lots of talents. No one believes her when she tells them that she has her own perfume business.


Corpse Flower

Flower Plant

5 SunPvZH.png, 3 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

When a poisoned zombie has 2 or less health: Destroy that zombie

Premium, Rare

She's best friends with Endurian, but she's happy staying as just friends. Other plants often tease them, if they can stand being so close to them that is.

Spoiled Starfruit

Fruit Plant

5 SunPvZH.png, 4 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

When played: All poisoned zombies get -2 StrengthPvZH.png/-2 HeartPvZH.png

Premium, Rare

Not nearly as cheerful or popular as his cousin Starfruit, but he doesn't let that get to him. He's his own plant and doesn't care what other people think of him.

Venom Melon

Fruit Plant

4SunPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

Splash damage 2. When this hurts a zombie, poison that zombie

Premium, Rare

He firmly believes that dialogue is the best way to resolve conflict. Throwing poisonous melons is a close second though.

Grim Repear

Fruit Plant

SunPvZH.png, 4 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

When a zombie is poisoned: Destroy that zombie

Premium, Rare

"I'm just doing those zombies a favor. I mean, nobody likes being poisoned and the sooner I'm done with them the sooner they'll be resting underground where they belong"


Tactical Cuke

Cucumber Trick


Destroy all zombies with 4 StrengthPvZH.png or less

Premium, Super Rare

"I'm just evening the playing field."


Fruit Plant

5 SunPvZH.png, 4 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

At the end of the turn: This gets +2 StrengthPvZH.png/+2 HeartPvZH.png for every poisoned zombie

Premium, Super Rare

Hasta la vista, zombie.

Danger Dragonfruit

Animal Fruit Plant

6 SunPvZH.png, 5 StrengthPvZH.png, 5 HeartPvZH.png

All fruits get Entry damage 2

Premium, Super Rare

"Us fruits have had enough of zombies stepping over us, it's time they learn what it's like being the ones receiving the pain"


Deadly Daffodil

Flower Plant

7SunPvZH.png, 6 StrengthPvZH.png, 6 HeartPvZH.png

When played: All zombies get -3 StrengthPvZH.png/-3 HeartPvZH.png and are poisoned

Premium, Legendary

The cute look is just a way to get the zombies when they least expect it. And it also helps with getting a date.

Killer Cactus

Cactus Plant

9 SunPvZH.png, 6 StrengthPvZH.png, 6 HeartPvZH.png

Entry damage 4. When a zombie is destroyed: This gets +1 StrengthPvZH.png/+1 HeartPvZH.png

Premium, Legendary

He's a little bit protective of his personal space.


Currant Conductor

Berry Plant

4 SunPvZH.png, 3 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

Entry damage 2. Plants between this and an Electric Currant get Entry damage 2


Does well on his own, but he really relies on his friends to get the flow going


Gas Cloud

Superpower Trick

2 random zombies get -1 StrengthPvZH.png/-1 HeartPvZH.png

Super Rare

Nothing like the smell of noxious emissions in the morning.

Decayed Harvest

Fruit Superpower Trick

Poison a zombie. Draw a card

Super Rare

One man's waste is another man's treasure. Still doesn't change the fact that it's waste

Barbed Weeds

Weed Superpower Trick

A plant gets Entry Damage 2

Super Rare

Perfect for keeping those pesky zombies out of where they shouldn't be


​Cacto Bandito 

Leads Guardian and Shady Plants.

Design: Based on Cactus, with his clothing being based on a Mexican bandit. (Yes I do know that Cactus is typically female but heroes can be a different gender, like Green Shadow.)

Main strategy: Building defenses with team-up and entry damage, and hitting with bullseye from behind.

Signature Superpower:

Sharp shot

Superpower Trick

A plant gets +2 StrengthPvZH.png and PvZH Truestrike Icon.png Bullseye.


His revolver only has one bullet left. Good thing he has an army of plants fighting for him instead.

Other Superpowers: Bubble Up, Gas Cloud and Barbed Weeds.

Lethal Stinger

Leads Kabloom and Shady Plants.

Design: Based on Poison Ivy, his clothes have a dark color scheme. More of an "anti-hero" look.

Main strategy: Keeping lanes clear with direct damage, entry damage and poison, then hitting hard with Anti-hero plants.

Signature Superpower:

Fatal Strike 

Leafy Superpower Trick

Destroy all damaged zombies on the ground.


He does what he does best, and that is destroying zombies by the dozen.

Other Superpowers: Meteor Strike, Decayed Harvest and Barbed Weeds.

Lieutenant Seeds

Leads Mega Grow and Shady Plants.

Design: Based on Melon-pult, costume based on a war general, complete with a watermelon rocket launcher on his back.

Main Strategy: Boosting plants while keeping zombies at bay by using poison and entry damage.

Signature Superpower:

Fruity Artillery

Fruit Superpower Trick

Do 4 damage to a zombie. Poison each zombie here and next door.


Getting seeds in this watermelon should be the least of your worries.

Other Superpowers: Embiggen, Gas Cloud and Decayed Harvest.

Leaping Bean Queen

Leads Smarty and Shady Plants.

Design: Based on Spring Bean, costume is based on royalty, complete with a staff, cape and crown.

Main Strategy: Bouncing zombies and then forcing them to get hurt via entry damage, all while making your own plants stronger.

Signature Superpower:

Royal Bounce

Bean Superpower Trick

Bounce all zombies played this turn. Draw a card.


She won't hesitate to use her political influence to get rid of zombies that trespass her borders.

Other Superpowers: Whirlwind, Transmogrify and Barbed Weeds.


Leads Solar and Shady Plants.

Design: Based on a Moonflower from PvZ2, design is in a way the opposite of Rose, instead of graceful and bright, she's gloomy and dark.

Main Strategy: Poisoning zombies, lowering their stats and destroying them outright, but she doesn't have too many strong plants.

Signature Superpower:

Lunar Eclipse

Flower Superpower Trick

All zombies get -1 StrengthPvZH.png/-1 HeartPvZH.png and are poisoned.


Little zombies shouldn't be out on the lawn so late at night.

Other Superpowers: Weed Whack, Gas Cloud and Decayed Harvest.

Credit and thanks:

Mr. Boss-inator : For the name for Pearminator, the names and abilities for Vampire Flower, Goop-shroom, Tactical Cuke and Ninjapple and for the ability for Danger Dragonfruit.

Rare Dandidoo : For the name for Li'l Lime.

CWJ-D : For the new name for the class and Gravefruit and for the name and ability for Corpse Flower.

Thinklogic : For the new slightly different effect for entry damage, (used to be: When a zombie is played here, do (#) damage to it).

If you have any sort of feedback please comment, as I'd like to make this idea into something everyone likes, possibly even sending it to PopCap once the game's released.