User blog:Zombotanist/PvZ Heroes Zombie Class idea

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Here's my idea for a potential sixth class for zombies, first I'll explain it the way it would appear in-game and then I'll go into more detail. Lastly I'll mention some card ideas for this class.

(If you're interested you can find my idea for a sixth plant class here )


They perturb their opponents by petrifying them, using illusions and having Afterlife!

Scary Heroes may use Scary cards.

Class icon is some claw marks and the class color is dark red.

Petrify: That plant skips its next attack. (Basically the same function as freezing)

Illusion: When this is played: Create a fake decoy on another lane. 

Ok, the main purpose of the Scary class is to keep the plants guessing, since they have to predict your strategy in order to counter it effectively, but it does so without making it too easy for the zombies, because if you don't play your cards right the plants will easily figure out your strategy and counter it.

Petrify is a way to allow the zombies to use freezing, (while letting Brain Freeze's signature superpower stay unique). Freeze is one of the strongest tools plants have, so it's only fair that zombies get access to its benefits as well.

Illusions work in the following way: When you play a zombie with Illusion you first play the real zombie on a lane and then choose an unoccupied lane to place the decoy, (Plants see the real zombie and the decoy being placed at the same time). Decoys do no damage and have no health, and if the plants hit a decoy it just disappears and the hit goes through, attacking the zombie hero, also if the real zombie is destroyed, the decoy disappears too. This offers an interesting dinamic, since it puts plants on a tough spot where they have to decide how they'll deal with both the real zombie and the decoy, potentially benefitting the zombies by allowing a powerful zombie to be free to attack on an unprotected lane or it can benefit the plants by letting them hit through a decoy with a powerful plant.



Toilet Paper Mummy

Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 1 StrengthPvZH.png, 1 HeartPvZH.png

Basic, Common

He's not wearing a costume, he just has a small bladder and likes to be prepared.

Li'l Devil (An imp in one of those silly devil costumes)

Imp Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png


Basic, Common

He bought this costume at a dollar store for a Halloween party and his life hasn't been the same ever since.

Actor Zombie (Looks like a classic Shakespearean actor)

Professional History Zombie

1 BrainPvZH.png, 1 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

When a decoy disappears: This gets +2 StrengthPvZH.png/+2 HeartPvZH.png

Basic, Common

"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow with a most delectable brain."

Terrifying Howl

Monster Trick


Petrify a plant

Basic, Common

Nothing like a good scream to get those pesky plants shaking on their roots with fear.

Change of Scene



Move a zombie. Make a decoy of that zombie

Basic, Common

"Cut! Could someone get the stunt double in here please? Let them handle the plants."

Mirror Zombie

Professional Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 1 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

When a zombie is played: Make a decoy of that zombie

Basic, Common

Hates having to carry a heavy mirror everywhere, but his love of shiny things makes it all worth it.

Hunchback of Notre Mort

Monster Zombie

3 BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

Gravestone. When revealed: Petrify all plants here

Basic, Common

Being condemned by society isn't a really big deal to him considering he's a zombie. Being condemned by his fellow zombies on the other hand...

Scarecrow Zombie

Pet Monster Zombie (Has a few crows sitting on his shoulder, that's why he's in the pet tribe)

BrainPvZH.png, 3 StrengthPvZH.png, 4 HeartPvZH.png

When a monster zombie does damage to a plant: Petrify that plant.

Basic, Common

"Being pestered by crows all day isn't even the worst part of the job. Do you have any idea how itchy hay is?"

Somewhat Invisible Zombie (His body is invisible, but not his clothes)

Trying Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 3 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

Illusion. If this zombie's decoy disappears: This gets +2StrengthPvZH.png/+2 HeartPvZH.png

Basic, Common

His invisible outfit is at the dry cleaner's.

Medusa Zombie

History Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 4 StrengthPvZH.png, 5 HeartPvZH.png

Gravestone. When revealed: Petrify all Plants here and next door

Basic, Common

You would not believe how hard it is for her to find a veterinarian that can give her a good haircut.


