User blog comment:Crazyzombie168/what plant will you play as more in plants vs zombies garden warfare?/@comment-

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h8ers, im only gonna say this once, STOP HATING!!! like Popcap said, every game needs to spread its wings and grow! your like cavemen, " OOH, ME NO LIKE CHANGE! CHANGE BAD!!! *smashes computer displaying pvzgw footage* CAVEMAN SMASH!!!" (thank you, YouTube, for that comment) 1 year later PvZGW fans are going to be more skilled and advanced, and well look at you cavemen trying to make fire and laugh. im looking foward to it more than pvz2, actually. its a shooter/tower defense 3d game featuring new plants and zombiez. if this were twitter i would say #StopHating! or somthing. go hate on something else, please.

The anti-h8ing fan