User blog comment:Bdejean/1 Cob/@comment-4618066-20120419151958/@comment-4647769-20130913181259

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Far into Survival Endless, the zombie density gets fairly ridiculous. Eventually, it gets to the point where plants that only damage a single zombie (Peashooters, Snow Peas, Scaredy-shrooms, Gatling Peas, and the like) are practically useless. The only reason I can get away with Gatling Peas is because flaming peas, unless they're hitting Zombonis, Ladder Zombies, Screen Door Zombies, or Catapult Zombies, deal splash damage.

Two more minor details.

1. A freeze-based top row would probably be fairly inefficient unless it's a standard, Gloom/Freeze/Fume-based row. I felt like using a Gatling-based top row, so that's out.

2. It actually wouldn't be too much more efficient, as Flaming Peas only unfreeze the zombie they hit, and not the ones which get hit by the splash damage. The ones behind it get frozen by the Winter Melons in the adjacent row, so it would only slow down the front zombie anyway.

So I grealy applaud you on your cleverness, but the constraints of Survival Endless make it counterproductive.