Werewolf Zombie (Looks like a regular zombie when played, but after his ability activates he turns into a classic werewolf)

Pet Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 1 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

At the end of the turn that this is played: Petrify all plants here. This gets +3 StrengthPvZH.png

Premium, Uncommon

Hates having to wear a flea collar everywhere, he finds it embarrassing. On the other hand he's totally fine going to the bathroom anywhere

Swamp Creature Zombie

Pet Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 1 HeartPvZH.png

Amphibious. When a plant is played here: Petrify that plant.

Premium, Uncommon

His favorite sport? Hiking.

Gooey Zombie

Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

Illusion. Afterlife.

Premium, Uncommon

Saves over $100 on sunscreen each year.

Ghost Hunter Zombie

Professional Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 3 HeartPvZH.png

When a decoy is created: This gets +2 StrengthPvZH.png/+2 HeartPvZH.png

Premium, Uncommon

Who you gonna call? Someone else probably. He's admittedly not very good at his job.

Cursed Talisman

History Trick


All decoys become real.

Premium, Uncommon

Contrary to what you may think, you can probably find one of these at your local hardware store.


Clown Zombie

Professional Party Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

Gravestone. When you play a trick: Petrify a random plant

Premium, Rare

After getting booed at a young Wall-Nut's birthday party, he swore to get revenge on those plants.


Monster Gargantuar Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 6 StrengthPvZH.png, 7 HeartPvZH.png

When a Gargantuar is played: Petrify all plants on that lane

Premium, Rare

To make your own Gargentstein you'll first need the finest Gargantuar cuts. Then you just stitch them back together.

Director Zombie

Professional Mustache Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 5 HeartPvZH.png

At the start of the turn: Transform another random zombie into a random monster zombie

Premium, Rare

Has a real talent for seeing the potential in every zombie he meets. Sadly he sees potential to be a gruesome monster in every one of them.

Skeleton Zombie(Like the ones from the Lawn of Doom piñata parties in PvZ2)

Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

Afterlife. When played: Petrify all plants here.

Premium, Rare

Always loved dressing up as a skeleton on Halloween. Turning into a zombie hasn't stopped him


Camera Operator Zombie

Professional Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 3 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

When a decoy disappears: Petrify all plants on that lane.

Premium, Super Rare

Lights! Camera! Brains!

Necromancer Wizard

Wizard Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 5 StrengthPvZH.png, 6 HeartPvZH.png

All Monster zombies have Afterlife

Premium, Super Rare

Has always found death to be a major inconvenience for his plans, so he just had to find a way around it.

{Small clarification: The synergy card for a certain tribe doesn't necessarily need to be part of the tribe itself, as shown by Torchwood}

Sneaking Poltergeist

Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 5 StrengthPvZH.png, 5 HeartPvZH.png

Illusion. If this zombie's decoy is destroyed: Switch lanes with another zombie

Premium, Super Rare

He's good at what he does, but he's also a bit of a coward.


Count Alucorpse (Name based on Alucard, aka Dracula's son)

Monster Mustache Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 5 StrengthPvZH.png, 5 HeartPvZH.png

When this hurts the plant hero: Petrify all plants

Premium, Legendary

He's always believed that plants would make much better statues than fighters.

Zombot Dark Dragon

Monster Science Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 6 StrengthPvZH.png, 6 HeartPvZH.png

When a plant is hurt: Petrify it. When a plant is petrified: All zombies get +1 StrengthPvZH.png

Premium, Legendary

A classic Zomboss design. The flamethrower inside its mouth was revolutionary for its time.


Pharaoh's Sphinx

Pet Monster Zombie

BrainPvZH.png, 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png

When this destroys a plant: Heal your hero for 2 HeartPvZH.png


The hardest part of having a Sphinx as a pet is having to answer a riddle everytime you want to feed it.


