User blog comment:Drek'TharSuperSword/PvZ puzzle by me/@comment-15261952-20131007130005

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1. Blover

2. Lily pad, Tangle kelp, Sea-shroom and cattail

3. a pop-up that says: THE ZOMBIES ATE YOUR BRAINS!! appeared.

4. waste 25 sun for no reason and waste 1 seed packet.

5. you got the twin sunflower trophy, and the achievement "Nobel peas prize" if Goty, Android dll. version.

6. you can't plant in row 2 column 6 and row 2 column 8.

7. Peashooter zombie, Wall-nut zombie, Squash zombie, Jalapeno zombie, Tall-nut zombie, Gatling pea zombie and Giga-gargantuar.

8. sunflower, puff-shroom, sun-shroom, sea-shroom, twin sunflower and all imitater version of them.

9. They asleep

10. Sun-shroom.