User blog comment:AStranger195/My Strategy/@comment-4647769-20130409203041

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Not bad for a first try, but assuming this is Survival Endless, I have a few criticisms.  Hope this isn't too harsh, one of my first strategies was much worse than this.  Though why did you use Sun-shrooms?  For fun?

1. Spikerocks.  If you put them that far up, they'll get overwhelmed faster than you can replace them.

2. Garlic.  Again, the inner rows especially are going to get overwhelmed by Gargantuars and Zombonis, which won't think twice about crushing your Garlic.

3. Gatling Pea/Torchwood.  I know they're powerful, but first of all, without Torchwoods, Gatling Peas can only damage one zombie at a time.  Which won't do much against 3 Gargantuars in one lane.  With Torchwoods, you'd better pile a bunch of Gatling Peas in that lane, as other plants won't be as powerful due to not being able to slow down zombies.  Also be extra-wary of Zombonis, Ladder Zombies, and Screen Door Zombies, firepeas do exactly what normal peas do to them.  I highly suggest using Winter Melons instead to slow down zombies for long enough for the plants to do more damage to them.

4. Magnet-shrooms, amazing as they are in Adventure and the other Survival modes, are almost useless in Endless, due to the ridiculous zombie density.  They'll only be able to remove a few Football Zombies' helmets, which won't really help all that much.

5. Spikerocks are great against Diggers, but they don't do anything against Imps.  Not a criticism, just something to be careful of.  And, trust me, the Umbrella Leaves are going to be more useful for Catapult Zombies than Bungees.

6. Only 2 Twin Sunflowers probably aren't enough to keep up with all the Spikerock/Pumpkin replacement this strategy in its current form would need.