Forbidden Ritual

Superpower Trick

A decoy becomes real. Draw a card

Super Rare

It became forbidden when it was found that its creator had been evading taxes for over a decade.

Grail of Immortality

Superpower Trick

A zombie gets Afterlife. That zombie costs 2 BrainPvZH.png less next time you play it

Super Rare

*Immortality may only last until death.

Unnerving Scream

Superpower Trick

Petrify all plants with 2 StrengthPvZH.png or less

Super Rare

An effective way to get those plants to stop right on their tracks.



Leads Beastly and Scary Zombies.

Design: Classic Werewolf design, but with the human parts replaced with zombie features.

Main strategy: Petrifying and destroying plants, while doing damage with Frenzy and strong zombies.

Signature Superpower: 

Full Moon Howl

Pet Superpower Trick

A zombie gets +2 StrengthPvZH.png and Frenzy. Petrify all plants in that lane.


Nothing gets the blood pumping like a good howl. Or it would if zombies had blood.

Other Superpowers: Evaporate, Galvanize and Unnerving Scream

​Doctor Two-Face 

Leads Brainy and Scary Zombies.

Design: This hero is based on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and he has two different appearances: One he has at the start of the battle and another one for after he uses his signature superpower. The first one is designed after a regular scientist, lanky and kind of awkward. The second one he appears more like a brute, almost like a Gargantuar, but smaller.

Main strategy: Overwhelming plants with tricks and surprising them with Illusions and playing zombies during the tricks phase.

Signature Superpower:

Mad Metamorphosis

Science Superpower Trick

Transform a zombie into a random zombie that costs in-between 2 and 4 BrainPvZH.png. You get +1BrainPvZH.png for the rest of the game.


Doctor Two-Face's motto is always showing your true self. Either that or becoming a giant unstoppable monster

Other Superpowers: Summoning, Forbidden Ritual and Grail of Immortality.

Major Explosion

Leads Scary and Crazy Zombies.

Design: He's based on the Foot Soldier, with diffrent kinds of explosives covering a lot of his uniform. He's also missing an arm, which has been replaced with a rocket launcher.

Main strategy: Petrifying plants so his super strong zombies can destroy said plants while staying alive to overwhelm the plant hero.

Signature Superpower:

Rocket Strike

Professional Superpower Trick

Do 3 damage to a plant. Petrify all plants here and next door.


Major Explosion likes the simple things in life. A cup of good coffee in the morning. Reading a good book. Destroying plants by using a rocket launcher.

Other Superpowers: Unnerving Scream, Grail of Immortality and Electrobolt.


Leads Scary and Hearty Zombies.

Design: Based on a mummy and Cleopatra. She has lots of jewellery and one of those crowns Cleopatra is usually depicted with.

Main Strategy: Use Illusions to confuse your opponent so you can keep your super strong zombies alive while they get even stronger.

Signature Superpower:

Pharaoh's Sphinx:

Make a 2 StrengthPvZH.png, 2 HeartPvZH.png Zombie Sphinx that says: "When this destroys a plant: Heal your hero for 2 HeartPvZH.png"


Cleospectra believes that it's incredibly important to take your Sphinx out for a walk everyday.

Other Superpowers: Forbidden Ritual, Heroic Health and Possessed.

Baron Von Bats

Leads Scary and Sneaky Zombies.

Design: Same as in PvZ: GW and GW2.

Main Strategy: Hampering with plants by using Gravestones, Illusions and Deadly.

Signature Superpower:

Vampiric Teleportation

Monster Superpower Trick

Move a zombie. It gets + 2 StrengthPvZH.png. Make a decoy of that zombie.


Most people think that Baron Von Bats' teleporting abilities come from him being a vampire, but he actually learnt them at a young age to fulfill his dream of becoming a magician.

Other Superpowers: Forbidden Ritual, Unnerving Scream and Super Stench.

If you have any sort of feedback please comment, as I'd like to make this idea into something everyone likes, possibly even sending it to PopCap once the game's released.